driving safety course online how long nj

by Queenie Denesik 5 min read

SafeMotorist's New Jersey Online Defensive Driving course makes it simple to avoid point penalties after a traffic ticket and save money on your auto insurance rate. The six-hour course is 100% online and approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for point and insurance reduction.

How long is a defensive driving course in New Jersey?

All online defensive driving courses approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJ MVC) are required to be no less than 6 hours. This course fulfills that requirement. Our course is fully narrated, providing an easier user-experience than other courses that require reading through content or which charge an additional fee for narration.

Is the text driving course available in New Jersey?

AAA’s fee-based Online Defensive Driving course is a self-paced program computer course. Participants create a username and login, once logged in participants have up to 30 days to complete the course. AAA members receive a discount when enrolling in the online course. Online Defensive Driving Course - NJ Interactive, user-friendly and self-paced.

What is a mature driver course in New Jersey?

This course is required by New Jersey law to span 6 hours in length. To comply with this law, we (and all other online defensive driving schools) are required to …

What is an online driving safety course?

11D Brookside Heights. Wanaque, NJ 07465. Walter Mann. 973-650-2375. DTA Program for Driver Improvement Driver Training Association, Inc. 433 Broadway - Suite 202 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Bill Crounse. 1-800-243-2196. American Safety Institute, Inc.

How long does NJ defensive driving course take?

six hoursThe New Jersey Defensive Driving course is a six-hour course and will take you a minimum of six hours to complete.

What is the 6-hour driving course NJ?

The 6-Hour New Jersey Defensive Driving Online Course helps you eliminate points on your driving record. It also helps you qualify for reduced insurance premiums. Sign up for the course today. American Safety Institute's 6-Hour Defensive Driving Course in New Jersey motivates you to make real progress.

How do I take the defensive driving course in NJ?

You can complete a defensive driving course online or in-person in the state of New Jersey. The course however must be certified by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for you to be eligible for point reduction.

How many times can you take the defensive driving course in NJ?

How often can I take the New Jersey Defensive Driving course for point reduction? You can take the course once every five years to reduce two points from your driving record.

Is NJ defensive driving course online?

The six-hour course is 100% online and approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for point and insurance reduction.

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... IDriveSafely.com has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a DriversEd.com Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•Dec 21, 2021

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

How much does a defensive driving course lower your insurance NJ?

between 5% and 10%Lower your auto insurance premium!- Any auto insurance provider in New Jersey is required to offer a discount to any policy holder that completes a defensive driving course. The discount, which is usually between 5% and 10% lasts for three years and can be renewed for continuous savings.

What is defensive driving course online?

Defensive Driving Course Online (4-hour and 2-hour course) The course presents real-life driving situations, hazard recognition scenarios and defensive driving techniques to motivate drivers to change risky driving habits and behaviors to avoid collisions and traffic violations.

How long do points stay on your license in NJ?

Points stay on your license indefinitely in New Jersey, and accumulating more than 12 points will result in a suspended license. If you stay violation free for one year, however, you can earn point reductions by taking driving courses approved by the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission.Sep 28, 2021

How much do driving lessons cost in NJ?

Expect classroom driver training between $30 and $180. Actual road training runs between $50 and $150 per session. Most driving schools offer an all-inclusive package between $200 and $800. The testing vehicle should have air bags and an adjustable steering column, while being no more than four years old.

Can you pay to remove points from driving Licence in NJ?

NJ Point Reduction Before you reach 6 points, you can reduce the number of points on your drivers license by 2 points when you complete the NJ defensive driving course which is available online for $49.00.

Discounted Rates for AAA Members

Sharpen your driving skills and qualify for up to 10% off your auto insurance* with the AAA defensive driving course in NJ. Available to members and non-members, this six-hour program is approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and conveniently offered in the classroom, virtually and online.

In-person classes now available in select locations!

Following all state and CDC guidelines, we are returning to in-person classes. Register to view the schedule and find a class near you today!

How long is a driver's license probationary in New Jersey?

Drivers that are issued a driver's license permit for the first time are probationary drivers and will have to serve a two-year probationary period. While in the probationary period, drivers who are convicted of two or more moving violations with a total of four or more points, will receive a Fee Due notice to pay for and enroll in the Probationary Driver Program to correct improper or dangerous driving practices. This program is a four-hour classroom program provided by approved New Jersey-licensed providers throughout the state. Up to three points will be removed from your driving record if you successfully complete the program. A $75 administrative fee payable to the MVC is required prior to scheduling a class with a New Jersey-licensed provider. Drivers will be required to pay an additional training fee to the provider for the classroom instruction.

What is defensive driving?

Most road accidents are caused by driver error. To reduce the likelihood of being involved in an accident you need to understand the concept of “defensive driving.”. This course will provide you with standard accident-preventing techniques. Upon completion of the defensive driving course:

How often do you get a 2 point reduction?

Check with course providers before registering. You may only receive a two point reduction once every 5 years and only if there are points on your driving record at the time you complete the course. You may also qualify for an insurance rate reduction (contact your insurance agent for more information).

Is defensive driving a voluntary course?

The defensive driving course is a voluntary course. If you received a notice in the mail from the MVC giving you an option to take a Driver Improvement Program, or a notice to take the Probationary Driver Program, please read above content under Remedial Driver Programs for details.

Does NTSI help with driving?

To satisfy a court order. A New Jersey online driving course through NTSI can help prevent added points to your driving record. Courts sometimes require drivers who have committed a driving offense to attend traffic school in order to learn techniques for becoming safer drivers.

Is NTSI a defensive driving school?

NTSI has a long history of providing New Jersey defensive driving courses help individuals understand the consequences of their behavior on the road. Online traffic school makes it easy to take traffic school courses online so you can get the credit you need without taking time away from your busy schedule.

What happens if you fail defensive driving course in NJ?

Generally, if you do not successfully complete your course within the allotted time, you'll fail the course and you won't be eligible to get a refund. To be eligible to dismiss a traffic ticket through a defensive driving course, you may need to: Have a valid NJ driver's license. Be cited for just 1 violation.

How many points are removed from a defensive driving course in New Jersey?

There are many reasons for taking a New Jersey defensive driving course, one of which is point reduction. Upon successful completion of your course, 2 points will be removed from your New Jersey driver record. It's important to know driving is a privilege, not a right, and if you accumulate too many points, your NJ driver's license may be subject ...

How to dismiss a traffic ticket in New Jersey?

To be eligible to dismiss a traffic ticket through a defensive driving course, you may need to: 1 Have a valid NJ driver's license. 2 Be cited for just 1 violation. 3 Have been cited while driving a non-commercial vehicle.

What happens if you accumulate too many points on your NJ driver's license?

It's important to know driving is a privilege, not a right, and if you accumulate too many points, your NJ driver's license may be subject to suspension or revocation. Here's an example of the most common infractions and their associated driving record points. Failure to stop your vehicle before a crosswalk: 2 points.

Can you take defensive driving online?

An online defensive driving course can be accessed at any time, and the course can be completed at your leisure. The course utilizes a timer system to ensure all required hours are completed.

Does defensive driving reduce insurance in NJ?

New Jersey defensive driving courses can also potentially decrease your car insurance rates. If you choose to take the course voluntarily (i.e. you have not been ordered to do so by the court, and you are not taking it to reduce points from your NJ driving record), your insurance provider may reward you with a reduction in your premium.

What is the probationary period in New Jersey?

While in the probationary period, drivers who are convicted of two or more moving violations with a total of four or more points, will receive a Fee Due Notice from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission requiring the driver to enroll in the Probationary Driver Program to correct improper or dangerous driving practices.

Is the National Safety Council responsible for drivers taking the wrong class?

Please be sure you know which class is required before you continue the registration process. National Safety Council is not responsible for drivers taking the incorrect class. Once registered, all fees are non-refundable.

Why Take a Defensive Driving Course Online?

The cost of a traffic ticket doesn't end with the court fees. If the citation shows up on your driver record, you will almost certainly have to face higher insurance premiums, which can wind up costing you thousands of dollars over a few years.

Defensive Driving Class

At I Drive Safely we believe traffic school should be easy, fast, and stress-free - that's why we provide an online driving safety course that fits your needs and your schedule.

Dismiss Tickets Online

Dreading spending an entire weekend sitting in a boring classroom lecture just to dismiss that one pesky ticket? Our online safety driving course is the better option.
