course hero what are some error sources in the second law experiment?

by Prof. Albin Pacocha 3 min read

What are the sources of error in newton's second law?

Question 3:What are some error sources in the Second Law experiment? The two main sources of error would be air resistance and friction. Typically any sortof body in motion such as the cart would have some form of friction, even if its minimal, and air resistance; both of which we ignored in this experiment.

What are the possible sources of error in this lab?

Some error sources in the experiment are: air resistance is not calculated and human error while using the stopwatch. Question 4: In the Second Law experiment, the acceleration is calculated by measuring the time for the cart to move from the start point to the end point and applying the kinematics equation: Explain how this equation is used to find the acceleration.

Which trial has the largest error in acceleration?

 · Sources of error in the lab include; friction (through air resistance, surface, wheels), gravity on earth is different at varying altitudes and latitudes thus affecting the actual force applied (an object will weigh about 0.5% more at the poles than at the equator), inefficiency from pulley (our pulley was grinding against the table) and human error in stop watch operation.

What are the sources of error in the acceleration test?

Error sources in the Second Law experiment could be an unprecise scale or stopwatch, friction or obstacles on the surface, air resistance, recording the car at the starting and ending point based on unprecise placement of the car, and the weight of the string.

What are the three types of errors in measurement?

Scientific measurement and instrumentation errors are often classified into three types: 1 Personal errors: Mistakes made by the user due to his inexperience. 2 Systematic: The faults in the instrument itself and the faults which may occur due to environmental conditions. 3 Random errors: An accidental error whose cause is unknown. (We’ll ignore it here).

What is personal error?

Generally, a personal error is an outright mistake which is made by the person himself. For example, you ignore a digit while taking observations. In case of Ohm’s law, you can commit a personal error by:

What is the tolerance of carbon resistors?

Such resistors have a tolerance value which ranges between 0.05-20%. The leftmost band of carbon resistors indicates the possible tolerance of resistance.

What is variable power supply?

A variable power supply displays the output voltages on its main screen. For the time being, the accuracy of components decreases and your supply might display wrong results. Such cases are common in general labs where supplies are used thousands of times.

What is the purpose of an ammeter?

The ammeter is used to measure the current. It always connects in series with the circuit. Wrong connecting the ammeter will damage the instrument. The voltmeter measures the potential difference between two points. It connects in parallel to the circuit. Wrong connecting the voltmeter will yield wrong readings.
