course hero lab 20 what is the default color of efs files and folders

by Prof. Agustina Nikolaus DDS 4 min read

What does the red font color on the instructor copy mean?

Instructor Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Instructor copy only.

What are the folders in the directory?

Answer will vary. Some of the folders in the directory are Public Documents, Public Downloads, Public Music, Public Pictures, and Public Videos.

How to add folder 1 to library?

Navigate to the Desktop. Right-click Folder1 > click Include in library > select the new library you created. Select the library you created in the left panel.

How to move folder 2 into folder 1?

e. Move Folder2 into Folder1. Click Folder2 and select Move to > Choose location in the Ribbon Home menu to move Folder2 into Folder1 or you can use your mouse to drag-and-dropFolder2 into Folder1.

How to show file extensions in Windows 10?

g. The file extension is hidden by default. In Windows 10 and 8.x, select File name extensions in the View tab in the Ribbon in File Explorer. Another way to show the file extension is to navigate to the Control Panel . In the small icon view, click Folder Explorer Options (Windows 10) or Folder Options (Windows 8.x and 7). Click the View tab and unselect Hide extensions for known file types. Click OK to continue.

What is public folder?

q. Notice the Public folder. This folder is accessible to any local users on the PC. Furthermore, it can be configured to be accessible for networked users .

Where are the new folders displayed?

The new folders are displayed on the Desktop. After moving Folder2 into Folder1, only Folder1 on the Desktop.

Where are user configurations stored?

What is important is understanding that user configurations are conventionally stored as hidden files in the user’s home directory.

Where are configuration files located in Linux?

Conventionally however, in Linux, configuration files that are used to configure user applications are often placed in the user’s home directory while configuration files used to control system-wide services are placed in the /etc directory. Users always have permission to write to their own home directories and are able to configure the behavior of applications they use.

Why is space.txt not displayed in Scite?

Even though SciTE is looking at the correct directory (/home/analyst), space.txt is not displayed. This is because SciTE is looking for known extensions and .txt is not one of them. To display all files, click the dropdown menu at the bottom of the Open File window and select All Files (*). h.

Why is nano displaying one long line of text?

While the text may seem to be truncated or incomplete, it is not. Because the text was created with no return characters and line wrapping is not enabled by default , nano is displaying one long line of text. Use the Home and End keyboard keys to quickly navigate to the beginning and to the end of a line, respectively.

What is Linux configuration?

It should be no surprise that system itself is configured through files. Known as configuration files, they are usually text files and are used by various applications and services to store adjustments and settings for that specific application or service. Practically everything in Linux relies on configuration files to work. Some services have not one but several configuration files.

How to control nano?

Due to the lack of graphical support, nano (or GNU nano) can be controlled solely through the keyboard. CTRL+O saves the current file; CTRL+W opens the search menu. GNU nano uses a two-line shortcut bar at the bottom of the screen, where a number of commands for the current context are listed. After nano is open, press CTRL+G for the help screen and a complete list.

What is the vi editor?

Note: Another extremely popular text editor is called vi. While the learning curve for vi is considered steep, vi is a very powerful command line-based text editor. It is included by default in almost all Linux distributions and its original code was first created in 1976. An updated version of vi is named vim which stands for vi-improved. Today most vi users are actually using the updated version, vim.