do you get to the cloud district very often oh what am i saying of course you don't

by Mr. Abelardo Lueilwitz PhD 8 min read

However, Nazeem's most famous dialogue remains, "Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying—of course you don't." This quote is so brazenly irritating that many players relish finding inventive ways to kill the character just for that one line.

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You the cure is. Yours. Come back to gloat I've been beaten by worse than you do you get to theMoreYou the cure is. Yours. Come back to gloat I've been beaten by worse than you do you get to the cloud district very often what am I saying of course you don't.

Full Answer

Do you get to the cloud district very often Oh what am I saying of course you dont?

Oh, what am I saying? Of course you don't.” - Nazeem.

Do you get to the cloud district very often quote?

“Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.” - Nazeem.Jul 30, 2021

Where is the cloud district?

Cloud District is the part of Whiterun that has Jorrvaskr, the Temple of Kynareth, and Dragonsreach.Dec 5, 2016

Who is nazeem Skyrim?

Nazeem is a Redguard citizen in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the co-owner of Chillfurrow Farm, along with his wife, Ahlam, which is located south of Whiterun. Though he owns the farm, he lives and sleeps in the upstairs room of The Drunken Huntsman.

Is Nazeem married Skyrim?

Background. Ahlam is married to Nazeem, who, as she tells the Dragonborn, is "most likely fawning over the Jarl all day." She seems not to enjoy her marriage with her haughty husband, who can be seen making pretentious and insulting comments to various people in the city, including the Dragonborn.

Who is Nazeem's wife?

Ahlam, a Redguard priestess, is a healer at the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun. She is the wife of Nazeem, who owns Chillfurrow Farm. If Arcadia is killed, Ahlam will take over running Arcadia's Cauldron.Apr 24, 2021

Does the cloud district exist?

When you enter Whiterun you're in the plains district. The houses and Jorrvaskr is the Wind district. And dragons reach is the cloud district. ^Have you?Mar 20, 2020

Where is the great porch in Whiterun?

The palace, which is divided into four sections—the Main Hall, the Living Quarters, the Great Porch, and the Dungeon—is located in the Cloud District of Whiterun, overlooking the city....Residents[edit]Jarl's FamilyNameRelationshipGerdaServantWhiterun Guards †Guard7 more rows•Nov 19, 2021

Where is the cloud district in Whiterun?

The Cloud District is the smallest of Whiterun's three districts. Its name is derived from the fact that it is located atop the bluff Whiterun was built on and is therefore closer to the clouds than any other. It is dominated by the imposing form of Dragonsreach.

Can Nazeem be killed?

The best way to kill Nazeem without earning a bounty Is as follows: Enter the The Drunken Huntsman and wait in the left corner of the second floor bedroom. Wait till 1am. Nazeem and his wife Ahlam should be sleeping in the bed.

How much health does Nazeem have?

Skyrim:NazeemNazeem (RefID: 0001A6A4)Health7560Stamina60Primary SkillsOne-handedMoralityNo CrimeUnaggressive7 more rows•Nov 13, 2020

Is Savos Aren a vampire?

Savos Aren is a Dark Elf conjurer and the current Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold.Sep 10, 2021

What is the guard's accent in Skyrim?

Most of the guards around Skyrim are Nords. While there's no actual proof of this, it's pretty easy to deduce it from their Nordic accent, and just from the general way they seem to praise Skyrim's culture and traditions. Nords are incredibly proud as well, which is why they blurt out a lot of gems like these.

What is a stealth line in Skyrim?

A line that's used way too often by your victims regardless of the circumstances. You could sneak your way into their lair and slit their throat, dealing 6x stealth damage, and they'll still say this. Basically, all your victims or enemies in Skyrim turn into cranky old men who want you off their yard as soon as they see you.

Can you go to jail for stealing a block of cheese?

No crime goes unpunished in the land of Skyrim. Even the smallest of crimes like stealing a block of cheese, killing a chicken, or merely lollygagging can land you in jail. Although, the guards are a lot less vigilant in pursuing you if your crimes are just those mentioned above; hence, this funny dialogue if you have a small bounty on your head.

Is Belethor the Breton in Whiterun?

There's no merchant as iconic as Belethor the Breton in Whiterun, running his general store by the marketplace. Known for always being energetic and overly eager to sell his wares, he gets pretty annoying after a while. That being said, he does have a couple of lines that make him one of the most entertaining NPCs.

Can NPCs get creative?

Apart from the "never should have come here!" threat from hostile NPCs, they can get creative depending on your character's race. If you happen to be a Khajiit, for example, they give you this laughably cruel taunt.

Do the guards carry swords in Skyrim?

It's no secret that the guards in Skyrim are proud and knowledgeable about their swords. While they might not have the best gear themselves, they always seem to have a comment or two ready to roast the Dragonborn's arsenal. Particularly, carrying a cheap iron sword might inspire this backhanded comment.


Nazeem is a possible target for this radiant side quest for The Companions. Completing it requires beating him up in a fistfight in order to teach him a lesson and remind him of his obligations.


"Oh, it took years, but I earned my way to the top. I own Chillfurrow Farm, you see. Very successful business. Obviously."


Nazeem holds the key to Chillfurrow Farm, as well as a key to Wintersand Manor, which seems to serve no known purpose.
