csuci see what requirements each course meets

by Helga Deckow 9 min read

A: Courses taken through CSU Fully Online will transfer as at least general elective credit. Consult the CSU Fully Online website to find out what GE requirement the course might meet. Consult with your academic advisor to confirm that the class will meet CSUCI degree requirements.

Full Answer

How many units do I need to take at CSUCI?

At least 30 total units must be taken at CSUCI. At least 24 units of these 30 units must be upper-division coursework, and 12 of the 30 units must be in the major, all taken at the CSUCI campus. Nine units of Upper Division General Education (UDGE) courses must be completed in-residence within the CSU (CSUCI or other CSU campus).

What are the general education requirements at CSU?

General Education requirements can be found in the General Education section of the catalog. A minimum of nine upper division, interdisciplinary units must be completed in residence at CSU Channel Islands (CI). At least 30 of the total units must be taken at CI excluding Open University and Extension units.

Where can I find more information about returning CSUCI students?

You can refer to the Returning CSUCI Students webpage for further information. Disclaimer – For more information regarding transfer credit, your CARR, substitution/petition status, or forms please contact The Registrar’s Office. To view Adobe PDF documents, please download and install the free Adobe Reader.

What are the general education requirements for CSU Channel Islands (CI)?

As a graduation requirement, all CSU Channel Islands (CI) students must complete 48 units of General Education distributed across categories A-E. Nine of the 48 units of General Education are required to be resident upper division, interdisciplinary courses numbered in the 330-349 or 430-449 ranges.

What is a passing grade at CSUCI?

A grade point average of at least 2.0 overall is required across all courses taken to complete the minor program (including transfer courses). Programs may impose additional grade requirements (e.g., a program may require a minimum grade of “C” in all courses applied to the minor.)

What are the admission requirements for CSU Channel Islands?

California High School Graduates or California Residents must have a minimum index of 2950 using SAT I scores or 694 using ACT scores. Non- CA High School Graduates or non- CA Residents must have a minimum index of 3570 using SAT I scores or 842 using ACT scores.

What major is CSUCI known for?

Popular majors include Psychology, Business, and Health Service Preparatory Studies. Graduating 55% of students, Cal State Channel Islands alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $35,300.

What does prerequisites have not been met mean?

If you try to register for a class and don't have the background that the department requires for enrollment, you will get a message about not meeting the requisites. • As you can see in the example below, the specific course prerequisite is listed.

Can I get into a Cal State with a 2.5 GPA?

California residents and graduates of California high schools will be eligible for admission by earning a 2.50 or greater “a-g” GPA. Any California high school graduate or resident of California earning a GPA between 2.00 and 2.49 may be evaluated for admission based upon supplemental factors.

What GPA do I need to get into Harvard?

4.18 or aboveMost students admitted to Harvard have an unweighted GPA of 4.18 or above, so you'll need to have at least a 4.2 to be seriously evaluated. To meet the Harvard requirements, you'll have to score primarily A's on your high school courses.

How hard is it to get into Csuci?

The acceptance rate at Cal State Channel Islands is 78%. For every 100 applicants, 78 are admitted. This means the school is lightly selective. The school will have their expected requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores. If you meet their requirements, you're almost certain to get an offer of admission.

Is Csuci a HSI?

30, 2010 – CSU Channel Islands (CI), the only four-year public institution of higher education in Ventura County, has received the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) status because the University has met the diversity threshold of having at least a 25 percent Hispanic student population.

Is Channel Islands a party school?

If you're looking for a party place, CSU Channel Islands is not the place to go. There are just under 4,000 students, so if you want to meet new people and become a part of a school with a big history, Channel Islands may not be your first choice. This is a school for people who truly care about their education.

Can I take a course and its prerequisite at the same time?

Can a course have both a prerequisite and a co-requisite? Yes. The course description will typically contain the phrase “Prereq.

Can you take a course without the prerequisite?

A prerequisite is a specific course or subject that you must complete before you can take another course at the next grade level. To be accepted into some courses, you will have to prove that you have completed a similar course in the same or a related subject, at a lower grade level.

What happens if you fail a prerequisite class?

If you fail a prerequisite, you won't be permitted to take the course that lists that prerequisite as required and will have to consult with your academic advisor to recover your standing and graduate on time. Collegiate institutions require students to pass a prerequisite with a C- or higher.

How many units are required to be taken at CSUCI?

At least 30 total units must be taken at CSUCI. At least 24 units of these 30 units must be upper-division coursework, and 12 of the 30 units must be in the major, all taken at the CSUCI campus. Nine units of Upper Division General Education (UDGE) courses must be completed in-residence within the CSU (CSUCI or other CSU campus).

How many units of GE are required for CSU?

All students must complete General Education (GE) requirements. GE requirements can be found in the GE section of the catalog. A minimum of nine units of Upper Division General Education (UDGE), one each in Areas B, C, and D, must be completed in-residence within the CSU (CSUCI or other CSU campus).

How many units are required for a bachelors degree?

For the Bachelor of Arts degree, the major must contain a minimum of 24 units with at least 12 upper-division units. For the Bachelor of Science degree, the major must contain a minimum of 36 units with at least 18 upper-division units.

What is the minimum grade required for a minor?

A grade point average of at least 2.0 overall is required across all courses taken to complete the minor program (including transfer courses). Programs may impose additional grade requirements (e.g. a program may require a minimum grade of “C” in all courses applied to the minor). ( SP 12-01)

When is the commencement of a college?

Commencement is held annually at the end of the spring semester. Students who have completed degree or credential requirements the previous summer or fall terms are eligible to participate in the ceremony along with those who plan to complete their work in the spring or subsequent summer ending August 31, and have filed an Application for Degree and Diploma . Names of graduates and degree candidates who have applied for graduation by the published deadline will be published in the Commencement Program. Students who do not wish to have their names published in the Commencement Program may opt out by filing a Request to Withhold Directory Information form with the Office of the Registrar.

Does the Seal of Biliteracy earn college level credit?

Note: While students will meet the Language Graduation Requirement, a state‑approved Seal of Biliteracy does not earn college-level credit or units. Study abroad and earn a grade equivalent of “C-” or better in a native language course (other than English) in their host country.

How many units are required to be a CSU student?

To participate, undergraduates must have: Completed at least one term at Channel Islands and earned at least 12 units as a matriculated student.

When will California State University fall 2021 start?

Fall 2021 course offerings will be viewable at the California State University website beginning on 6/1/2021. Before enrolling in an online course at another CSU, you should consult with your Academic Advisor to determine how the course may apply to your degree.

Does CSU fully online transfer?

A: Courses taken through CSU Fully Online will transfer as at least general elective credit. Consult the CSU Fully Online website to find out what GE requirement the course might meet. Consult with your academic advisor to confirm that the class will meet CSUCI degree requirements.

How many units of GE are required for CSU Channel Islands?

General Education (GE) Areas and Courses. As a graduation requirement, all CSU Channel Islands (CI) students must complete 48 units of GE distributed across Areas A-E. Students will need to earn a grade of C- or higher to receive GE credit for courses taken in Areas A1, A2, A3, and B4.

What are UDGE courses?

Nine of the 48 units of GE have been designated as UDGE courses. These courses integrate significant content, ideas, and ways of knowing from more than one discipline. Each of these courses will involve the student in collaborative work, critical thinking, and integration of ideas. Students will extend their experience across the curriculum and gain more breadth of educational experience. In addition, they will begin to make connections between their majors and a variety of other fields and ways of knowing, increasing both their knowledge and their ability to communicate with people across the disciplinary spectrum. Students must complete one course each in Areas UDGE-B, UDGE-C, and UDGE-D.

How many units do you need to graduate from Channel Islands?

If you are planning to graduate within four years, you need to average 30 units per year.

How many units can you repeat for GPA?

Beyond 16 units, an additional 12 units will be averaged into your GPA. Courses repeated at another school will be averaged into your GPA. You can only repeat (for grade forgiveness) the same course once. Failing grades due to academic dishonesty are not eligible for grade forgiveness.

Can I come back to CI?

Yes, you can come back to CI, but you will have to submit a Returning Student Application ( PDF, 139 KB), which must be signed by an academic advisor. Contact the Advising Office at (805) 437-8571 to schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss coming back to school.

Can you repeat a course at CI?

Some courses can be repeated for grade forgiveness, if repeated at CI. You can repeat courses with an earned grade of “C-“ or less - up to 16 units. The better of the two grades is calculated in your GPA. Beyond 16 units, an additional 12 units will be averaged into your GPA.

Do you get credit for a class after a change in the course?

If you took a class within a year after the change occurred, you can still get credit for the GE or graduation requirement. This will not happen automatically.

Is GWAR required for graduation?

Graduation requirements: language and the GWAR course. Note: Fall 2018 through Spring 2020, GWAR will not be required. Students who started CI, Spring 2018 or prior are required to complete Upper Division Interdisciplinary General Education (UDIGE) courses, which have a grade requirement of “C” or better.

How many units of general education are required for CSU Channel Islands?

As a graduation requirement, all CSU Channel Islands (CI) students must complete 48 units of General Education distributed across categories A-E. Nine of the 48 units of General Education are required to be resident upper division, interdisciplinary courses numbered in the 330-349 or 430-449 ranges.

How many units are required for interdisciplinary classes?

A minimum of three semester units must come from a discipline outside the student’s major and not cross-listed with the student’s major discipline. All upper division, interdisciplinary courses will include substantive written work consisting of in-class writing as well as outside-class writing of revised prose.

Can a single course be divided into two categories?

The student may choose which category requirements the course will fill, but a single course cannot fulfill requirements for two categories or sub-categories except in the following instances of the Multicultural requirement (C3b) and the Upper Division Interdisciplinary General Education (UDIGE) requirement.

Can you double count a major and general education?

Double counting between a program and General Education requirements is allowed; however, only 6 of the 9 units of upper division, interdisciplinary General Education courses may be double counted between a major and General Education.

Registration Guides, Tools and Tutorials

Learn how to register in myCI by viewing our Registration video tutorials or reading a step-by-step guide.

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Considerations during Registration

Undergraduate students in good academic standing may enroll in up to 18 units. Students who wish to enroll in more than 18 units must obtain approval from the chair or faculty advisor in the student’s declared major, or by an academic advisor if undeclared. Undergraduate students on academic probation may enroll in up to 14 units.

How many units of general education are required for CSU Channel Islands?

As a graduation requirement, all CSU Channel Islands (CI) students must complete 48 units of General Education distributed across categories A-E. Nine of the 48 units of General Education are required to be in-residence, upper division, interdisciplinary general education (UDIGE) courses numbered in the 330-349 or 430-449 ranges. Students will need to earn a grade of C- or higher in to receive GE credit for courses in areas A1, A2, A3, and B3. Students will need to earn a grade of C or higher in their UDIGE courses to satisfy the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR), a graduation requirement.

What are the nine units of general education?

Nine of the 48 units of General Education have been designated as UDIGE courses. These courses integrate significant content, ideas, and ways of knowing from more than one discipline. Each of these courses will involve the student in collaborative work, critical thinking, and integration of ideas. By taking nine units of these courses in categories A-E, students will extend their experience across the curriculum and gain more breadth of educational experience. In addition, they will begin to make connections between their majors and a variety of other fields and ways of knowing, increasing both their knowledge and their ability to communicate with people across the disciplinary spectrum.

What is general education?

General Education requirements are designed to assure that all graduates of the University, whatever their major, have acquired essential skills, experiences, and a broad range of knowledge appropriate to educated people within a society. Students who complete the General Education program examine the modern world and issues facing societies from multiple perspectives and translate knowledge into judgment and action in the form of civic engagement.

How many units of general education are required for CSU Channel Islands?

As a graduation requirement, all CSU Channel Islands (CI) students must complete 48 units of General Education distributed across categories A-E. Nine of the 48 units of General Education are required to be resident upper division, interdisciplinary courses numbered in the 330-349 or 430-449 ranges.

How many units are required for interdisciplinary classes?

A minimum of three semester units must come from a discipline outside the student’s major and not cross-listed with the student’s major discipline. All upper division, interdisciplinary courses will include substantive written work consisting of in-class writing as well as outside-class writing of revised prose.

Can a single course be divided into two categories?

The student may choose which category requirements the course will fill, but a single course cannot fulfill requirements for two categories or sub-categories except in the following instances of the Multicultural requirement (C3b) and the Upper Division Interdisciplinary General Education (UDIGE) requirement.

Can you double count a course?

Double Counting. A course may meet the content requirements for two or more program areas (majors, minors, and other sub-programs) with permission of the program; however, the units for the course are counted only once toward the total units for graduation. Double counting between a program and General Education requirements is allowed; however, ...

Can you double count a major and general education?

Double counting between a program and General Education requirements is allowed; however, only 6 of the 9 units of upper division, interdisciplinary General Education courses may be double counted between a major and General Education.


General Education

Major/Minor Requirements

American Institutions Requirement

Grade Point Average

Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

Language Graduation Requirement

Multicultural Perspectives (MP) Graduation Requirement


  • At least 30 total units must be taken at CSUCI. At least 24 units of these 30 units must be upper-division coursework, and 12 of the 30 units must be in the major, all taken at the CSUCI campus. Nine units of Upper Division General Education (UDGE) courses must be completed in-residence within the CSU (CSUCI or other CSU campus). A minimum of 120 u...
See more on catalog.csuci.edu


General Education (GE) Areas and Courses

  • As a graduation requirement, all CSU Channel Islands (CI) students must complete 48 units of GE distributed across Areas A-E. Students will need to earn a grade of C- or higher to receive GE credit for courses taken in Areas A1, A2, A3, and B4. Nine of the 48 units are Upper Division General Education (UDGE) courses, and are required to be taken in...
See more on catalog.csuci.edu

Upper Division General Education (Udge) Areas and Courses

Mission Pillars Categories and Courses

Major-Specific Courses

Cross-Listed Courses


Courses in More Than One Area

Table of Contents

See more on csuci.edu

Transferable Credit/Classes


General Education/Graduation Requirements
