during the course of this selection douglass shows how he

by Prof. Maynard Jast 7 min read

In the first paragraph of this selection, Douglass explains that his purpose is to — show how a slave was made a man While fanning wheat, Douglass collapses because — the heat and work has made him ill Douglass leaves the plantation to — get help from Master Thomas, his owner

Full Answer

What happens to Douglass while he is fanning wheat?

While fanning wheat for Covey in August of 1833, Douglass collapses from heat exhaustion and is unable to continue working.

What is Douglass's purpose for writing identify three events in this selection that help him achieve his goal?

He relates three events that help him achieve his goal: his mistress teaching him to read, his further pursuit of instruction from “all the little white boys,” and the acquisition of certain reading materials that encouraged his own thoughts and feelings about slavery. locate the pronouns I, me, and my in the text.

What did Frederick Douglass do quizlet?

Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist. He escaped slavery by dressing as a sailor and taking a train to New York. He also helped others escape slavery by being a CONDUCTOR on the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD. He created many abolitionist newspapers.

What is the main message of Douglass's speech quizlet?

it made the right of a slave owner to his slave even stronger. The American Congress made the whole nation an unsafe place for slaves. Douglass believes that only American Congress would have the boldness to put into motion such a horrible law. He also thinks that it is a disgrace against Christian Liberty.

What does Douglass reveal as is his purpose and point of view what explanation does he give for his purpose?

Explanation. His purpose and point of view is representing the many African-Americans bound in servitude across the United States.

What is Douglass's purpose for writing identity?

His purpose for writing was to express his thoughts and feelings on slavery and education.

How did Frederick Douglas escape slavery?

Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery on September 3, 1838, aided by a disguise and job skills he had learned while forced to work in Baltimore's shipyards. Douglass posed as a sailor when he grabbed a train in Baltimore that was headed to Philadelphia.

What did freedom mean to Douglass?

Douglass believed that freedom of speech was essential to abolitionism. Douglass believed that his own path to freedom had begun with his own literacy, and he was convinced that the spread of literacy and the exercise of freedom of speech and assembly was essential to the success of abolitionism.

How did Frederick Douglass famously define racism?

How did Douglass famously define racism? He defined it as a diseased imagination. 12. What did Douglass do during the Civil War?

What is the main message of Douglass's speech?

Throughout this speech, as well as his life, Douglass advocated equal justice and rights, as well as citizenship, for blacks. He begins his speech by modestly apologizing for being nervous in front of the crowd and recognizes that he has come a long way since his escape from slavery.

What is Douglass speech about and how does he feel about it common lit?

Fredrick Douglas speech "What to the slave is the fourth of July?" he praises and respects the founding fathers. He agrees with how they included "life, liberty and the pursue of happiness" in the declaration of independence.

Which answer choice best summarizes Douglass's response to this individual?

Which answer choice best summarizes Douglass's response to this individual? He claims that the reasons to oppose slavery are so obvious that no argument is needed.