describe the typical student who takes this course

by Dr. Jamie Altenwerth PhD 7 min read

What is the best way to describe a student?

Mar 25, 2022 · Trustworthy – “Sam is a trustworthy student who is often called upon to take up leadership positions within the class. This is a reflection of her maturity for her age.” Negative Attitude. Selfish – “While Sam is a kind student, she can at times be selfish when it comes to sharing resources or sharing her time with her peers.”

What is the best way to describe a course?

Jun 08, 2020 · 3. Broad organization of the course, with about 3 “landmarks” 4. examples of innovative assignments. 5. Conclusion. Let me describe each point in more detail. Title: The title should be engaging, and have appeal to students. The course should be carefully calculated to appeal to the department and the job.

What is it like to be a student?

Jan 11, 2022 · Student life is no joke, as being a good student and getting better education is not easy at all. In this essay, I will describe how it feels like to be a student in this modern world from my perspective. Being a student is all about studies, school life requires hard work and discipline, but it can also be fun.

How do you describe a level headed student?

I would describe this class as a necessary required course. College is more than just job training. It is about expanding your mind and becoming a scholar. This class reflects that ideal. I would say in-between. As I said before, if you take your time and use the tools given, then yes it's easy.

How would you describe your role as a student?

attending classes on time and regularly. being prepared for classes with all necessary supplies. taking good care of school property. completing all homework assignments.

How do you describe a course of study?

The term Course of Study refers to an integrated course prepared for academic studies. It is a series of courses that every student should complete before they progress to the next level of education. A usual course of study in high school involves classes in the core subject area.

How do you describe your course?

So, here, Dear Readers, is the basic rule of describing a course:title and main takeaway point.textbook/s (if low undergrad) or readings (if high undergrad/grad) with brief explanation/justification.Broad organization of the course, with about 3 “landmarks”examples of innovative assignments.Conclusion.Dec 29, 2011

What is the description of college student?

(C) College student The term “college student” means an individual who is a full-time or a part-time student attending an institution of higher education.

What is the course description?

A course description is. a short, pithy statement which informs a student about the subject matter, approach, breadth, and applicability of the course.

How do you answer course of study?

Usually, “course of study” is asking you what your college major was. If you attended some type of vocational or other school or classes instead of or in addition to college, whatever your main focus was would be your “course of study.”Jul 11, 2021

How do I write an educational course?

To design an effective course, you need to:Consider timing and logistics.Recognize who your students are.Identify the situational constraints.Articulate your learning objectives.Identify potential assessments.Identify appropriate instructional strategies.Plan your course content and schedule.

Why have you chosen this course?

You should think about your past days and make a list of the skills and experiences you have gained and think about how they relate to the job you are applying for. You can use your college or previous job website they often include how the course or company is useful for students or employees.

What type of student is a college student?

undergraduateA mature, non-traditional, or adult student in tertiary education (at a university or a college) is normally classified as an (undergraduate) student who is at least 21–23 years old at the start of their course and usually having been out of the education system for at least two years.

What is the role of a student in a community?

Man is belongs to a society, and students are an important part of it. Students cannot live in complete isolation from the community-life. Even a school-going student is bound to have links with other people who together form a society. Students can play an important role in improving and strengthening the society.Mar 15, 2016

What is the best course in college?

Top 10 College MajorsComputer Science. ... Communications. ... Government/Political Science. ... Business. ... Economics. ... English Language and Literature. ... Psychology. ... Nursing.More items...

What is a good way to describe a student who keeps to himself/herself?

This is a good way of describing a student who keeps to him/herself. It works great for a description of a student because it is a compliment in most circles. It is also easy to use in a speech. As a description, it also suggests good manners and maturity.

What does it mean to describe a student as a winner?

Describing a student as a winner is a big compliment. It suggests that the student is highly capable of achieving anything that he/she puts his/her mind to. The word fits into sentences perfectly for both academics and sports.

What is the best word to describe a non-bright student?

Not many words can describe a non-bright student without sounding shady. The word “fighter” works well when describing students who are not necessarily quick learners, but they put extra effort in their academics or personal lives until they persevere.

What is a fast learner?

If a student exhibits quick-learning abilities, you can describe him/her as a fast-learner. The word “fast-learner” works great because it can be used in both formal and informal settings. It is also a very practical compliment that doesn’t go overboard in sentiment.

Why is "mature" a good word?

“Mature” is a good word to use because it is flattering for the student who is in front of the listener. It also suggests that the student is disciplined, calm, and easy to work with.

Why is "she'll cheer you up" a good word?

This word is great to use because it builds an image of a happy, vibrant student who has no trouble fitting in at school. It is also a good compliment to use on a student who may not have other strong qualities. E.g. Nina is a happy student; she is seen as the light in her class. She’ll cheer you up any day.

Why is "selective" a good word to use for a description of a student?

This is a great word to use for a description of a student because it is easy for everyone to understand. It immediately suggests a knowledgeable person in a particular subject.. It also makes you sound like a fluent speaker of the language.

Why is being a student the most fulfilling period in life?

Being a student is the most fulfilling period in life because we are dream allot, there is spontaneity except for studying, which is a routine, a and a requirement. There are many paper samples at EssayBasics. They make our professional service a great place to buy custom term papers.

What to do if caught in school?

If you are caught, be ready for detention during break or after school for a whole week. However, if the teacher is in good moods, you will only receive a simple warning. Examination days are worse than any other days; you do not have time to laugh and play or crack jokes because everyone is studying.

What are the challenges of studying at university?

Studying at university is a real contrast to being a student at school and one of the real challenges is organising your work and activities. You can no longer rely on your parents to keep a calendar of everything that’s going on and instead you must sort things for yourself. Add to this the fact that a significant proportion of time at university will be spent feeling tired, due to excessive studying or partying, and there is a recipe for potential disaster. Tutorials may clash with rehearsals, practicals may coincide with sports matches or a MedSoc event might be happening when you’re meant to be seeing your family. The most important thing is to have some kind of system, whether it is a paper diary you keep with you or a calendar on your phone. Make sure you’re not the one who is always nearly missing things or running round at the last minute trying to work out where you’re supposed to be.

What happens if you pass all your exams while studying medicine?

If you pass your exams you’ll become a doctor. Bar any kind of disaster, if you pass all your exams while studying medicine you will go on to become a doctor. This may well seem like stating the obvious, but it’s worth taking a step back and thinking about this.

Is it fun to be a medical student?

Being a medical student will involve working harder than you’ve ever worked in your life – but chances are, it’ll also involve having more fun than you’ve ever had before. There are plenty of off-putting myths about being a medical student, but in reality it’s enjoyable, interesting and highly rewarding, especially in light ...

Is it a privilege to be a medical student?

Being a medical student puts you in a very privileged position, among the very top students across the country.

Great Ways to Answer 10 Typical University Interview Questions

Plenty of universities conduct interviews as a means of deciding between candidates who appear equally well-qualified on paper, but unfortunately, applicants often crumble under the pressure of the interview situation. The key to a successful interview lies in thorough preparation.

1. Why did you choose this subject?

This is probably one of the most important questions you can be asked during a university interview. The interviewers are looking for people who can demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject they’re applying for, and will want to know that you’ve chosen the subject for the right reasons.

2. Why did you choose this university?

It’s not just your particular subject that admissions tutors want to see that you’re committed to. They want to know that you have a good reason for choosing their university, because they’d like to know that if they offer you a place, there’s a good chance that you’ll accept it.

3. Why did you choose your particular A-levels?

You need to be able to justify the decisions you’ve made with regard to your education; this question tests whether or not you’ve put thought into the direction you’re heading in, and helps the interviewer ascertain that you’re motivated by the right things.

4. What did you read on the train?

Questions like this – or more simply “what are you reading at the moment?” – are designed to spark discussion as well as to test what you read beyond the confines of the A-level syllabus. Be prepared to answer questions about whatever you mention here.

5. What can you bring to the university?

Avoid humorous or overly self-aggrandising answers here; instead, focus on selling yourself (modestly) to the interviewer and highlighting the key traits that make you a good person to have around. Support what you say with concrete examples of your experience.

6. What are your weaknesses?

The key to an effective answer to this question is to turn the negative angle into something that isn’t really a negative.
