describe strategies for which course content

by Jake Flatley Sr. 10 min read

What instructional strategies can be used to deliver content?

What follows is a list of ten instructional strategies that can be used to deliver content regardless of grade level or subject matter. Lectures are instructor-centered forms of instruction given to a whole class. Lectures come in many different forms, some more effective than others.

What is the instructional strategy for a computer program?

This instructional strategy requires that teacher vets the materials or learns the software processes of the program in order to best use the data that records student performance. Multimedia methods of presentation are passive methods of delivering content and include slideshows (Powerpoint) or movies.

How do I Choose an active or passive instructional strategy?

In choosing an active or passive instructional strategy, the teacher must also consider for other factors such as subject matter, the resources available, the time allotted for the lesson, and the background knowledge of the students.

What is the instructional strategy of using student presentations?

The instructional strategy of using student presentations as a way to present content to the class as a whole can be a fun and engaging method of instruction. For example, teachers can divide up a chapter into topics and have the students "teach" the class by presenting their "expert" analysis.

How do you describe course content?

Course Description Guidelines should be no longer than 125 words. should begin most sentences with a verb. should be student-centered and explain how the reader would benefit from the course. should be written in the present tense and active voice.

What strategies to use in learning?

9 Teaching Strategies That Help Students Learn EffectivelyInquiry-Based Model. Children are naturally curious, and the OWIS inquiry-based learning model nurtures this trait. ... Storyboarding. ... Peer Tutoring and Assessment. ... Brainstorming. ... Reflections. ... Student-Led Classes. ... Visual Aids. ... Interdisciplinary Approach.More items...•

How do you develop content for a course?

Four Steps to Create Course Content that FlowsConsider your goals in teaching this course. Decide what you would like your students to accomplish from taking this course. ... Develop topics and subtopics, then narrow down further. ... Structure the course with what you have finalized. ... Plan your content types.

What are the 5 learning strategies?

Learning Strategies- Tips and TricksFive Effective Learning Strategies.1.Retrieval Practice.Spaced Practice.3.Elaboration.4.Examples.5.Words and Visuals.

What are the 4 types of learning strategies?

The four core learning styles in the VARK model include visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. Here's an overview of all four learning style types.

What is a strategy in education?

Strategy instruction is a teaching practice that shows students how to learn the content or skills they need to acquire. It provides students with clear strategies (such as note-taking or thinking aloud) to help them process, remember, and express the information they learn.

What is course content knowledge?

Content knowledge generally refers to the facts, concepts, theories, and principles that are taught and learned in specific academic courses, rather than to related skills—such as reading, writing, or researching—that students also learn in school.

How do you create course content for an online course?

How to create an online courseChoose the right subject matter.Test your idea.Research the topic extensively.Write a course outline.Create the course content.Bring your course online.Sell your online course.Market your content.More items...•

Why are learning strategies important?

Strategies help students begin to understand the process of learning. Strategies help students to bypass their areas of weakness and to perform at the level at which they are capable. Strategies promote flexible thinking and teach students the importance of shifting their approaches to different tasks.

How do you develop a study strategy?

Here are our top tips for getting the most out of study.Pick a place and time. Everyone has their own idea about the best place and time to study. ... Study every day. ... Plan your time. ... Discover your learning style. ... Review and revise. ... Take breaks. ... Ask for help. ... Stay motivated.More items...•

What are examples of strategies that are learner centered?

Learner-centered approach activitiesFoster collaboration with group projects. Think of yourself as a coach on the sideline of a sports game. ... Let learners develop content. ... Stage presentations. ... Hold a competition. ... Hold a debate. ... Gamify learning. ... Pose a problem. ... Do role-play.More items...•

How to help students develop good writing skills?

Help your students develop good writing skills by implementing the six traits of writing model into your classroom. Learn the six key characteristics, and definitions of each. Plus: teaching activities for each component.

How does cooperative learning help students?

Research says that students retain information quicker and longer, they develop critical thinking skills, as well as build their communication skills. Those mentioned are just a few of the benefits Cooperative learning has on students.

How long has the Analytic Method been around?

The analytic method is a simple approach that has been around for nearly one hundred years. Here is a quick resource for you to learn about the method, and how to teach it. In this quick guide you will learn what analytic phonics is, the appropriate age to use it, how to teach it, and tips for success. 08.

How to help children brainstorm and classify ideas?

An easy way to help children brainstorm and classify ideas is by using a graphic organizer. This visual presentation is a unique way to show students the material they are learning. A graphic organizer assists the students by organizing the information to make it easier for them to comprehend.

What is multisensory reading?

This method uses movement (kinesthetic) and touch (tactile), along with what we see (visual) and what we hear (auditory) to help students learn to read, write and spell. Here you will learn who benefits from this approach, and 8 activities to teach your students.

What is a lecture?

Lectures are instructor-centered forms of instruction given to a whole class. Lectures come in many different forms , some more effective than others. The least effective form of lecture involves a teacher reading from notes or the text without differentiating for student needs. This makes learning a passive activity and students may quickly lose interest.

What is a small group discussion?

The most basic example is when the teacher breaks the class up into small groups and provides them with talking points that they must discuss. The teacher then walks around the room, checking on the information being shared and ensuring participation by all within the group. The teacher may ask students questions to ensure that everyone's voice is heard.

Why do teachers use software?

Many software programs can collect data on student performance which can be used by teachers to inform instruction in areas of weakness. This instructional strategy requires that teacher vets the materials or learns the software processes of the program in order to best use the data that records student performance.

What is a Socratic seminar?

Socratic Seminar. In a whole group discussion, the instructor and the students share the focus of the lesson. Typically a teacher presents information through questions and answers, trying to ensure that all students are involved in learning. Keeping all students on task, however, may be difficult with large class sizes.

What is lecture in a mini lesson?

The lecture is often coined as "direct instruction" which can be can be made into a more active instructional strategy when it is part of a mini- lesson . The lecture portion of the mini-lesson is designed in a sequence where the teacher first makes a connection to previous lessons.

How does debate help students?

The use of debates in the classroom can be an active strategy that strengthens skills of persuasion, organization, public speaking, research, teamwork, etiquette, and cooperation. Even in a polarized classroom, student emotions and biases can be addressed in a debate that begins in research.

What is hands-on learning?

Hands-on learning allows students to participate in an organized activity best evidenced in stations or science experiments. The arts (music, art, drama) and physical education are those recognized disciplines that require hands-on instruction. Simulations are also hands-on but are different than role-playing.

7 Educational Content Development Strategies for Higher-ed Institutions

Educational institutions across the globe are experiencing a digital transformation today. Due to the influx of social media platforms, user-generated content, and increased mobile access, students have become more empowered than ever.

Final thoughts

When it comes to educational content development, there isn’t any single authoritative approach. As far as higher education is concerned, the content strategy is never approached via wide, comprehensive sweeps. Instead, you have to consider small wins and take intelligent, data-driven decisions to achieve successful outcomes.

1. Know Your Foundations: What Is Your Content Differentiation Factor (CDF)?

Content marketing is a targeted approach, which means you can’t dive in blind.

2. Audience Discovery & Brand Position: Who Will Be Engaging with Your Content?

By the time you’ve answered the questions from the first step, you should know your:

3. Understanding Keywords: Search Intent & Low-Competition Opportunities

Keywords are the bread and butter of an SEO content marketing strategy.

4. Building Authority Through Content Cores: Establish Yourself as an Expert

Here’s the thing about content – “fake it ’til you make it” doesn’t work.

5. Practical Content Creation: Delegation & Consistency

A common rookie mistake that many new content creators make is to think that quantity is more important than quality.

6. Editorial Calendar & Post-Publishing: Your Brand Ecosystem

We’re almost there! You know who you’re writing for, what kinds of topics you’re writing about, how to research long-tail keywords, which tasks should be delegated, and where to build your content house.

What are the three groups of students?

Students are divided into three groups; poorer, good, and excellent , and during teaching, everyone solves tasks appropriate to their abilities. Since there are always easier and harder parts in any topic of teaching, it is possible to apply for work with homogeneous groups at any time.

Why is corporate training important?

Corporate training is devilishly important. Having your workers up-to-speed with the latest practices, policies, procedures and products is essential for optimal business performance and effective teaching strategies. The problem is that the training strategy for your staff can be a real headache. Training days are not effective and, ...

What are some examples of instructional design?

Examples include microlearning and spaced repetition.

What is microlearning in psychology?

Microlearning is the practice of breaking complex information down into easily-digestible, bite-sized chunks. With human short-term memory only able to hold a maximum of three-to-five pieces of new information before it is overwritten or pushed out, there’s a far greater likelihood of knowledge passing to long term memory if only a few, highly-targeted, topics are focused on.

Why is it important to use the correct spaced repetition schedule?

It’s important to use the correct spaced repetition schedule to maximise effectiveness lest knowledge is revised before it has had a change to decay or after it has already decayed. Microlearning as an instructional model design is an enabler because short lessons are more practical to repeat.

What is enrichment of teaching?

Enrichment of teaching, sometimes called extension, is suitable for all students and can therefore be carried out in the whole class, but if necessary with a small group of students or individually. The benefit of this method of education is that all students benefit from it.

What is grouping by abilities?

Grouping by abilities, also called homogeneous grouping, is a form of differentiated teaching that implies the independent activity of students. It is about the teacher dividing the whole class into groups according to prior knowledge and mathematical abilities so that the differences within the group are minimal. Students are divided into three groups; poorer, good, and excellent, and during teaching, everyone solves tasks appropriate to their abilities. Since there are always easier and harder parts in any topic of teaching, it is possible to apply for work with homogeneous groups at any time.

Unit 6: Learning Styles and Strategies

Unit 6 focuses on learning styles and strategies to strengthen your learning skills, helping you learn deeper, faster, and more fully. The unit covers how we learn, how to effectively prepare for class, and techniques for active learning, with the aim of giving you tools to expand and retain knowledge.

6.1: Why It Matters: Learning Styles and Strategies

Throughout your college career, you’ll be responsible for learning a wide range of ideas, facts, theories and more, some of which will interest you deeply, but some of which will appeal on only minimal levels.

6.3: Class Preparation

Miguel de Cervantes, the highly-regarded Spanish writer, long ago said, “To be prepared is half the victory.” What did Cervantes mean by this, and how might his words be applied to academic endeavors? Learn multiple strategies you can employ to optimally meet your college responsibilities and commitments.

6.4: Class Attendance

Students don’t always want to go to class, but attending class can enhance and enrich learning in manifold ways. Learn about the benefits of attending class, what to do if you miss class, how to actively listen in class, how to effectively participate in class activities, and how to take notes.

6.5: The Role of Memory

Memory is a function that we typically take for granted, but in the college context, memory skills are very important. What strategies are recommended for studying and "knowing what to know"? In what situations do we need short-term rather than long-term memory, and vice versa?

6.6: Active Learning

Active learning is a method of learning in which you are actively or experientially involved in the learning process. Examples of active learning are class discussions, writing assignments, and student-led teaching.

6.7: Putting It Together: Learning Styles and Strategies

Learning happens in stages, so it may be unrealistic to think you can know everything all at once. Still, there are strategies to help you learn deeper, faster and more fully. The Learning Styles and Strategies unit explores these strategies in detail.
