emotional intelligence is clearly related to which course hero

by Maudie Feeney 5 min read

What chapter is on course for emotional intelligence?

On Course- Chapter 8: Developing Emotional Intelligence STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by puffdaddy206 Key Concepts: Terms in this set (65)

What is the foundation of emotional intelligence?

Knowing your feelings in the moment. Being aware of one's own feelings as they occur is the foundation of emotional intelligence and is fundamental to effective decision making. Example of Emotional Self-Awareness

What are the four components of emotional intelligence?

Four components of emotional intelligence emotional self-awareness, emotional self-management, social awareness, and relationship management Daniel Goleman author of the book Emotional Intelligence and also identified the four components that contribute to emotional effectiveness. Emotional Self-Awareness and Emotional Self-Management

How do you demonstrate emotional intelligence and reduce stress?

demonstrate emotional intelligence, effectively reduce stress, and create happiness Demonstrating emotional intelligence is using feelings as a compass for staying on course to their goals and dreams Effectively reducing stress is managing and soothing emotions of upset such as anger, fear, and sadness Creating happiness

What is the principle of emotional intelligence?

A fundamental principle of emotional intelligence is: Never make an important decision while experiencing strong emotions. Developing emotional wisdom will. fuel your motivation, help you successfully negotiate emotional storms, and enhance your chances of creating your greatest goals and dreams. Eustress.

What is the role of strong feelings in a person?

Managing strong feelings. Enables people to make wise decisions despite the pull of powerful emotions. People wait until their inner storm has calmed and then make considered choices that contribute to their desired outcomes and experiences.

What are some examples of emotional self management?

Example of Emotional Self-Management. helps you resist dropping an important class simply because you got angry at the teacher and it also helps you make a choice that offers delayed benefits (e.g., writing term paper) in place of a choice that promises instant gratification (e.g., attending a party).

How to become more attuned to your emotions?

Steps toward becoming more attuned to your own emotions. build a vocabulary of feelings, be mindful of emotions as they are happening, understand what is causing your emotion, and recognize the difference between a feeling and resulting actions. A fundamental principle of emotional intelligence is:

What is empathy and compassion?

Those with empathy and compassion are more attuned to the subtle social signals that reveal what others need or want.

Why is it important to know your feelings?

Knowing your feelings in the moment. Being aware of one's own feelings as they occur is the foundation of emotional intelligence and is fundamental to effective decision making. helps you deal effectively with feeling overwhelmed instead of using a distraction (tv, social media) as a temporary escape.

Where did the happiness research take place?

took place in Lincoln, Nebraska. Research on happiness. has revealed that happy people on average are more productive, likeable, active, friendly, helpful, resilient, and creative. They tend to be healthier, have better relationships, earn higher salaries, and even liver longer.
