did trump say it was good for his golf course when the pound value dropped

by Dr. Lemuel King 5 min read

Is Donald Trump losing money on his golf resorts?

Mar 12, 2016 · The club charges would-be members an $250,000 entry fee. If his legal bid were successful, Trump’s club would reduce its town tax bill – …

What went wrong at Trump’s golf course?

Here’s Forbes’ breakdown of the value of Trump’s golf properties (net of debt): Doral, Miami: $300 million. Mar-A-Lago, Palm Beach: $290 million. Additional courses in the U.S.: $200 million ...

Is Trump's New York golf club worth 35 times more than he says?

Jun 12, 2021 · Former US President Donald Trump. Trump's failure to hedge loans to his Scottish golf courses cost him tens of millions of dollars, say experts. Accounts registered in the UK indicate that Trump ...

How much should Trump pay for damage to Trump’s New Jersey golf course?

Aug 12, 2020 · An independent agency has determined that Donald Trump has been inflating the value of several of his golf courses, many of which are overseas. If this is true, it could put the President in a world of legal trouble both at home and abroad. The information is still scant on this issue, but based on what has been observed by Trump and his businesses in America, it …

Trump has 'incurred a significant loss'

His Aberdeenshire course started racking up debts from the beginning of its operation in 2006, when £1 was worth nearly $2. Now, £1 is worth just $1.42 (as of June 9).


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How much did Trump spend on Mar-a-Lago?

Using the same data for a February 2019 report, the Washington Post estimated Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago alone cost the U.S. taxpayer approximately $64 million during his first two years in office. Roughly $10.6 million was spent on operating costs for government aircraft and boats and $3 million on temporary duty costs including transportation, ...

How many trips did Trump make to Mar-a-Lago?

Post reporter Philip Bump reported Trump made 19 trips to Mar-a-Lago between January 2017 and February 2019. "If we, therefore, assume a blanket average of $3.4 million per trip, regardless of duration, the total the government has spent on Trump’s trips to the resort tops $64 million," Bump wrote.