crash course government how a bill becomes a law

by Robert Hermiston 7 min read

If the President neither signs nor vetoes the law and Congress remains in session for more then 10 days, the bill becomes a law without the President's signature. So that is the basic wrinkle, but if you want to be all Madisonian about it, check, on the president's power.

Full Answer

What are the seven steps of how a bill becomes a law?

The process of how a bill becomes a law can be pretty complex, fraught with potential bill-death at every corner. As if just getting through committee isn’t difficult enough, bills have to navigate a series of amendments and votes in both houses, potentially more committees, further compromise bills, and even more floor votes, just to end up on the chopping block of the …

What is the process for a bill becoming a law?

Dec 02, 2015 · Crash Course Government and Politics How a Bill Becomes a Law: Crash Course Government #9 Episode 9 | 6m 56s The process of how a bill becomes a law can be pretty complex, fraught with potential...

How does a bad bill become law?

Mar 20, 2015 · Oh my, Craig has his work cut out for him this week. The process of how a bill becomes a law can be pretty complex, fraught with potential bill-death at ever...

How did The Bursum Bill fail to become a law?

If Congress really wanted a bill and the President has vetoed it, they can override the veto if cuts a 2/3 majority in both houses on a second vote. Then the bill becomes a law over the President's signature. Oh snap! This is really rare, but it does happen once in a great while. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1953 passed over Truman's veto.

What is the beginning of a bill?

The real beginning is when he or she has an idea for a law. And even this might come from an interest group, the executive branch, or even the constituents. But the formal process begins with the legislator introducing the bill. After its introduction, the bill's referred to a committee.

What is the 3rd option?

Option 2 is for him to veto the bill and we've gone through all of this for nothing. The 3rd option is only available at the end of a congressional term. If the President neither signs nor vetoes the bill, and then in the next 10 days, Congress goes out of session, the bill does not become a law.

What is the purpose of the conference committee?

The conference committee attempts to reconcile both versions of the bill and come up with a new version, sometimes called a compromise bill . Okay, so if the Conference Committee reaches a compromise, it then sends the bill back to both houses for a new vote. If it passes, then it's sent to the President.

Does the House have a filibuster?

It's a bit more complex than that, but the filibuster rules have changed recently, so hopefully we won't have as many filibuster threats in the future. The House doesn't have a filibuster but it does have a Rules Committee that can kill a bill by not creating a rule for debate.

Can Congress override a veto?

If Congress really wanted a bill and the President has vetoed it, they can override the veto if cuts a 2/3 majority in both houses on a second vote. Then the bill becomes a law over the President's signature. Oh snap! This is really rare, but it does happen once in a great while.
