course hero what are its likely cause delinquency in adolescents

by Johanna Ritchie 6 min read

Most acts of delinquency are caused by a weak or defective superego unable to sufficiently control the primitive and strong early childhood urges, resulting in deviant behavior. Psychoanalytic theories of delinquency regard the deviant behavior of adolescents as a result of unresolved instincts and drives within the human psyche.

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What are the causes of juvenile delinquency?

These uncontrolled responses is one of the causes for juvenile delinquency. Family and society should not give up hope when it comes to the causes of juvenile delinquency. There are many preventative measures and possible solutions to teenage crime. Sometimes one method is not enough.

How do social workers deal with teenage delinquents?

Some social workers are trained to deal with teenage problems. There are several therapy groups for juvenile delinquents. There are also community and government resources available to families who cannot afford these services. ANY IDEAS ABOUT THIS TOPIC?

Why are juveniles punished differently?

But because young adolescents and teenagers have less comprehension of the consequences their actions can cause, they are punished differently by the juvenile court system. The punishment juveniles receive when convicted of committing a crime are designed to prevent them from committing another illegal act.

How does drug and alcohol abuse affect teens?

Drug use is becoming a widespread crime and concern among adolescents. Alcohol and drug abuse can lead to criminal behavior as teens lose control or turn dangerous due to the effects these illegal substances have on mood, cognitive thought and personality. Sometimes a teen has faced the hardship of a physical or mental disability.

What are the causes of juvenile delinquency?

Outside influences or other things out of anyone's control can be the causes of juvenile delinquency. Within society, there are several external forces that can lead an adolescent in the wrong direction. Drug use is becoming a widespread crime and concern among adolescents.

Why are juveniles punished differently?

But because young adolescents and teenagers have less comprehension of the consequences their actions can cause, they are punished differently by the juvenile court system. The punishment juveniles receive when convicted of committing a crime are designed to prevent them from committing another illegal act.

How does alcohol and drug abuse affect teens?

Alcohol and drug abuse can lead to criminal behavior as teens lose control or turn dangerous due to the effects these illegal substances have on mood, cognitive thought and personality. Sometimes a teen has faced the hardship of a physical or mental disability. Society can be very judgmental of individuals with handicaps.

Why do adolescents want revenge?

Because their judgment can be impaired, these adolescents may want to get revenge towards those perceived as against them. Peer pressure and influence is a very powerful motivator in a teen's life. Sometimes a boy or girl will commit a crime because their friends have pressured or dared them to do it.

Why are teens isolated?

Teenagers are becoming more and more isolated as they depend on technology as their main point of contact with others. As adolescents leave their home and enter society, sometimes they cannot handle the interaction that comes with living on their own, having a job and getting along with others.

Why is it important for teens to have easy access to information?

Easy access to information through the Internet allows teens to read and view things that are not appropriate for their age.

What should parents talk to teens about?

Parents should speak to teenagers about society, sexual development, peer pressure, positive and negative relationships and other aspects of life that can either lead them in the right direction or steer them down the wrong path.