course hero, which of the following years includes the industrial revolution?

by Coleman Eichmann 3 min read

How did the Industrial Revolution change the world?

A time of rapid change that started in England and spread to other parts of the world Had nothing to do with a war or revolting against a ruler It was about the revolution of ideas and industry Also changed the way people lived and thought How were items made before the Industrial Revolution?

How many terms are in the Industrial Revolution?

Industrial revolution 23 terms Maria_Cristo Chapter 7 Study Guide -The Industrial Revolution 22 terms tsfhsh2124 Chapter 7 63 terms willaroby123 Other sets by this creator Social Studies Vocabulary- Egypt

Where were the two centers of the Industrial Revolution?

The first was centered in Britain, the second was in America Which of the following was a drawback of the Industrial Revolution? A. birth of the middle class B. Development of new consumer goods C. Use of child labor D. Development of the transcontinental railroad