describe your most difficult course and how you approached it.

by Leann Hand 4 min read

How to overcome the challenges of taking difficult courses?

When it comes to behavioral interview questions like this one, you need a strategy to prepare a good answer. The best approach is to take a challenging difficult experience and use it to show your emotional intelligence and your work experience. This is a great opportunity to leave a strong impression on the hiring manager and show them you're the best fit for the job. 5 Tips for Your …

How do you answer “what are the most difficult decisions?

Best answer to describing a difficult problem and how you dealt with it. Your story should be one which puts you in a tough position where you analyzed and discussed the problem, reached a conclusion, and that you came out on top and it was a win-win situation for the company. Look back to a problem that you were faced with.

How to describe a difficult problem and how you dealt with it?

7 sample answers to “Describe the most difficult decision you’ve ever made” interview question. I am quite fortunate in my life, and I haven’t had to make decisions that would threaten my life, or life of anyone else. Probably the most difficult decision I had to make in my young life so far was whether to study law, or opt for a vet ...

How to answer interview questions about difficult situations you have faced?

Feb 20, 2022 · Example Answer #3. Acquiring successful time management skills was the biggest challenge I faced as a student. It was an aspect of college life that I underestimated the significance of. Now that I am in the workforce, I continue to use the skills I gained, and I am always trying to improve on them as well. Expand.

How do you answer tell me how you handled a difficult situation?

How to answer, "Tell me how you handled a difficult situation"Describe the situation. Explain the "situation" you handled in one or two sentences. ... Explain the problem. ... Detail the steps you took to rectify the issue. ... Describe the results you produced.Dec 9, 2021

How do you approach a difficult situation?

Coping With Difficult Situations.Remember, Distress is Time Limited.Put the situation into Perspective.Keep your thoughts Balanced and Truthful.Focus less on the stressor and more on Solving the Problem.Remember, You Are More Than This One Situation.Seek support from Family, Friends and/or Counselors.More items...

How do you approach a difficult problem give an example?

1:407:50Describe A Time When You Solved A Difficult Problem - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBut this will make sure that you're specific in your response. And that you cover all of the anglesMoreBut this will make sure that you're specific in your response. And that you cover all of the angles required to get the top marks necessary. Make the situation pressurize.

How do you respond to difficult people?

Here's 9 tips which I've found to work in dealing with such people:Be calm. ... Understand the person's intentions. ... Get some perspective from others. ... Let the person know where you are coming from. ... Build a rapport. ... Treat the person with respect. ... Focus on what can be actioned upon. ... Ignore.More items...•Jun 22, 2011

What are some difficult situations?

Here below we discuss about some of the tough situations we come across in our lives and how we can best deal with them.Quarter-life, midlife crisis. As we age, we see ourselves changing physically and mentally. ... Breakups. ... Changing friendship. ... Failures. ... Divorce. ... Losing a job. ... Getting older. ... Getting injured, falling sick.More items...

How do you answer tell us about a time you found it difficult to work with someone?

How To Explain Working With Difficult People In a Job InterviewBehavioral Questions Reveal Your Mentality Towards Others.Be Objective & Take Some Ownership.Of Course, This Doesn't Work If You're Actually Negative.PS - The More Experience You Have, The Harder It Is To Convey The Right Message.Jun 27, 2018

Why employers ask this question

As part of a behavioral-based interview, this is an effective way for a hiring manager to learn a great deal about an applicant without using multiple questions. It also helps in assessing your emotional intelligence, a deciding factor for many companies today.

Sample responses to get you started

Some general topic areas to focus on when developing your answers for a behaviorial interview include:

Avoid these mistakes

When answering this type of behavioral-based interview question, try to avoid topics that make you or anyone else look bad. Examples include:

The Purpose of the Interview Question

This is a common job interview question asked by recruiters and hiring managers. It’s often used because how you react gives the recruiter valuable insight into:

Choosing a Story or Example of a Difficult Situation

The story you choose to tell is equally as important as how you tell it.

How To Answer The Job Interview Question: Describe a difficult task you were faced with and how you addressed it

This interview question is prompting you to tell a story. Anytime you’re telling a story during an interview, use the STAR or SAR approach. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. SAR is the same except that the Situation and Task are combined into one element of your story.

Example of a Strong Answer

Let’s review an example of an all-star response to the interview question “Describe a difficult task you were faced with and how you addressed it.”

How to make a good decision?

1. Pick the right challenge. This is your chance to show you’re up to the task of making good decisions in challenging situations. Start with a story that shows you were successful in solving a tough problem—and that shows a positive result for your boss and the business. (Stick to a work story, by the way.

Who is Jody Michael?

The interviewer wants to know how you’d handle challenging and stressful situations and how strong your critical thinking skills are, says Jody Michael, founder and CEO of Chicago and Atlanta-based Jody Michael Associates, an executive, career, and wellness coaching firm .

Reasons You Find Some Courses Difficult

There are possible reasons why some courses seem very difficult to you. At least, considering the fact that the courses are not difficult for everybody. Consider the following possible reasons:

Ways to Understand Difficult Courses

Most of our challenges are more of mental issues than physical ones. Do not let what people say about the course be your reality. Passion can make you learn difficult courses quickly. Be Passionate to learn the difficult courses.

Understand Students.txt

If you are a regular visitor of FlashLearners, you should be familiar with the student.txt concept. A full understanding of student.txt will put all the difficult courses under your feet. You may want to read the Ultimate guide to understanding students.tx here

How many choices do we make in a day?

Human life is a long series of decisions that seems to have no beginning or end. According to scientists, we make approximately 35,000 of choices every single day. These range from very trivial choices (which seat to take in a bus, which bread roll to eat first, whether or not to smile on that cute passerby) to extremely complex decisions which can change the course of our life.

Does attitude matter in hiring?

At the end of the day, your attitude matters for the hiring managers, not the particular situation you narrate. And you can demonstrate the right attitude describing any tough decision you made, even in your personal life.

What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know

This question is a way for interviewers to get a sense of how you tackle problems and adversity. They are also interested in your level of self-motivation.

Examples of the Best Answers

Here are sample interview answers that you can edit to fit your personal experiences and background. Notice how these responses all demonstrate desirable soft skills that employers hope to find in their new hires.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Practice your answers. It’s a good idea to have a couple of answers in mind, in case the interviewer nixes your first reply, or the interview goes in a direction you don’t anticipate. Regardless, you should devote some time to practice interviews before you meet with the hiring manager.

What Not to Say

Don’t mention a significant challenge you failed. Don’t mention an important failure (like flunking a class) or use any sort of example that would raise a red flag with your employer about your reliability, ability to focus, coachability, or work ethic (like, “I had to miss a lot of classes”).

What does the interviewer want to know about you?

With this behavioral interview question in general, the interviewer wants to know more about you. You have two choices, tell a personal story, or tell a work story. Both are absolutely okay. But they need to be indicative of both the question that was asked and unique to who you are.

What is a personal story?

Tell a personal story: One that relates to experience in college or life that shows your leadership or communication abilities. Good for those who may not have a lot of work experience. Tell a work story: One that puts a situation in front of the interviewer and what tactics you used to overcome the challenge you were faced with. ...

What are the most challenging decisions that people in mid-management and senior management have to make?

A few of the most challenging decisions that people in mid-management and senior management have to make include: Deciding who to terminate if layoffs become economically necessary. Terminating well-meaning, but incompetent, team members. Deciding who to promote when you have several great candidates.

Why do employers ask difficult questions?

Employers ask these questions in job and promotion interviews simply because they want to see that, when you face a difficult decision or situation, you’re able to handle it. They also want to see what kind of decisions you consider difficult.

Who is Alison Doyle?

Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers, and one of the industry's most highly-regarded job search and career experts. Read The Balance's editorial policies. Alison Doyle. Updated September 05, 2019. There are no right or wrong answers to interview questions like, “What are the most difficult decisions you have ...

What does "forewarned" mean in an interview?

Forewarned is forearmed: anticipating the questions you might be asked during a job interview is a wise strategy. If you test yourself using the examples above and these common interview questions and answers, you’ll be more confident during your actual interview.

What is the interviewer's job?

Essentially the interviewer is assessing your decision-making skills. When answering these questions, give one or two concrete examples of difficult situations you have actually faced at work. Then discuss what decisions you had to make to remedy the situations.
