course hero which of the following is best suited to preventing groupthink?

by Prof. Delaney Kassulke PhD 7 min read

Which of the following can be effective in reducing groupthink?

Intentionally structure meetings. The structure of a meeting – in terms of both its consistent schedule and format – can help to avoid groupthink. In my opinion, meetings should never be a monologue or led by any one person - even the CEO. They can tend to be boring and lack audience attention and effectiveness.

What are the remedies for groupthink?

5 ways to minimize bias and other groupthink-y tendenciesEvaluate all ideas critically. ... As a group leader, keep your ideas to yourself (at first) ... Have smaller group discussions. ... Consider an outsider's opinion. ... Have a "devil's advocate"

What is groupthink in social psychology?

groupthink, mode of thinking in which individual members of small cohesive groups tend to accept a viewpoint or conclusion that represents a perceived group consensus, whether or not the group members believe it to be valid, correct, or optimal.

What is it called when a group quickly makes a decision without critical evaluation?

Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of individuals reaches a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives. Groupthink is based on a common desire not to upset the balance of a group of people.

What can you do to avoid groupthink quizlet?

Groupthink can be prevented by: 1. Consulting a third party (outside the group). 2....Don't call a meeting unless no other better option exists.Identify the specific purpose of the meeting.Prepare a clear agenda or plan for the meeting.Keep talks on track.When you've decided on something, move on.

What action can help a group avoid groupthink quizlet?

In order to avoid groupthink, you should discourage individual group members from working on the group's problem individually.

What is groupthink quizlet?

Groupthink. a way of group deliberation that minimizes conflict and emphasizes, the need for unanimity. Problem solving Groups.

What is groupthink psychology quizlet?

groupthink. the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives.

What is the best example of groupthink?

Two well-known examples of Groupthink in action are the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster and the Bay of Pigs invasion. Engineers of the space shuttle knew about some faulty parts months before takeoff, but they did not want negative press so they pushed ahead with the launch anyway.

What causes groupthink?

There are several main causes of groupthink. These include group cohesiveness, overall group isolation, group leadership, and decision-making stress. High levels of cohesiveness decrease the amount of verbal dissension within a tight group, due to interpersonal pressure to conform.

Which of the following is not one of the symptoms of groupthink quizlet?

A sense of invulnerability is not one of the symptoms of "groupthink." In order for complete consensus to occur, some personal differences must be surrendered for the overall well-being of the group.

Which of the following is not a factor related to groupthink?

Terms in this set (102) Which of the following is NOT a factor related to groupthink? reinforcement.