emotional contagion occurs when course hero

by Chauncey Gottlieb 4 min read

What is emotional contagion?

Emotional contagion is a phenomenon where the observed behavior of one individual leads to the reflexive production of the same behavior by others. These “copiers” then feel the same emotions of the person who made the original behavior change (Panksepp and Lahvis, 2011).

What causes emotional contagion According to Hatfield?

However, Hatfield (1993) offers several propositions as to the causes of emotional contagion, and believes that the causes of emotional contagion are more “subtle, automatic, and ubiquitous than previous theorists have supposed.” Hatfield outlines two main mechanisms: mimicry and feedback.

What is an example of contagion in psychology?

Emotional contagion, first characterized by Elaine Hatfield, describes how people who observe the emotions and behaviors of another tend to copy those emotions and behaviors. For instance, when someone smiles happily around others, those around them are more likely to smile and feel happy.

Does emotional contagion affect performance and burnout?

Individual differences in emotional contagion of salespersons: Its effect on performance and burnout. Psychology & Marketing, 14 (6), 617-636.

What causes emotional contagion?

Emotional contagion can be triggered by facial expressions, indirect human interactions, and/or by observing other people's behavior in direct and indirect interactions.

What does emotional contagion mean?

Emotional contagion refers to a phenomenon of an automatic adoption of an emotional state of another person.

What is the emotional contagion Scale?

The Emotional Contagion Scale (ECS) is a self-report scale used to measure individual differences in susceptibility to converge towards the emotions expressed by others.

What effect does emotional contagion have on the communication process *?

What effect does emotional contagion have in the communication process? It provides feedback to the sender that the receiver understands and empathizes with the message.

What is emotional contagion quizlet?

Emotional Contagion- tendency to feel and express emotions similar to and influenced by those of other; also the phenomenon of one person's negative thoughts or anxiety affecting another person's mood.

Which of the following is an example of emotional contagion?

Examples of implicit emotional contagion could be a smile that brightens up someone else's day or the sound of a child's laughter that puts you in a good mood. Social media can also be considered a type of implicit emotional contagion.

How do you test for emotional contagion?

To assess emotional contagion, repetitive measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted on the self-reported experiences. Happy faces induced more happiness (M ± SD, 3.632 ± 0.827), while angry faces induced more anger (7.197±1.000), F(1, 29) = 150.270, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.838.

What was the emotional contagion experiment?

The aim of the research was to test the hypothesis that users would experience emotional contagion – that is, if they perceived others as posting more negatively they would post more negatively, and if they perceived others as posting more positively they would post more positively.

Why is emotional contagion important in organization?

In addition to shedding light on how group emotion is created, there is evidence that emotional contagion has a powerful impact on group dynamics through its influence on individual emotions and the affective convergence of the group toward particular emotions.

What effect does emotional contagion have on the communication process quizlet?

What effect does emotional contagion have on the communication process? It distorts the communication process and causes dissatisfaction to all the parties involved.

What is communication contagion?

While contagion literally means “through touch” and is commonly used to explain the spread of diseases, in communication, it means the social transmission, by contact, of ideas, culture and behaviours. It assumes that social transmission can occur from mere touch or contact with culture.

What is Emotional Contagion?

Is it true that emotions are contagious? We've all heard that laughter is contagious. And misery loves company. These and other similar anecdotes are describing emotional contagion. Emotional contagion is when people respond to and eventually begin to adopt the emotional state they see in other people. This is also called mood contagion.

Types of Emotional Contagion

There are different ways to elicit emotional contagion. Some ways are deliberate, and others are not.

Why Are Emotions Contagious?

Are you smiling because you are happy or are you happy because you are smiling? That is the basis of facial feedback hypothesis. This hypothesis states that not only do we smile because we are happy, but we may be happy because we are smiling. Having a smile on your face can increase your happiness even when you start to feel sad.

Three Stages of Emotional Contagion

Experts have identified the 3 stages of how emotional contagion occurs:

The Effects of Contagious Emotions

Recognizing emotions in other people is a key component to successful social interactions. When a parent and baby smile at each other, chemicals are released into the body that makes both feel happy and safe. Babies as young as 2 months old learn to smile to engage with their caregivers.
