course hero why there is not known fact about teratogenic drug ingestion for pregnancy

by Euna Sipes 10 min read

What are teratogens and how dangerous are they?

Usually, they are drugs, but they can also be infectious agents, including viruses and bacteria. A fetus can be affected by a teratogen from just a few weeks after conception, and the risk can continue to exist until the end of the second trimester.

How dangerous are infectious teratogens during pregnancy?

With infectious teratogens, the danger is most severe in the last few weeks of pregnancy. It is believed that if a mother’s infection is not treated, the chance of giving birth to a child with birth defects is increased by 20% to 30%.

Is thalidomide a teratogen?

The fact that thalidomide is a teratogen was discovered accidentally. Another example is isotretinoin, which is a remedy for acne. “The acne drug Accutane is as dangerous a cause of birth defects as thalidomide, causing 40% of women to miscarry and 25% to have children with severe birth defects if taken early in pregnancy.”

Is it safe to take medications during pregnancy?

It is because of this that women should always avoid taking any kind of medication during their pregnancy. However, there are situations in which taking medication outweighs the risk, particularly if it is a life saving drug for the expectant mother. There are still many drugs of which scientists do not know whether they are a teratogen or not.

Why is it dangerous to take teratogenic drugs before pregnancy?

Using teratogenic drugs before becoming pregnant is a risk because 50% of pregnancies are unintended, and a patient could become pregnant while taking the drug.

What does it mean when a newborn is born with heroin?

ANS: C. The newborn of an active heroin addict experiences a withdrawal syndrome that includes shrill crying, vomiting, and extreme irritability. The newborn will not experience passivity or a flat affect, diarrhea, or salivation, or continuous restless sleep as a result of being born to an active heroin addict. 62.

Why are asthma medications considered a risk factor?

Because the health of the fetus depends on the health of the mother, all drugs must be considered in light of the benefits of treatment versus the risks to the fetus . Asthma medications may have effects on the fetus, but the risk of stillbirth presents a greater risk.

Can teratogens cause anatomical defects?

They are more likely to cause anatomical defects if they are teratogen. ANS: A. In the third trimester, drugs excreted by the kidneys may have to be increased, because renal blood flow is doubled, the glomerular filtration rate is increased, and drug clearance is accelerated.

Does pumping breast milk decrease drug concentration?

Pumping the breast milk will not diminish the drugs or drug concentration in the breast milk. Taking the medication 1 hour before breastfeeding will increase concentrations of the drug in the breast milk. 66. A nursing student asks the nurse why more is not known about the teratogenic effects of maternal medication ingestion during pregnancy.

Why are there still many drugs that scientists do not know whether they are a teratogen or not?

This is because tests need to be done in terms of how the drug affect the development of the embryo, how easy it is for the substance to pass through the placenta, and what timing and dosage of fetal exposure are relevant. Because of all these factors, doctors find it very difficult to accurately predict the dangers of a teratogen. Additionally, certain drugs interact with each other, meaning they could be safe on their own, but not when used together. Then, there is the fact that it may be possible for a drug to only become a teratogen if a woman is also exposed to certain environmental factors, and her genetic predisposition may also play a role. While case control studies do exist, they are often very limited.

What are teratogens? What are their effects?

Teratogens are agents that can cause a fetus to develop birth defects due to exposure. Usually, they are drugs, but they can also be infectious agents, including viruses and bacteria. A fetus can be affected by a teratogen from just a few weeks after conception, and the risk can continue to exist until the end of the second trimester. It is because of this that women should always avoid taking any kind of medication during their pregnancy. However, there are situations in which taking medication outweighs the risk, particularly if it is a life saving drug for the expectant mother.

What happens if a mother's infection is not treated?

It is believed that if a mother’s infection is not treated, the chance of giving birth to a child with birth defects is increased by 20% to 30%. This is why it is often advisable for a woman to take antibiotics during pregnancy, as this can remove the infection without putting the unborn baby at risk.

What is the name of the disease that can be caused by a woman who does not have immunity to rubella?

Finally, there is rubella, also known as ‘German measles’. CRS (congenital rubella syndrome) can occur if a woman who does not have immunity to rubella comes into contact with the virus during pregnancy. Major birth defects can be experienced, including blindness, heart malformation, mental retardation and deafness.

Is isotretinoin a birth defect?

See Accutane birth defects lawsuit options. Isotretinoin was actually dubbed the new thalidomide. Reported birth defects included hydrocephalus, mental retardation, microcephaly, cleft palate and lip, anomalies of the limb, cardiovascular system and eye and more.

Can drugs affect the unborn fetus?

This means that some defects may be associated with drugs, but were actually caused by the luck of the draw. To date, there is no evidence to suggest men taking certain drugs can affect the unborn fetus. However, men can experience fertility issues due to these drugs.

Can teratogens be used together?

Additionally, certain drugs interact with each other, meaning they could be safe on their own, but not when used together.