dna contain four kind of nitrogenous bases whose principle function is course hero

by Favian Lehner 5 min read

Nitrogenous base is an organic molecule that contains the element nitrogen, N and functions as a base in chemical reactions. 2. DNA contains four kinds of nitrogenous bases: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. It is the information molecule and stores all the genetic material of a cell.

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What are some examples of proteins that are covalently bonded to glycerol?

three fatty acids covalently bonded to a glycerol molecule. Respiratory proteins, ion channels, transport proteins and attachment point proteins are all examples of proteins found. within the membrane of a prokaryotic bacterial cell.

What is the ratio of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?

contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a ratio of 1:2:1.

How many cells are in an organism?

All organisms are composed of 2 or more cells.

What is NOT made of?

NOT is composed primarily of hydrogen and carbon atoms with a rare oxygen atom here and there in its structure.

Where is amylase stored?

When the enzyme amylase from the pancreas is finally ready for use, it is stored within cell cytoplasmic vesicles called___. zymogen granules. Ribosomes in an acinar cell generate the amino acid sequence of the digestive enzyme. amylase.

Why is it difficult for macrophages to detect and destroy strep cells?

It is difficult for human macrophages to detect and destroy Strep cells because Strep cells. NOT move too quickly for macrophages to sense the Strep cell surfaces. Consider the following definition: "A cell is the smallest unit of an organism capable of independent functioning, composed of a membrane, enclosing a nucleus, ...

Does the diffusion rate of molecules support life over greater distances?

the diffusion rate of molecules won't support life over greater distances.

How many cells are in an organism?

all organisms are composed of 2 or more cells.

Where do all cells come from?

all cells come from pre-existing cells