do i use quotations when referring to a course title in an essay?

by Rudolph Yost III 5 min read

I searched this online, and I found only a single site with information regarding how to mention a course name in an essay. There were two conflicting answers: If you prefer to (or need to) say its full name, make the title in italics or underline. Quotation marks are additional characters, and less is better. Just put it in capital letters.

Do not enclose headlines or course titles in quotation marks. The names of broadcast networks and channels are set in roman.

Full Answer

Do you put the title of an essay in quotation marks?

May 11, 2015 · I searched this online, and I found only a single site with information regarding how to mention a course name in an essay. There were two conflicting answers: If you prefer to (or need to) say its full name, make the title in italics or underline. Quotation marks are additional characters, and less is better. Just put it in capital letters.

How do I mention a course name in an essay?

Grammar. The rules for quotation marks around titles vary depending on which style guide you follow. In general, you should italicize the titles of long works, like books, movies, or record albums. Use quotation marks for the titles of shorter pieces of work: poems, articles, book chapters, songs, T.V. episodes, etc. See the examples below:

Do you use italics or quotation marks in book titles?

May 31, 2020 · Every quote in your essay, even the shortest one, must have a reference to the source. If you don’t mark the origin, you’ll make the most terrible of all academic sins – plagiarism. Being a student, you know how dangerous plagiarism is for the work and your reputation. Unfortunately, non-intended plagiarism is a common issue.

What are quotation marks used for in writing?

May 14, 2021 · Quotation marks are used to show that the text is taken word for word from another source, to call attention to an important word or phrase, or when using a technical term for the first time. There are “run-in quotes,” and quotes that are separated by block text. There are quotes within other quotes and different punctuation styles ...

Do you put a course title in quotes?

Capitalize titles of courses, but do not italicize or enclose in quotes: Introduction to Communication Writing.

How do you write the title of a course in an essay?

If you prefer to (or need to) say its full name, make the title in italics or underline. Quotation marks are additional characters, and less is better. Just put it in capital letters.May 11, 2015

What is a course title?

Course titles provide readers with a brief, general description of the subject matter covered in the course. Accrediting and governance entities, other academic institutions, current and prospective students, prospective employers and a variety of other individuals outside of the University review course titles.

Should a thesis title be italicized?

You don't have to italicize the title of your thesis, for example, when it appears on the cover.Dec 16, 2020

What are quotation marks?

However, regardless of what you call them, they are punctuation marks that are used to highlight specific parts of a text within a sentence or a paragraph.

Can you use quotation marks in an essay?

As you can see, this form of assistance could be quite useful for you, especially with academic papers. By showing your professor that you can use quotation marks properly, you will make your essay or paper look a lot more professional. In turn, this means a higher grade for you.

Do you put a period before or after a quotation?

If you live in the United States, then the period will appear before the inverted commas. Those living in Britain and Australia will place it after. Quotation marks and commas: the same rule as above applies to commas as well. If you are writing according to American English regulations, then you will place the comma before quotation.

When to use quotation marks?

In academic writing, you need to use quotation marks when you quote a source. This includes quotes from published works and primary data such as interviews.

What are the two types of quotation marks?

There are two types of quotation marks: ‘single’ and “double”. Which one to choose generally depends on whether you are using American or British English. The US convention is to use double quotation marks, while the UK convention is to use single quotation marks.

Why do people use scare quotes?

Scare quotes are often used to signal that a term is being used in an unusual or ironic way, that it is borrowed from someone else, or that the writer is skeptical towards the term. Many politicians have blamed recent electoral trends on the rise of “fake news.”.

How many words are in a block quote?

A block quote is a long quote of around 30 words or more. Block quotes should not be enclosed in quotation marks – instead, set them off from the main text as a separate indented paragraph.

Who is Shona McCombes?

Shona McCombes. Shona has a bachelor's and two master's degrees, so she's an expert at writing a great thesis. She has also worked as an editor and teacher, working with students at all different levels to improve their academic writing.

What is a quotation in a sentence?

Quotations can be introduced with dialogue verbs like to say , to argue and to comment. The verb should be followed by a comma, and the quotation should begin with a capital letter.

How many degrees does Shona have?

Shona has a bachelor's and two master's degrees, so she's an expert at writing a great thesis. She has also worked as an editor and teacher, working with students at all different levels to improve their academic writing.

Italics for Works That Stand Alone

With some exceptions, most style books tell us to use italics when we write the title of a work that stands alone as a single entity.

Quotation Marks When the Work Is Part of a Stand-Alone Work

When we refer to the titles of works that appear as part of a collection of works, we set them in Roman type and enclose them in quotation marks.

Exceptions to the Rule

The titles of unpublished manuscripts, such as some doctoral dissertations, should not be italicized, even though they are complete entities.

Italics or Quotation Marks: Why Are We Confused?

One reason we find these guidelines difficult to remember is that many newspapers enclose book and movie titles in quotation marks.

What about Underlining Titles?

When we were dependent upon typewriters and were unable to italicize, we underlined instead. Many people still prefer to underline.

What about When Titles Appear above the Works They Name?

So far we’ve been discussing how to handle titles when referring to them in writings other than the works to which the titles belong. Actual titles as they appear at the beginning of works should be neither set in italics nor enclosed in quotation marks.

Why is it important to quote in an essay?

A quote in an essay is an excellent tool if used correctly. It supports your thesis and makes your whole text more versatile. Besides, it works in your favor if you introduce interesting and original citations – it shows your ability to work with sources and understand them deeply.

What is a quote in a research paper?

The quote itself is the exact sentence or phrase that you include in your research paper. When you put it into your text, you need to frame it with quotation marks. This method separates the citation from the rest of the work and marks it as someone else’s words.

What is a short quote?

The short quote is a fragment of the source text that is shorter than four lines. This definition is standard. If the quote you want to use in your essay matches the “short” size criteria, you need to insert it in the following way: The short quote is a part of your paragraph.

How many lines are in a long quote?

In terms of essay writing, a long quote is any source text fragment that is longer than four lines. For this citation type, you have to separate it from the rest of your text, and format accordingly.

Do you need citations for an essay?

Citations are necessary and useful. But using quotes in an essay has its rules that you have to know to do it in the right way. They are not difficult, and they refer to the logic of using citations and their format. Both of these aspects are essential.

Do you have to cite a quote in an essay?

Citing Your Quotes. With all respect to the choice of citations and their supportive value for your work, the most critical thing is the right format of quotations in an essay. Any academic paper must have a list of works cited. Every quote in your essay, even the shortest one, must have a reference to the source.

How to write a short quote?

For a short quote, you need to write a lead-in phrase. It should contain the name of the source (the title of the source and the name of the author). Also, it needs a transition word or phrase like “according to.”. Insert the quote, put it in quotation marks, and add the reference to your bibliography list.

Why do we use quotation marks?

Quotation marks are used to show that the text is taken word for word from another source, to call attention to an important word or phrase, or when using a technical term for the first time. There are “run-in quotes,” and quotes that are separated by block text. There are quotes within other quotes and different punctuation styles depending on ...

How many lines are in a quotation?

The format for quotations changes depending on the length of the passage. If it is more than four lines, MLA protocol states formatting the passage as block text, which is never surrounded by quotations marks, APA protocol states to use block text if the passage exceeds 40 words.

What is a smart quote?

According to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), quotation marks that are often called “curly” or “smart” quotes, are used in most published text and are meant to match its typeface. Smart quotes should not be confused with straight quotes (“), which is the computer’s default form. In addition, single straight quotes are often used as prime marks;

Do you use quotation marks in writing?

Writing Tips. Don’t overuse quotation marks—whatever style guide you use, it’s important that they be used correctly but sparingly. It is not always necessary to use them around words for emphasis. Always check to ensure that you are using the correct style for your discipline.

What is an epigraph?

Epigraphs are inscriptions that are often used on buildings, tombstones, or other objects. Although they can be direct quotes, quotation marks are not used; special typefaces and formats are used instead to call attention to them.

Do you put punctuation outside quotation marks?

In British English, all punctuation is placed outside the quotation marks unless it is part of the quoted text. For scientific writing, CSE suggests that punctuations should follow the British English style as “internationally accepted” usage; however, always check your author guidelines.

What is italics in a book?

In general, the rule is: Italics – longer works and collections of works (e.g. novels, albums, movies, newspapers) Quotation marks – shorter works and pieces of longer works (e.g. short stories, songs, poems, articles) When in doubt, consider whether a piece can be broken into smaller pieces. If it can, such as a novel into chapters ...

Why do you use italics in a sentence?

Italics and quotation marks are generally used to set a composition title apart from the text surrounding it. For example, if you were writing the sentence, "I read The Cat in the Hat," it wouldn't necessarily be clear what the book title was, or even that there was a book title at all.

Do you put newspaper titles in quotation marks?

After you’ve used italics in longer titles, you can indicate the smaller pieces of those titles in quotation marks. AP style is the exception again: all titles, including longer works, should be in quotation marks. However, AP style does not put titles of newspapers, magazines, or journals in quotation marks either (plain text only).

Does APA use quotation marks?

Unpublished writing such as manuscripts or lectures. APA differs from other formats in that it doesn't use quotation marks or italics for titles of shorter works, such as essays that are in collections, lectures, or journal articles. These shorter works are simply formatted in regular type. MLA and Chicago agree on most citation styles, ...

Do you use quotation marks in a title?

If the title belongs inside a larger body of work, use quotation marks. If the title is for a body of work that stands alone, it should be in italics. Above all else, consistency is key. Be sure to follow whichever style is most appropriate and stick to it. As you're writing out titles, learn more about the rules for capitalization in titles.

What is the AP style?

AP is one of the simpler styles to remember, as it doesn't use italics in composition titles at all. The major style guides are: Modern Language Association (MLA) - generally used in arts and humanities papers. American Psychological Association (APA) - generally used for social sciences.

What is Chicago Manual of Style?

Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago) - one of the most well-known formats, followed in a wide variety of disciplines from publishing to science. If you primarily use one of these style guides, it’s best to understand that guide’s particular standards.

The Types of Quotation Marks

  • Technically, there are two types of inverted commas. There are the double quotation marks which look like this “ ” and the single inverted commas which appear as such ‘ ’. Now, if this form of punctuation is already puzzling you, then the different types may only serve to confuse you more. Don’t worry, though, since this can be sorted out rather easily… As a rule of thumb: 1. British Engl…
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Main Rules How to Use Quotation Marks in Academic Papers

  • Of course, as a student, what you are most interested in is how and when to use quotation marks in an academic paper. While you do need to remember the rules mentioned in the previous section, there are also some additional guidelines to keep in mind as well. Here are the top rules and quotation marks examplesto rely on in your research paper or essay: 1. To be used to highli…
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Quotation Marks and Other Punctuation

  • One thing you will have noticed when reading various books is that there is punctuation inside quotes as well as outside of them. Thus, this is another skill that you need to master before you can use inverted commas properly and effectively. These are the main punctuation guidelines to live by: 1. Quotation marks and periods: whether there is a pe...
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Single vs Double Quotation Marks

Quotes Within Quotes

Punctuation Within Quotations

Integrating Quotations

Block Quotes

  • A block quoteis a long quote of around 30 words or more. Block quotes should not be enclosed in quotation marks – instead, set them off from the main text as a separate indented paragraph. Note that the period at the end of a block quote is placed before the citation. Block quotes are used most often in humanities disciplines, where detailed textua...
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Scare Quotes

Italics For Works That Stand Alone

Quotation Marks When The Work Is Part of A Stand-Alone Work

  • When we refer to the titles of works that appear as part of a collection of works, we set them in Roman type and enclose them in quotation marks. Examples of works that typically do not stand alone are articles, poems, short stories, and songs.
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Exceptions to The Rule

Italics Or Quotation Marks: Why Are We Confused?

What About Underlining Titles?

What About When Titles Appear Above The Works They Name?