course to learn how to maintenance magneto at continental motors

by Ahmed Mraz 8 min read

What kind of maintenance do TCM/Bendix magnetos require?

Continenta Motors Maintenance Manuals. Engines. Certified AvGas Engines; ... Position Tuned Fuel Injector Nozzle Installation and Maintenance Manual, X42001, S-1200 Magneto Service Support Manual, X42002, S-20/S-200 Magneto Service Support Manual, and TEC-1, Tips on Engine Care (see below) are included in the library ... Continental Energizer ...

What is the Continental ® piston engine training course?

Aviation Technician Factory Training Course Level 2. $1,300.00. Lunch & training materials included. This 5-day course is a more in-depth, hands-on training for Continental's AvGas engine line. Course Overview. Cylinder Inspection. Compression Test. Borescope inspection. Cylinder Removal and Installation.

How often should a magneto be serviced?

Magneto Maintenance 101. Understanding magnetos and manufacturer recommendations for maintenance can help ensure your safety. The following is an excerpt from Bill Ross’ book “Engine Management 101.”. Published by Superior Air Parts Inc., this book is a compilation of what Bill has learned during his 35-plus years of experience as a pilot ...

What should I do if my Magneto is not working properly?

Dec 22, 2000 · Maintenance; Continental’s Cram Course: TCM’s Aviation Technician Advanced Training Program How would you like to learn more about your TCM piston aircraft engine than 99% of your fellow Continental owners will ever know ... and maybe even more than your A&P knows? All it takes is five days in Mobile, Ala., and $750 in tuition.

How does a magneto work?

The basic aircraft magneto uses a strong rotating magnet inside a coil. There is a voltage produced in this primary coil, which is then stepped up even higher in a secondary coil. This is achieved by having more windings in the secondary coil than in the primary.

What is magneto check?

The magneto check is one of the first things we learn as student pilots. Run the engine up to a specific rpm and switch to the right mag, then the left. If you see a “suitable” drop in the engine’s rpm, you’re good to go. Or are you?

How long does a Bendix magneto last?

In addition, Bendix-style magnetos have a recommended four-year-in-service or five-year-from-date-of-manufacture replacement/over haul, whichever occurs first.

What is a 500 hour inspection?

During the typical 500-hour engine inspection, the maintenance provider should disassemble, clean and inspect the magneto internal parts. At the same time, the breaker points and condenser are normally replaced and the magneto is lubricated. Inspection of the gears for cracks or abnormal wear is very important to the function of the magneto and health of the engine.

Why do magnetos wear out?

Conversely, magnetos that have been in service for a period of time can become worn due to contamination and operation. Magnetos that house excessive dirt and electrolytic debris are prime candidates to ruin your day.

Why is it important to inspect gears?

Inspection of the gears for cracks or abnormal wear is very important to the function of the magneto and health of the engine. In addition, the impulse coupling (if equipped) is inspected for excessive wear and correct functionality.

Is Magneto a reliable device?

While the magneto is very reliable and robust, it is intolerant of neglect or abuse. This article is not intended to make you an expert on magneto theory, function and maintenance but should prove helpful in understanding the periodic maintenance recommendations by the respective manufacturers.

How long does it take to lubricate a TCM magneto?

All TCM/Bendix magnetos require 500-hour major maintenance that includes lubricating the internal gears and bushings, and resetting the internal timing ("e-gap") and point gap. We practiced the internal timing procedure under Tim’s watchful eyes. We also practiced timing the mags to the engine, using a "buzz box" and timing gauge. And we learned how to use a harness tester to identify a faulty ignition lead.

How does a magneto work?

The permanent-magnet alternator induces a modest alternating voltage (on the order of plus/minus 20 volts) in its primary coil. The interrupter (cam, points and capacitor) interrupts the current flow in the primary coil and causes its electromagnetic field to collapse suddenly. The collapse generates a high-voltage pulse (up to 35,000 volts) in the secondary step-up winding (typically a 75-to-1 turns ratio to the primary). The jump-gap distributor sends this high-voltage pulse to the appropriate spark plug lead.

What is the third binder of the TCM ignition system?

The third binder contains the TCM Ignition Systems Master Service Manual, including overhaul manuals, illustrated parts lists, service bulletins and application data for all TCM/Bendix magnetos, harnesses, ignition switches and starting vibrators. This was the "bible" for the fourth day of the course, which was devoted to the care and feeding of Bendix mags and related ignition components.

What is the advantage of holding a TCM class at the factory?

A great advantage of holding the course at the factory is that all the technical resources of TCM are near at hand. If a question comes up in class that the instructors can’t answer, they have ready access to the appropriate expert, and generally come back with a definitive answer after lunch or the next day.

What is ATATP training manual?

The first of these is the ATATP Training Manual, containing detailed study text for each technical topic covered by the course, more than 90 11×17-inch foldout diagrams (many in color), and a workbook section containing a series of study questions. (While there are no formal exams or quizzes during the course, instructors would often pose questions from the workbook to check our comprehension and see if any subjects needed repeating.) Also included in the Training Manual are model-by-model engine installation procedures, a detailed discussion of what should be covered during 100-hour/annual inspections, and an assortment of reprinted technical briefs from various engine component vendors, including a particularly fascinating one from Glacier Vendervell on bearing failure analysis.

Where was Continental engine made?

Continental, we learned, was founded in 1905 in Muskegon , Mich., by two brothers-in-law, Ross Judson (who provided the engineering know-how) and Arthur Tobin (who provided the seed money). Their initial product was a four-cylinder, four-cycle automotive engine featuring an in-line, single-camshaft, L-head configuration patterned after the European auto engines of the time — hence the name "Continental Motors."

Who taught the fuel injection course?

Don taught the fuel injection system segment of the course. Tim Davis, head of tech support for TCM’s ignition systems division (formerly Bendix/Scintilla), who taught the ignition systems segment. Pat Pierce, long-timer in manufacturing at TCM, who conducted the factory tour segment. All were very knowledgeable and personable instructors, ...

How to remove contact assemblies from magneto?

Using a pry bar approximately 12 to 16 inches long (similar to the one shown in Figure 401), pry out and discard wedges (35) which secure coil (36) in housing (72). Lift coil (36) from housing (72). CAUTION: When prying wedges out of magneto, be sure coil leads are not between wedges or housing and pry bar. C. Remove contact assemblies (30) from magneto by taking out screws (27) and washers (29) . Discard con­ tact assemblies.

How many sparks does a four cylinder magneto have?

In both the four and six cylinder magnetos, a two lobe A. . cam is secured to the contact end of a two pole rotating magnet. Four cylinder magnetos are driven at engine speed, producing four sparks through 720· of crankshaft rotation.

How to tighten a coupling?

Then while puller is still fully tightened, hold tip of hot heavy-duty solder­ ing iron in contact with hub of coupling cam assembly. Sol der wetting of the tip at point of contact with cam hub will assist in heat transfer to the parts. Retighten puller after about a minute of heat application.

What is the purpose of impulse coupling?

The purpose of the impulse coupling is to: (1) rotate the magnet between impulse trips faster than engine cranking speed, thus generat- ing a better spark for starting the engine, (2) automat­ ically retard the spark during engine cranking, and (3) act as a drive coupling for the magneto. D.

Can you use magneto on a test stand?

Do not operate magneto on test stand unless all high tension leads are connected to spark gaps, since an open secondary circuit would subject magneto parts to possible damage.