crash course why you can't look at the sun

by Matilda Vandervort 9 min read

Why can't we look at the Sun?

Science Says Why We Can't Look at the Sun. Patients with this condition, known as solar retinopathy, show a very characteristic pattern of eye damage during an exam. "It looks like someone took a hole punch and just punched out the photoreceptive cells in the retina," Van Gelder told Live Science.

What happens if you look at the Sun with an eyeglasses?

That's because these devices will focus the sun's rays even more than your eyes do, Van Gelder said, and this can cause serious eye injury. REMEMBER: Looking directly at the sun, even when it is partially covered by the moon, can cause serious eye damage or blindness.

Is it safe to look at the Sun with Naked Eyes?

Because of the dangers, the AAO recommends that people not spend any time looking directly at the sun with their naked eyes.

What happens if you point your lens directly at the Sun?

"If you take a lens that has that much power and point it directly at the sun, the energy becomes very high," and is enough to literally burn holes in the retina, or the light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye, Van Gelder said.

Why are stars fainter?

is that the Sun is close, but the stars are terribly far away, so they’re fainter.

How big is the Sun?

The Sun is, essentially, a big hot ball of mostly hydrogen gas. It’s 1.4 million kilometers

What is stripped from the core?

atoms are stripped from their protons. This makes the core a thick soup of ultra-hot subatomic

How dense is the Sun's atmosphere?

Sun’s atmosphere. It’s less than 1% as dense as the photosphere, but actually much
