driving course on how to handle dangerous situation

by Nya Dickinson 5 min read

How many dangerous driving situations are there?

Yet your ability to remain safe is also contingent to how you handle basic, if not dangerous, driving scenarios tactfully. Below you will find 8 dangerous driving situations along with recommendations given the importance of safety driving.

How to stay safe while driving in an emergency?

Another solution is to park your car and search for shelter in a sturdy building to avoid danger. If you are driving in rural areas, leave your car, get as far as possible from any trees, cars, or other large objects or buildings, and lie face down, covering your head with your arms. This posture is imperative in case of an emergency.

What should you do if you are in an accident while driving?

Another solution is to park your car and search for shelter in a sturdy building to avoid danger. If you are driving in rural areas, leave your car, get as far as possible from any trees, cars, or other large objects or buildings, and lie face down, covering your head with your arms.

What should you do when driving in snowy conditions?

When driving in snowy conditions, try to let your car idle to a stop rather than hitting the brakes. It is best to tap the brakes to a gentle stop rather than forcing it, because that could induce a slide.

What are the 3 basic principles of defensive driving?

Find out more.3 Basic Techniques. ... Two-second rule. ... Pass to stay alive. ... Keep cool and alert in traffic. ... A solid, defensive driving training program is essential for your vehicle drivers.More items...•

What are 5 safe driving practices?

Here are our top 10 safe driving tips and practices:Keep Your Car Well-Maintained. ... Use Your Seat Belt. ... Keep Your Cool On The Road. ... Practice Defensive Driving. ... Don't Multi-Task While Driving. ... Don't Drink and Drive. ... Keep Your Distance. ... Observe Speed Limits.More items...•

What is the most dangerous situation to avoid while driving?

Making phone calls, fiddling with GPS or music systems, grooming, and even talking to passengers are all examples of activities that can take a driver's attention away from the road and lead to serious accident. In many cases, simply being lost in thought can be enough of a distraction to cause a serious auto accident.

What are 5 good driving habits that can help you avoid aggressive drivers?

5 Tips to Help Motorists Avoid Aggressive DrivingKeep Calm as You Drive. ... Steer Clear of Aggressive Drivers. ... Smooth Over the Situation. ... Drive Courteously. ... Report Aggressive Drivers.

What is the first step to take if you are in a crash?

1. Get to Safety and Call 911. If you're able to get safely on the side of the road, this is the first step you should take after a collision.

What is the best safety rule when driving?

Important Traffic Rules To Follow To Ensure Safety While DrivingAlways wear a seatbelt.Avoid distractions.Do not cross the speed limits.Service your car regularly.Follow traffic signals.Maintain lane discipline.Be careful during bad weather.Maintain a safe distance.More items...

What is the most dangerous driving behavior?

Speeding The worst dangerous driving habits also include speeding, which is a huge factor in car accidents. According to the NHTSA, there were almost 10,000 fatalities attributed to speeding in 2015.

What is one of the most dangerous driving maneuvers?

One of the most dangerous maneuvers on the roadway is a left-hand turn across traffic. This vehicular action can actually occur when there is oncoming traffic thereby requiring that it be undertaken only when the turning vehicle can safely pass the oncoming vehicles.

Do you think driving is dangerous?

But driving is likely the most dangerous thing you ever do, and most of us are in a car nearly every day! Each day, another 3,000 lives are lost due to motor vehicle accidents. That comes out to more than 1,000,000 traffic accident deaths every single year.

What are 3 techniques that drivers can use to cope with their emotions?

Tips to Help You Avoid Emotional DrivingTake Some Deep Breaths. Deep breathing isn't just for meditation and yoga class; it can also truly help calm your nerves in emotional situations. ... Take a Break. ... Listen to Calming Music. ... Think about Something Else. ... Slow Down. ... Ask Someone Else to Drive.

What are the safest responses to an aggressive driver?

Take a deep breath and stay focused. Avoid making obscene gestures, since they can lead to an escalation of the conflict. Once the incident is over you may want to talk about it with a relative or close friend so you can decompress and get an outside perspective of the situation.

What are the 4 ways to avoid an aggressive driver?

Preventing Road Rage. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, aggressive driving behaviors account for more than half of all fatal crashes. ... Avoid Actions that Antagonize. • Yield whenever possible. ... Avoid Confrontation. • ... Don't Engage. • ... Call for Help. •

How to be a good driver?

Be aware of driving in special road and weather conditions. Be alert and avoid distractions, e.g., cell phone use, eating. Never assume that other drivers are sober or alert, and follow the rules of the road at all times.

What is defensive driving?

From the National Safety Council’s Defensive Driving course: defensive driving is “driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others.”

What to do when you are unsure of what type of car you are driving?

If you are unsure what type of car you are driving, it is most important to know that whatever you do, you should not do it to the extreme. Do not accelerate quickly and do not stomp on the brake pedal. Take every action with caution and remember that in situations like this, a gentle hand is best. 3.

What is the most important thing to remember in an emergency situation?

The most important thing to remember in an emergency situation is that keeping calm is key. Though panic is often our first instinct in a scary moment, keeping a level head allows us to think more clearly and make better judgments. Buckle up and get ready to learn what to do in every scary driving situation.

How to stop a car from exploding?

Hold onto the steering wheel. If you hear the sound of a tire exploding, grip the steering wheel tightly with both hands. Gripping the wheel will help you stay in control of the car and minimize the chance of swerving into oncoming traffic or off the road. 2.

How fast can you go on ice?

Most ice-related car accidents are a result of driving too fast for the conditions. Driving at a safe speed on ice (bet ween 40–50 mph on highways and between 15–25 mph in city), avoiding sudden changes in direction and hard braking or accelerations can help prevent losing control of your vehicle.

How to keep your car from blowing out?

For the first few seconds after a blowout, try to maintain speed by lightly accelerating. 3. Keep the car moving in a straight line. It’s likely that immediately following a blowout, your car will begin to swerve as it reacts to the sudden jolt.

How to avoid danger when driving in rural areas?

Another solution is to park your car and search for shelter in a sturdy building to avoid danger. If you are driving in rural areas, leave your car, get as far as possible from any trees, cars, or other large objects or buildings, and lie face down, covering your head with your arms.

What to do if you see a tornado while driving?

If you spot a tornado while on the road, do not continue driving in the same direction of the tornado, nor place your vehicle under an overpass to wait until it’s over, as you may be exposed to flying debris.

Is it dangerous to drive through water?

Driving through moving water could be dangerous as your car could potentially be swept away, making you lose control of your drive. If you own a bigger car designed for driving optimally through deep water, let any oncoming drivers go by first, then follow your path cautiously and avoid making dangerous maneuvers.

What to do if your car starts to slide?

If your car begins to slide, turn the wheel in the direction of the slide. Even if you’re making a right turn, but you skid left, turn the wheel left. If all else fails, you can put your car in neutral to try and help slow it down.

What to do if you have a car that is completely gone?

If they’re completely gone, shift your car into neutral and try to maneuver into the right-hand lane, where you can eventually slow down . If you don’t have a lot of room to come to a stop, pull your emergency brake in one motion (pumping it could lead to losing control of the vehicle).

How many people die from car submersions?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that an average of 384 people die every year from car submersion deaths. If you ever find yourself in a situation where your car ends up in water, there are a few procedures to take to ensure your safety. First, try to roll your window down as soon as possible.

What to do if you happen to hydroplane?

Now if you happen to hydroplane, as with all of these situations, stay calm. A lot of people want to slam on their brakes, but that will cause a sudden spin out, so try to just gain control of the steering wheel and guide your car without jerking the wheel.

Why do cars fire?

Most car fires are caused by fuel line malfunctions or split fuel pipes, so be sure to get your car checked at least once a year to make sure everything is in working order, especially if you have an older car. Flavio Gasperini on Unsplash.

How to get a flat on the highway?

Getting a Flat on the Highway. First, stay calm. As hard as that sounds, try to remember that first and foremost. Picture this scenario: You’re driving on a highway in Los Angeles going about 75 mph when a 12-inch bolt pierces your back tire. Although the tire doesn’t blow out, it goes flat right away.

When is it safe to change lanes?

When it is safe to do so, change lanes until you can pull on to the side of the road and be out of traffic (if you can help it, do not stop in traffic, and try to pull onto a flat and even surface).

How to learn to drive?

Learning how to drive is a very intense practice. After all, you’re out there on the road and anything can happen. You can only control what you’re doing, but what if nature or other drivers have other ideas? Make sure you take the necessary precautions and know what to do in these scary driving scenarios. While you’re on the road, these are the 10 car sounds you should never ignore.

What happens when you and another driver pull up to different points of the intersection at seemingly the exact same time?

Although road signs can be confusing, all drivers involved should come out unscathed. However, these crazy things people have done while driving will shock you.

How to know if you can drive through water?

The only way to know if you’re about to drive through a shallow puddle or several feet of water is to get out of your car and test it with a stick, Nunn says. In general, you shouldn’t drive through water that’s more than four inches high, or you could risk flooding your engine or damaging the many electronic elements of your vehicle. (Although if you have an SUV or vehicle designed for off-roading, you can likely drive through deeper water.) Also, you should never drive through moving water as your car could suddenly be swept away. If you do ascertain that you can drive through the water, let any oncoming cars go by first, then drive slowly and steadily on through.

How to get into a car at night?

When getting into your car at night, be alert to your surroundings. Have your keys in your hand before you approach your vehicle and unlock the door when you’re a step or two away (not before , when someone else could hop in and not after when someone could wrest the keys from you as you pause to unlock the door). When you do open the door, get in quickly and close and lock the door immediately behind you—don’t take the time to adjust your belongings or rely on automatic locks. If you’ve gotten in your car to discover a carjacker waiting, get out as fast as possible. If a carjacker has reached from the back seat to cover your mouth, take one finger and peel it backward as hard as you can. Hopefully, this will break the perpetrator’s finger and buy you some time to make a quick escape. Now, learn the winter driving mistakes that could put you in danger.

What to do when a car is coming straight toward you?

When a car is coming straight toward you in your lane, try to get the driver’s attention by honking and flashing your lights, while planning a way to avoid a direct hit. Don’t stare at the oncoming vehicle, as your car will follow your line of sight.

What to do if you see a car ahead of you swerving?

If the car ahead of you is swerving and the driver appears to be impaired by drugs or alcohol, give him plenty of room and do not tailgate. Pay close attention, but don’t fixate on the vehicle. If it’s safe for you to do so while driving, note the car’s license plate and call 911 to report the issue.

What to do when you open a car door?

When you do open the door, get in quickly and close and lock the door immediately behind you—don’t take the time to adjust your belongings or rely on automatic locks. If you’ve gotten in your car to discover a carjacker waiting, get out as fast as possible.
