course how to be a juror

by Dr. Korey O'Connell Jr. 9 min read

Full Answer

How to get out of being selected as a juror?

  • Many jurisdictions bar lawyers, judges, and police officers from jury duty. They consider these people too informed on the subject to be effective jurors.
  • Similarly, doctors are almost always excused from malpractice cases, bankers from embezzlement cases, etc.
  • It is not, however, unheard-of for a sitting judge to be seated as a juror.

What are the requirements for being a juror?

To serve as a Massachusetts juror, you must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States
  • Be 18 or older
  • Be a resident of or live in Massachusetts for more than 50% of the year
  • Speak and understand English well enough to be able to participate in a trial

What are the qualifications to be a jury?

Under the Juries Act 1974, to qualify for jury service, a person must be:

  • between the ages of 18 and 70 years old;
  • registered to vote in parliamentary or local government elections;
  • a registered citizen in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for at least five years since their 13th birthday.

How to earn money as a mock juror?

The Verdict Is In: You Can Make Cash as a Mock Juror Without Leaving Your Home

  • Online Verdict. Online Verdict is the most lucrative online option with the ability to earn between $20 and $60 per case, depending on how much time they take to review.
  • eJury. ...
  • JuryTest. ...
  • More From Woman’s World

How to get selected for jury duty?

1. Attend your jury service date. The first step to getting selected from the jury pool is to attend when summoned for jury duty. Dress professionally and arrive early to the location indicated on your jury duty summons. By dressing professionally, you will make a good impression and indicate to the court that you are taking the prospect ...

How to maximize your chances of being a jury?

Any potential juror who seems like he or she might be biased for or against the defendant is likely to be excused. To maximize your chances, downplay your own biases.

Why is serving on a jury important?

Serving on a jury is an important responsibility, and a valuable civil right. It can also be an educational, entertaining, and meaningful experience. Jurors are chosen from among randomly-selected members of the community to decide civil and criminal matters. You cannot guarantee your seat on a jury, but ensure your own eligibility to serve ...

Why do jurors ask to be excused?

Some jurors will ask to be excused or rescheduled due to temporary scheduling conflicts. If you have free time to serve on a jury, you will remain in the jury pool after many of your fellows have been excused. Grand juries and trial juries are selected from similar pools of potential jurors.

Why are some groups exempt from jury duty?

Some groups are exempted from jury service because serving on a jury would interfere with their employment. These exempt groups are: Active duty armed forces members; Professional firefighters; Police officers; and. Federal, state, or local public officials who work full-time in that position. [2]

How long do grand juries sit?

Grand juries and trial juries are selected from similar pools of potential jurors. However, since grand jurors sit for as long as several years , they are much more likely to be composed of retired persons and others with particularly open schedules.

Who takes turns asking questions to the jury?

The prosecution (or plaintiff in civil cases) and defense will take turns asking questions to the jury as a group and as individuals. Based on how potential jurors answer, the attorneys will take turns excusing the members of the jury pool whom they don’t want on the final jury.

Meet the requirements

Much like the selection process for actual jury trials, virtual jurors are selected at random; however, there’s a set of requirements that must be met to be eligible for being selected.

Familiarize yourself with the trial process

Mock jurors don’t have to know everything about the trial process like a lawyer but it definitely helps to have a general idea of how it goes.

Prepare for the mental difficulty of being a juror

Jurors don’t just listen and give an opinion for the verdict; they have to:

Make the most out of the opportunity

At best, being an online mock juror is a good side gig, but it’s far from being a viable career path. Because of the random nature of jury selection, you can’t expect to be paid for this opportunity consistently.

Become an Online Mock Juror with Mock Jury Trials Online

Civicom is a leading global partner in facilitating online mock jury trials for legal firms or trial consultants. If you’re looking into online jury solutions, let us know how we can help.

Who received a notice to serve on a jury in his area?

Juan received a notice to serve on a jury in his area. He speaks only Spanish. Jackie received a notice to serve on a jury in her city. She has been living in the judicial district for two years. She is a waitress in a local diner and has never been convicted of a felony. Roger received a notice to serve on a jury.

Who is Elizabeth on the jury?

Elizabeth received a notice to serve on a jury. She is a lawyer in town and knows the defendant in the trial. Explain: Elizabeth would be qualified under the law, but the attorneys for the defendant or prosecutor may strike her from the jury pool because she is an attorney or because she knows the defendant.

How long do you have to live in a judicial district to be convicted of a felony?

Explain: You must have lived in the judicial district for one year and usually you cannot have been convicted of a felony (or have charges pending). N. Roger received a notice to serve on a jury. He is currently in a hospital receiving treatment for schizophrenia.

Is being a citizen a requirement for being a juror?

Explain: Being a U.S. citizen is a qualification for being a juror, just as it is for voting. Elia received a notice to serve on a jury in her town. She is 17 and a student at the local high school. Explain: Again, the requirements for voting and jury service are similar.

How much do jurors get paid?

However, they tend to have more strict vetting requirements as well. You can expect to get paid between $10 and $60 for an average case. A short, easy verdict might only pay $5, while cases that go on for hours may demand upwards of $100.

How old do you have to be to be on a mock jury?

You may have to provide proof of residence, such as a valid ID, along with proof that you’re over the age of 18 to participate. You don’t need any type of formal training or certifications to serve on a mock jury.

Why do lawyers use mock jury?

Lawyers hire a mock jury so that they can ensure their case is airtight. They’re looking for people who are willing to provide open, honest feedback. As an online juror, you’ll listen to a lawyer present their case and their client’s argument without interruption.

What is online jury duty?

What is an Online Juror? Most of us are familiar with jury duty. Anyone who is a registered voter and has a valid state ID has probably gone through the jury selection process and possibly even served at least once. Becoming an online juror is very similar to serving in an in-person jury. However, the cases that you’ll encounter haven’t gone ...

What do lawyers consider during an e-trial?

During each e-trial, you’ll consider arguments and evidence just as you would while serving in a real jury. Lawyers want online jurors to give them a feel for how a real jury might react to their arguments and whether they can expect a positive outcome for their client.

What is mock juror?

Working as a mock juror is an interesting, fun, and intellectually stimulating way to make some extra money. You’ll learn more about local politics and the intricacies of the legal process. You may even pick up healthy habits when it comes to note-taking, critical thinking, peer-to-peer communication, and more.

What is jury talk?

JuryTalk offers mock trials and legal focus groups, giving it a wider scope than similar services. Signing up is simple and enables you to participate in both trials and focus groups if you wish.

How do jurors work?

In order for the system to work effectively, jurors, attorneys, and judges must work together to administer justice. Thus, an effective juror must: (1) Be honest, forthcoming, and genuine; (2) Listen attentively and take good notes; (3) Ask questions if you do not understand; and (4) Listen to all the evidence prior to forming any conclusions about ...

What do judges and attorneys expect from jurors?

Know what Judges and Attorneys expect from Jurors#N#Judges and attorneys have the utmost respect for jurors and the vital role they play in our court system. We know that you take time out of your busy lives to perform this essential role in justice. In order for the system to work effectively, jurors, attorneys, and judges must work together to administer justice. Thus, an effective juror must: (1) Be honest, forthcoming, and genuine; (2) Listen attentively and take good notes; (3) Ask questions if you do not understand; and (4) Listen to all the evidence prior to forming any conclusions about the case. Of course, these are general guidelines and you should always follow the rules of your specific jurisdiction, which will be explained to you by the judges and attorneys in your specific case.

What happens during deliberations?

During deliberations you can take all of the evidence together and make an informed decision. In a criminal trial, the prosecution goes first, then the Defendant, while in a civil trial the Plaintiff goes first, again followed by the Defendant.

Can you take notes during a trial?

If the judge allows it, take notes throughout the trial. We attorneys have countless notes that we use in preparation for and during trial, so we can't expect you to digest a 4 or 5 day trial without taking notes. Some jurisdictions also allow juror questions.
