do you get to the cloud district often? oh what am i saying, of course you don't.

by Valentine Schroeder V 7 min read

Do you go to the cloud district very often Oh what am I saying of course you don t?

Oh, what am I saying? Of course you don't.” - Nazeem. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion & Skyrim.

Who says do you get to the cloud district very often?

Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying - of course you don't. (Skyrim) - YouTube.

What does cloud district mean?

Cloud District is the part of Whiterun that has Jorrvaskr, the Temple of Kynareth, and Dragonsreach. Put it this way: If you can hear Heimskr, you're in the Cloud District, or close to it.

Where is the cloud district in Skyrim?

The Cloud District is the smallest of Whiterun's three districts. Its name is derived from the fact that it is located atop the bluff Whiterun was built on and is therefore closer to the clouds than any other. It is dominated by the imposing form of Dragonsreach.

What does Nazeem say in Skyrim?

Nazeem: "I'm not 'afraid' of anything. I simply prefer quality merchandise. No, no this meat won't do at all.

How do you get Nazeem as a follower?

Q) How do I get Nazeem to join me?A) First, you need to advance past the first dragon encounter (it will make sense when you get there). Then, you need to talk to Nazeem and challenge him to a standard brawl. If you are victorious, he will pay you and become an eligible follower.

Is there a dragon in Dragonsreach?

With the help of the Jarl of Whiterun, I've trapped the dragon Odahviing in Dragonsreach. Odahviing revealed that Alduin's lair is located in the ancient temple of Skuldafn, which is only accessible by air. Odahviing has offered to take me there, in return for his freedom.

Who voices nazeem in Skyrim?

Keith Silverstein is the voice of Nazeem in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

What are the districts of Whiterun?

Whiterun is a city in central Skyrim, and will be the first major city the player arrives at when following the main quest. The city is split into three major districts, the Plain District, the Wind District and the Cloud District.

How do you get married on Skyrim?

Getting married in Skyrim is actually pretty easy. All you need to do it head to Riften and find the Temple of Mara. Once there, speak to the priest about weddings to have them explain how the process works. You'll then need to buy an amulet of Mara, which you can then wear while speaking to your potential betrothed.

What do Skyrim Guards say?

"Hands to yourself, sneak thief." "Don't think you can barter with me like I'm one of those damned shopkeepers." "The gods gave you two hands, and you use them both for your weapon. I can respect that."

Was Whiterun based on edoras?

Yeah, Whiterun is totally based on LoTR. It looks vey similar to Edoras and there is the dead tree in the middle like in Minas Tirith.

What's up with Nazis showing themselves in Florida?

I found this post on Twitter and it wasn't the only one of its kind. I've seen like 3 separate gatherings of nazis, did something political happen that made them come out?

What's up with Battlefield 2042 being so underdeveloped at (and long after) launch?

I spotted a post on r/Popular about the Battlefield devs announcing this delay for their season pass, and one of the to-be-added features is Voice Chat?! Like, how does a map-wide team-based shooter launch without communication between strangers? And aren't the matches roughly 10-15 people per team? How does anything get done if no one can talk to one another??.

What's going on with everyone saying reddit released a bad update?

i haven't used reddit for a bit, and i'm seeing people talking about a bad reddit update. i haven't noticed anything different, what's going on?

What's the deal with Julius Caesar being such a prominent figure in the "Vaporwave" community?

As a fan of the vaporwave style and aesthetic I keep seeing recurring themes of Julius Caesar in the style. I know about the man and what he did but why is he so revered and respected by Vaporwave artists? I see him everyday while looking up vaporwave artworks.

What is going on with Kanye West?

I’ve seen comments about him using or insulting his daughter about her tiktok or something, but when I tried looking it up, i didn’t get a specific answer of what he said or what is going on.

10 "Wait... I Know You."

The various Holds scattered across Skyrim are protected by their respective guards, who paradoxically alternate between ignoring the Dragonborn's crimes and making immaterial statements (usually out of the blue).

9 "A Challenger Is Near!"

The Daedric class known as Dremora are occasionally opponents for the Dragonborn, and unnerving ones at that—especially when they deliver menacing lines like "You will meet your end, Mortal!"

7 "No Lollygaggin'."

Skyrim guard dialogues are so common and so repetitive that they have achieved peak Skyrim meme status, one of which is the simple two-word phrase, "No lollygaggin'". Interestingly, this doesn't sound like an actual law that a Jarl would permit, let alone enact, so it's more likely the guards' way of asserting their dominance over the citizenry.

6 "I Am Sworn To Carry Your Burdens."

Lydia the Housecarl is a beloved character in the world of Skyrim, not least because of her unmitigated resolve and dedication to the Dragonborn's adventures, however tiresome she might find them. And yet, it seems as though Lydia has an internal limit to her tolerance.

5 "Never Should Have Come Here."

A line common to many enemies of the Dragonborn is "never should have come here," which sounds aggressive but falls flat in terms of actually carrying out their threat. Antagonistic NPCs use it when the player steps into their algorithmically designated territory.

4 "Skyrim Belongs To The Nords!"

The Nords like to claim that "Skyrim belongs to" them, which is, of course, an audacious claim to make regarding a land that's home to a wide variety of races, human or otherwise.

2 "I Used To Be An Adventurer Like You."

If there is one quote that defines Skyrim for a non-gamer audience, it's a random guard blaming their current career status on having taken "an arrow in the knee." An empty boast with as much depth as a tankard of mead—but it cannot be proven false, and that's what makes it so unforgettable.
