course hero which of the following is used to predict cross-selling opportunities?

by Marian Davis 8 min read

What are some examples of cross-sell opportunities?

For example, working at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, I made a dashboard to identify cross-sell opportunities for the company’s salespeople, like selling servers alongside installation services and higher-tier support, or selling a pallet rack with a side panel kit and console kit.

How much HPE sales can you expect from cross-selling?

With annual revenue of around $30 billion, even a 5% lift in HPE sales via cross-selling would come out to a whopping $1.5 billion. We’ll use Apteo to predict cross-sell opportunities on insurance company data, with around 381K health insurance customers from the past year.

What is cross selling in business?

A non-technical guide. C ross-selling is a fancy term for selling one item with another that a customer already plans on buying. For example, if you’re buying peanut butter at the store, the clerk might recommend jelly that’s on sale.

Finding Cross-Sell Opportunities With Machine Learning

C ross-selling is a fancy term for selling one item with another that a customer already plans on buying. For example, if you’re buying peanut butter at the store, the clerk might recommend jelly that’s on sale.

IT Cross-Selling

This is a common technique in the IT world, where there’s a ton of money to be made in selling products and services in packages.

No-Code AI to Find Cross-Sell Opportunities

We’ll use Apteo to predict cross-sell opportunities on insurance company data, with around 381K health insurance customers from the past year. We want to know if a new customer would be interested in additional vehicle insurance.