course hero what do you enter at the command prompt to edit the /etc/sudoers file?

by Mr. Cary Mueller 7 min read

As with the /etc/sudoers file, we should always edit files within the /etc/sudoers.d directory with visudo. The syntax for editing these files will be: $ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/file_to_edit

Full Answer

How to edit/etc/sudoers file to give all users privileges?

%sudo ALL= (ALL:ALL) ALL – all users in the sudo group have the privileges to run any command Another line of interest is #includedir /etc/sudoers.d, this means we can add configurations to the file sudoers.d and link it here. To edit /etc/sudoers file, use following command: It is recommended to use visudo to edit the sudoers file.

What happens if I edit the sudoers file?

Important: Be careful! Editing the sudoers file, with errors or bad syntax may result in locking out all users on your distribution. You can open the file with your preferred text editor. We’ll use vi:

How do I set all users to run all Sudo commands?

%sudo ALL= (ALL:ALL) ALL – all users in the sudo group have the privileges to run any command Another line of interest is #includedir /etc/sudoers.d, this means we can add configurations to the file sudoers.d and link it here. Editing the Sudoers File To edit /etc/sudoers file, use following command:

Where is the sudoers file in Ubuntu?

The Sudoers File. The sudo command is configured through a file located in /etc/ called sudoers. Through the sudo command you provide administrative level privileges to regular users. Normally the first user you create while installing Ubuntu has sudo rights. In a VPS environment that is the default root user.

How do I edit a ETC sudoers file?

Editing the Sudoers File It is recommended to use visudo to edit the sudoers file. Visudo makes sure that sudoers is edited by one user at a time and provides necessary syntax checks. This will output a list of user names. If we use the grep command to check who is in the group, we'll see the username bill.

What command can be use on the sudoers files?

Before the requested command is run, you are asked to confirm your identify by providing your user password. The sudoers file is located at /etc/sudoers . And you should not edit it directly, you need to use the visudo command.

How do I open etc sudoers?

First, you need to login to your root account. You can do this by typing su and then entering the root password. From there, you can then type sudo visudo to enter the sudoers file.

What is sudoers command?

The sudo command allows you to run programs with the security privileges of another user (by default, as the superuser). It prompts you for your personal password and confirms your request to execute a command by checking a file, called sudoers , which the system administrator configures.

How do you enter a sudoers file?

Alternative: Add User to Sudoers Configuration FileStep 1: Open the Sudoers File in an Editor. In the terminal, run the following command: visudo. ... Step 2: Add the New User to file. ... Step 3: Test Sudo Privileges for the User Account.

What is in etc sudoers?

The /etc/sudoers file controls who can run what commands as what users on what machines and can also control special things such as whether you need a password for particular commands. The file is composed of aliases (basically variables) and user specifications (which control who can run what).

Where is etc sudoers file?

The default location for the sudoers configuration file is /etc/sudoers, and in general, this is the file to import from each computer.

How do I use sudoers in Linux?

In some modern versions of Linux, users are added to the sudoers file to grant privileges. This is done using the visudo command....Using visudo and the sudoers GroupUse the visudo command to edit the configuration file: sudo visudo.This will open /etc/sudoers for editing. ... Save and exit the file.

How do I change sudo permissions in Linux?

Steps to Add Sudo User on UbuntuStep 1: Create New User. Log into the system with a root user or an account with sudo privileges. ... Step 2: Add User to Sudo Group. Most Linux systems, including Ubuntu, have a user group for sudo users. ... Step 3: Verify User Belongs to Sudo Group. ... Step 4: Verify Sudo Access.

What is sudo apt command?

sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade are two commands you can use to keep all of your packages up to date in Debian or a Debian-based Linux distribution. They're common commands for Linux admins and people doing DevOps, but are handy to know even if you don't use the command line often.