course hero what type of schedule results when employees are allowed to set their own schedule

by Heaven Raynor 6 min read

What is an employee work schedule and what does it include?

An employee work schedule includes the days and times that an employee is scheduled to be on the job. Depending on the organization and the position, an employee’s work schedule may be a traditional, 40-hour-per-week, Monday-through-Friday schedule, or it could vary on a daily, weekly, or seasonal basis. What Is an Employee Work Schedule?

What is employee scheduling and why does it matter?

It’s a juggling act of anticipating workforce needs, managing employee requests and preferences, and ensuring shift coverage. It doesn’t end there: employee scheduling also includes managing labor costs, adhering to compliance rules, and all the while maximizing productivity.

What are the requirements for scheduling an employee?

There aren't any requirements regarding scheduling and what hours an employee can be scheduled to work, other than the child labor law requirements for minors who are under age 18. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires nonexempt workers to receive overtime pay for time worked over 40 hours.

When do employers have to give you a written work schedule?

They must give you your written work schedule at least 72 hours before the start of the schedule. Additional regulations include posting the schedule at your workplace, including dates, shift start and end times, and location(s) of all shifts in the work schedule.

What time does a standard work schedule work?

Employees also like the standard schedule because it’s easy to plan for — they know they will be working from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

How to stay organized when creating a work schedule?

Regardless of the myriad work schedule types you have to choose from, the best way to stay organized when creating your employee work plan is to use a specialized suite of software tools like Sling.

What is a full time schedule?

A full-time type of work schedule provides employers and employees with stability and predictability. But when you build a team where all employees work full time, it can be difficult and costly to find someone to work overtime.

What is unpredictable work schedule?

An unpredictable work schedule changes from week to week in an erratic manner (i.e., not following a regular pattern). Many states have laws regulating and even prohibiting unpredictable work schedule types, and unpredictable work schedules are difficult for both employees and employers.

What is part time work?

A part-time work schedule is one in which an employee works fewer than full-time hours. Because of the reduced hours, employees may only work two or three days per week and may not work the regular eight hours per day.

What does shift work mean?

Depending on your business, shift work means your employees will be required to work what might be considered irregular hours. Early or late shifts are ideal for those employees going to school or taking care of their family or sick relatives, but most people would rather work a more “normal” 9-to-5 schedule.

How many hours does a full time employee work?

A full-time work schedule type indicates that an employee will work 37-40 hours per week. They may work five 8-hour days, four 10-hour days, or six 6.5-hour days. The days worked don’t matter, just the total amount of hours.

What information is needed for scheduling?

This information often includes role, job-level, credentials, seniority, pay rates, and availability preferences for each employee. If you’re using employee scheduling software, make sure it can accommodate your employee profile data.

What are the factors that need to be reflected in an hourly schedule?

Seniority, overtime status, location, and certifications are common factors that need to be reflected in the hourly schedule. Scheduling rules based on these factors may also be unique to your organization, so clear guidelines are extremely important.

What is assigning shifts?

Assigning shifts is typically the most time-consuming portion of the scheduling process. Manually matching people with positions is tough and keeping all the details straight is challenging. Employee scheduling software can help. Look for the ability to auto-assign shifts based on a variety of rules. Advanced features such as shift swapping and automated standby filling are also often extremely helpful.

Why is scheduling important?

That’s why effective employee scheduling helps build a great employee experience, improving employee retention and satisfaction. In particular sectors, like manufacturing, the work schedule is essential to meeting production demands ...

What is the purpose of using the defined skills and competencies criteria?

Use the defined skills and competencies criteria to ensure any employees assigned to a shift meet the requirements for it. Scheduling employees with expired credentials can present significant legal risk and hefty fines. It’s important to confirm employees are in good standing before assigning them to a shift.

What are the effects of routine instability in work schedules?

According to a recent study in the American Sociological Review, “exposure to routine instability in work schedules is associated with psychological distress, poor sleep quality, and unhappiness.”.

How many operators do you need for a supervisor?

It’s important to determine the precise resources required for each role by location and shift duration. For example, a supervisor may need four operators and two other skilled workers from 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to meet production goals for the first shift.

What is an employee's work schedule?

An employee work schedule is the predetermined days and times they are expected to be on the job. Your work schedule will vary depending on the type of job, organization, and industry you are working in. If you’re seeking employment, learn as much as you can about the work schedule during the hiring process so you know what to expect ...

What is a schedule in an organization?

The schedule may be a set schedule with predetermined hours, in which case the employee knows exactly when they will be working each week. Other organizations may have a flexible scheduling policy.

What is a shift schedule?

Shift work schedules happen when a company divides the day into shifts and assigns employees to work set periods of time. Sometimes these shifts vary day to day or week to week (these are known as rotating schedules), while other times an employee is hired to work a specific shift (these are known as fixed schedules).

What is flexible schedule?

Flexible schedules allow employees to vary their arrival and departure and sometimes even choose the days that they work. The organization may assign scheduled hours, the employee may be able to sign up for open shifts, or the employee may be able to set their own schedule.

How many hours can you work on a flexible schedule?

Other work schedules are flexible. For example, a company might allow employees to come in any time they want as long as they complete eight hours of work every day. Flexible schedules allow employees to vary their arrival and departure and sometimes even choose the days that they work.

What is the work schedule for 2020?

Updated September 17, 2020. An employee work schedule includes the days and times that an employee is scheduled to be on the job. Depending on the organization and the position, an employee’s work schedule may be a traditional, 40-hour-per-week, Monday-through-Friday schedule, or it could vary on a daily, weekly, or seasonal basis.

How many hours before work schedule is required?

They must give you your written work schedule at least 72 hours before the start of the schedule. Additional regulations include posting the schedule at your workplace, including dates, shift start and end times, and location (s) of all shifts in the work schedule. 2 .

What are the benefits of flexible work schedules?

One that many workers point to first is the flexibility to meet family needs, personal obligations, and life responsibilities conveniently . If you have a flexible schedule, you can go to a parent-teacher conference during the day, take a yoga class, ...

What is flexible scheduling?

Flexible scheduling includes the ability to adjust the days and hours of being in the office and also allows workers to work remotely. Of course, with the commute to a home workspace, employees avoid the traffic and the stresses of commuting during rush hours.

Why is flexible work important?

Offering flexible work schedules will increase your ability to recruit outstanding employees. You will develop an image as an employer of choice with family-friendly flexible work schedules. Providing options can extend your hours of operation which is especially important for departments such as customer service or technical support.

What time does a full time job start?

One person's 8-hour day is finished by 2:00 p.m. and can meet the bus at 3:00 p.m., while the other start their workday at 9:30 a.m. The result is two full-time jobs and incomes with no childcare costs. Top Advantages. FOR EMPLOYEES: Flexibility to better meet family and personal needs.

How many hours do you commute each way?

In some areas, commutes of more than an hour each way are not uncommon. If these employees are allowed to work from home, that saves two hours of time, gas, and wear and tear on the road. Fewer people driving means the drive is easier for those people who are commuting.

Can a client hand over a 5 day work week?

Compressed workweeks can make client handovers complicated—clients expect service 5 days a week during business hours and can be fussy when a particular employee isn't in on Friday. For this customer-centric reason, jobs that require customer-facing responsibilities only allow certain types of flextime.

Can you work from home with a flexible schedule?

No clear delineation between work and home exists with a flexible schedule. When you use flexible schedules sometimes that means work all of the time. If your manager allows you the flexibility to go to your child's soccer game, then the manager may not feel guilty about calling you at 9:30 p.m.

What is flexible schedule?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, anything outside the traditional 40-hour, 9-5 workweek is flexible, adding that giving your employees the freedom to arrive and depart from work at varying times is also something that can be considered a flexible schedule.

Why is flexible schedule important?

A flexible schedule enables your employees to work around their educational goals, allowing them to maintain a job and continue learning at the same time. Naturally, this is a big win for employers as well, who will be able to retain employees who are determined to learn and improve while on the job.

Why do employees need time off?

Sometimes your employees both need time and days off because of other commitments but also don’t want to give up any of their work hours and potentially make less money. Allowing them to work longer days in order to compress their workweeks can be an excellent option.

Why are strict hours bad?

This leads us to believe that strict hours are sometimes bad for business, simply because they tend to be bad for the well-being of employees. Staff with flexible scheduling tend to be happier and also tend to experience lower levels of stress at the workplace overall.

What is flex time?

Flex-Time. Flex-time means that the employer is not particularly concerned about when you arrive at your place of work. In a flex-time situation, the employer requires two things of their employees: to work the standard amount of hours that have been agreed upon and to get all of their work done.

When employees don't have to worry about not being able to meet their obligations outside of work?

When employees don’t have to worry about not being able to meet their obligations outside of work and when they are allowed to work hours that work best for them, they are going to be able to focus on their work and be more productive while they are at work.

Is flexible work more important for employees?

The benefits of a flexible schedule for employees are a lot more evident and easily identifiable than the benefits for employers. There have been numerous studies conducted that have concluded that the benefits to employees are manyfold. This particular study showed that employees with flexible work schedules exhibited greater job satisfaction ...
