each of the following is under the control of the president ultimately except which one course hero

by Breanne Kling 7 min read

Who chooses the president in the electoral college?

When did the Supreme Court make the federal government stronger?

Do states have equal say in choosing the president?

Do presidents have more power than they have today?

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View pols210 week 4 quiz.docx from POLS 210 at American Military University. Quiz Submissions - Week 4 Quiz Attempt 1 Written: Dec 26, 2020 2:07 PM - Dec 26, 2020 2:17 PM Submission View Your quiz

POLS210 week 4 quiz - Which is an unofficial power of the...

View Test Prep - POLS210 week 4 quiz from POLS 210 at Columbia Southern University. Which is an unofficial power of the president? A.Pardon convicted criminals. B.Gain popular support by making

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Which of the following is not a duty of the US president? a ... - BRAINLY

The US president does not determine the constitutionality of the laws: this is the task of the Supreme Court. This has to do with the separation of powers: the president belongs to the executive branch so he has different tasks and the constitutionality of laws is checked by the judicial branch.

Who controls the bureaucracy?

d. Congress controls the bureaucracy because it has the power to fire agency heads after oversight hearings and for cause

Why is there so little control over the bureaucracy?

c. There is very little control over the bureaucracy because agencies make regulations that have the force of law.

How are bureaucrats hired?

e. most bureaucrats are hired after competing for their jobs through a process administered by the Office of Personnel and Management.

Who chooses the president in the electoral college?

States and Washington DC hold popular elections to choose electors for the Electoral College, and then the Electoral College chooses the president.

When did the Supreme Court make the federal government stronger?

in 1937 the supreme court laid the ground work for a stronger federal government by issuing a number of decisions that...

Do states have equal say in choosing the president?

States have equal say in choosing the president.

Do presidents have more power than they have today?

Presidents wield more power than today than in the past.
