dna formation occurs in which of the cell’s structures? course hero

by Linwood Greenfelder 5 min read

What is the role of DNA in the structure of organisms?

Aug 31, 2020 · DNA formation occurs in which of the cell’s structures? a. Nucleus b. Cytoplasm c. Organelle d. Membrane ANS: A Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children 8th Edition 97803235834

What is DNA and how is it formed?

Mar 16, 2021 · • A condensed form of DNA that occurs when the cell is dividing • A structure found within the nucleus that produces subunits of ribosomes • A double membrane that surrounds the nucleus • A cell organelle found in eukaryotic cells that houses the DNA and controls activity within the cell CONCEPT Nucleus 7 Which of the following sources of …

What is the structure of DNA in a cell?

DNA Replication When a cell or whole organism reproduces, a complete set of genetic instructions must pass from one generation to the next. Watson and Crick’s model for DNA suggested that DNA replicates by a template mechanism. DNA replication o Begins at specific sites on a double helix o Proceeds in both directions Replication Sound easy but it is complex …

What is the full form of DNA?

If I looked at the DNA in one of your brain cells, it would be identical to the DNA in one of your intestine cells! True or False. DNA is the same in every cell of an organism. True? contentid=1581&language=english Prokaryote vs Eukaryote DNA …

Where does DNA formation occur?

the nucleusDNA replication is the process of creating two identical daughter strands of DNA. DNA replication occurs in the nucleus in eukaryotic cells and in the nucleoid region in prokaryotic cells. DNA replication occurs in S phase during the cell cycle prior to cell division.May 18, 2021

What structures does DNA form?

To fit inside cells, DNA is coiled tightly to form structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome contains a single DNA molecule, wrapped tightly around spool-like proteins called histones, which provide chromosomes their structure.Mar 25, 2021

In what structures can cell DNA be found?

Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA). Mitochondria are structures within cells that convert the energy from food into a form that cells can use.Jan 19, 2021

What structure is formed during DNA replication?

replication forksCertain proteins bind to the origin of replication while an enzyme called helicase unwinds and opens up the DNA helix. As the DNA opens up, Y-shaped structures called replication forks are formed (Figure 9.10).

How does DNA relate to the cell?

All known cellular life and some viruses contain DNA. The main role of DNA in the cell is the long-term storage of information. It is often compared to a blueprint, since it contains the instructions to construct other components of the cell, such as proteins and RNA molecules.

What is the DNA function?

The function of DNA is to store all of the genetic information that an organism needs to develop, function, and reproduce. Essentially, it is the biological instruction manual found in each of your cells.

Where is DNA found in A eukaryotic cell?

The nucleusThe nucleus is particularly important among eukaryotic organelles because it is the location of a cell's DNA.

Where is DNA found in the prokaryotic cell?

nucleoidGenetic information in prokaryotic cells is carried on a single circular piece of DNA which is attached to the cell membrane and in direct contact with the cytoplasm. There is no enclosing membrane, so there is no true nucleus, but simply a concentration of DNA known as a nucleoid.

Which two structures are found only in plant cells?

Plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts and other specialized plastids, and a large central vacuole, which are not found within animal cells. The cell wall is a rigid covering that protects the cell, provides structural support, and gives shape to the cell.Jan 3, 2021

What happens during the start of DNA replication?

The leading strand is the simplest to replicate. Once the DNA strands have been separated, a short piece of RNA called a primer binds to the 3' end of the strand. The primer always binds as the starting point for replication. Primers are generated by the enzyme DNA primase.Oct 7, 2019

What does DNA polymerase do during DNA replication?

DNA polymerase is responsible for the process of DNA replication, during which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied into two identical DNA molecules. Scientists have taken advantage of the power of DNA polymerase molecules to copy DNA molecules in test tubes via polymerase chain reaction, also known as PCR.

Which part of the DNA molecule determines an organism's traits?

GeneGene. A segment of a DNA molecule (a sequence of bases) that codes for a particular protein and determines the traits (phenotype) of the individual. A gene is the basic unit of heredity in a living organism.Oct 18, 2016

How are nucleic acids formed?

These nucleic acids are formed by the combination of nitrogenous bases, sugar molecules and the phosphate groups that are linked by different bonds in a series of sequences. The DNA structure defines the basic genetic makeup of our body. In fact, it defines the genetic makeup of nearly all life on earth.

How are DNA strands held together?

The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions. These strands are held together by the hydrogen bond that is present between the two complementary bases. The strands are helically twisted, where each strand forms a right-handed coil and ten nucleotides make up a single turn. The pitch of each helix is 3.4 nm.

What are the different types of DNA?

There are three different DNA types: 1 A-DNA: It is a right-handed double helix similar to the B-DNA form. Dehydrated DNA takes an A form that protects the DNA during extreme condition such as desiccation. Protein binding also removes the solvent from DNA and the DNA takes an A form. 2 B-DNA: This is the most common DNA conformation and is a right-handed helix. Majority of DNA has a B type conformation under normal physiological conditions. 3 Z-DNA: Z-DNA is a left-handed DNA where the double helix winds to the left in a zig-zag pattern. It was discovered by Andres Wang and Alexander Rich. It is found ahead of the start site of a gene and hence, is believed to play some role in gene regulation.

What is nuclear DNA?

Nuclear DNA is the DNA contained within the nucleus of every cell in a eukaryotic organism. It codes for the majority of the organism’s genomes while the mitochondrial DNA and plastid DNA handles the rest. The DNA present in the mitochondria of the cell is termed as mitochondrial DNA.

Who discovered DNA?

DNA was first recognized and identified by the Swiss biologist, Johannes Friedrich Miescher in 1869 during his research on white blood cells. The double helix structure of a DNA molecule was later discovered through the experimental data by James Watson and Francis Crick.

What is the most common DNA conformation?

Protein binding also removes the solvent from DNA and the DNA takes an A form. B-DNA: This is the most common DNA conformation and is a right-handed helix.

How many base pairs of DNA are in a human cell?

It is inherited from the mother to the child. In humans, there are approximately 16,000 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA. Similarly, plastids have their own DNA and they play an essential role in photosynthesis.

What is DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a material that is responsible for carrying genetic information in cells. DNA is found in the nucleus, condensed and wrapped around proteins into a structure called chromatin. Upon cell division, chromatin undergoes further condensation to form chromosomes.

DNA Structure

DNA strand. DNA base pairs. Give an overview of the overall structure of DNA and how it functions.

DNA Replication

Cells possess what is called a cell cycle; the cell cycle consists of the stages G1, S, G2, and M. All the steps prior to the M stage is to prepare the cell for cell division. During the S stage, DNA is replicated to produce two identical copies of DNA.