critical analysis when in the course charles adams

by Ms. Lilla Bauch 9 min read

Who is Charles Adams?

Oct 19, 2021 · Adams’ detailed examination of the tariff war of March, 1861, should establish once and for all that the tariff issue is the single cause of the war, notwithstanding the obvious fact that the war was certainly also “about” slavery. Lincoln, the adept political hack with a finger in the wind to public opinion, knew his course after March.

What do you like most about Adams Adams'analysis of Lincoln?

Oct 01, 2000 · Adams's Stunning AchievementMises Review 6, No. 3 (Fall 2000)WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS: ARGUING THE CASE FOR SOUTHERN SECESSIONCharles AdamsRowman and Littlefield, 2000; xiv + 257 pgs. Charles Adams manifests in this excellent book a rare talent-he asks intelligent historical questions.

Is Charles Adams the world’s leading historian of taxes?

According to Charles Adams in his book When In the Course of Human Events, the South was well within their rights to secede from the union of independent states one century, two score and one decade ago. And he is not alone. At least not alone when it comes to 19th century thought.

Charles Adams

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Community Reviews

This book has a not-new thesis, beloved by Marxists and Charles Beard: that economic reasons were the real driver behind the Civil War. Actually, Charles Adams tells us that only one economic reason was the sole driver—increased tariffs dictated by the North.

About E. Charles Adams

Since 1985, E. Charles Adams has been Curator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum and Professor, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona. Since arriving at UA, he has directed the Homol’ovi Research Program for the Museum. Homol’ovi was a gathering place for many Hopi clans prior to migrating to the present villages around 1400.

Selected Publications

1991 The Origin and Development of the Pueblo Katsina Cult. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Research Interests

Ethnoarchaeology, pre-contact and early contact period in U.S. Southwest
