course hero which of the following is a major outcome from murray’s landmark harvard study?

by Oswaldo Miller 4 min read

Why is the trait approach important?

What does a study of people who report consistency in behavior show?

When did psychologists say that true personality does not exist?

Did Amy plan to study?

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Why is the trait approach important?

The trait approach illustrates how the level of our traits can cause our behavior to be consistent. However, behavior can also be inconsistent at times. This is because behavior is also influenced by what factor?

What does a study of people who report consistency in behavior show?

Studying people who report consistency in behavior will show support for this side of the argument.

When did psychologists say that true personality does not exist?

In the early 1970s, as a result of breakthroughs in this side of the debate, a number of psychologists concluded that true personality does not exist.

Did Amy plan to study?

Amy planned to study, but when her good friend showed up to her dorm with free concert tickets, Amy couldn't resist going to the concert.

What was the purpose of Murray's experiment?

Among other goals, experiments sought to measure individuals' responses to extreme stress. The unwitting undergraduates were submitted to what Murray called "vehement, sweeping and personally abusive" attacks. Specifically-tailored assaults to their egos, cherished ideas and beliefs were used to cause high levels of stress and distress. The subjects then viewed recorded footage of their reactions to this verbal abuse repeatedly.

What is Murray's approach to personality?

To properly analyze the entire life cycle, Murray favored a narrative approach to studying personality, which he called "personology". The personological system has been used as an approach for multiple academic disciplines: philosophy, humanism, biological chemistry, and societal and cultural studies.

What is Murray's theory of personality called?

He was Director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic in the School of Arts and Sciences after 1930. Murray developed a theory of personality called personology , based on " need " and "press".

How does Murray describe personality?

According to Murray's ideas, an individual's personality develops dynamically as each person responds to complex elements in her or his specific environment. Murray viewed an individual's entire life as one unit, and pointed out that although a specific element of a person's life can be studied through psychology, this studied episode gives an incomplete picture of the entire life unit. To properly analyze the entire life cycle, Murray favored a narrative approach to studying personality, which he called "personology". The personological system has been used as an approach for multiple academic disciplines: philosophy, humanism, biological chemistry, and societal and cultural studies.

What was Murray's system of needs?

Murray's identification of psychological needs, the Murray's system of needs, including Achievement, Affiliation and Power (1938) provided the theoretical basis for the later research of David McClelland and underpins development of competency-based models of management effectiveness such as Richard Boyatzis 's. McClelland, Boyatzis and Spencer went on to found the McBer Consultancy. However, Murray's contribution is rarely acknowledged in contemporary academic literature.

Why was Murray's life a turning point?

This was a turning point in Murray's life as it raised his awareness of conflicting needs, the pressure that can result, and the links to motivation. Carver and Scheier note that it was Morgan who was "fascinated by the psychology of Carl Jung" and it was as a result of her urging that he meet Carl Jung in Switzerland.

When did Murray publish Explorations in Personality?

In 1938 he published Explorations in Personality, a classic in psychology, which includes a description of the Thematic Apperception Test. In 1938 Murray acted as a consultant for the British Government, setting up the Officer Selection Board.

Why is the trait approach important?

The trait approach illustrates how the level of our traits can cause our behavior to be consistent. However, behavior can also be inconsistent at times. This is because behavior is also influenced by what factor?

What does a study of people who report consistency in behavior show?

Studying people who report consistency in behavior will show support for this side of the argument.

When did psychologists say that true personality does not exist?

In the early 1970s, as a result of breakthroughs in this side of the debate, a number of psychologists concluded that true personality does not exist.

Did Amy plan to study?

Amy planned to study, but when her good friend showed up to her dorm with free concert tickets, Amy couldn't resist going to the concert.
