course hero in sexually reproducing organisms, what are the sources of variation?

by Annabelle Pacocha 6 min read

Sexual reproduction is a source of genetic variation as the offspring resulted from sexual reproduction gets his genetic traits from two sources, the male and the female. The resulted offspring has new genetic traits that combine the parents’ traits, So, sexual reproduction is a source of genetic variation from the parents to the children.

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What are the sources of variation in sexually reproducing organisms?

The three main sources of genetic variation arising from sexual reproduction are:Crossing over (in prophase I)Random assortment of chromosomes (in metaphase I)Random fusion of gametes from different parents.

Which is the most common source of variations in a sexually reproducing population?

Recombination is the most common mechanism of genetic variation in the population of a sexually reproducing organism. It involves the exchange of genetic material either between multiple chromosomes or between different regions of the same chromosome.

What causes variation in both sexually and asexually reproducing organisms *?

A likely explanation is that the variation that sexual reproduction creates among offspring is very important to the survival and reproduction of those offspring. The only source of variation in asexual organisms is mutation. This is the ultimate source of variation in sexual organisms.

What is the source of variation in asexual reproduction Class 10?

In asexual reproduction an exact genetic copy of the parent organism is produced. Unlike sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction only introduces genetic variation into the population if a random mutation in the organism's DNA is passed on to the offspring.Aug 11, 2020

Which is most common mechanism of genetic variation in the population of sexually reproducing organism?

Get Answer to any question, just click a photo and upload the photo and get the answer completely free, UPLOAD PHOTO AND GET THE ANSWER NOW!...QuestionWhich is the most common mechanism of genetic varisation in the poplulation of a sexually-reproducing organismType of AnswerVideo7 more rows•Mar 12, 2022

Which is the most common method of genetic variation?

Single nucleotide polymorphisms? (SNPs, pronounced 'snips') are the most common type of genetic variation amongst people. Each single nucleotide polymorphism represents a difference in a single DNA base?, A, C, G or T, in a person's DNA.Jul 21, 2021

How does an organism benefit by being able to reproduce both sexually and asexually?

Both methods have advantages. Sexual reproduction is good for creating a diverse gene pool that can withstand a dynamic and changing environment. Asexual reproduction is beneficial for organisms that aren't able to move around and for creating a large, uniform population. Some overachievers in nature do both!Jan 5, 2022

What organisms can reproduce asexually?

Yeast, fungi, plants, and bacteria are capable of asexual reproduction as well. Yeast reproduce most commonly by budding. Fungi and plants reproduce asexually through spores. Plants can also reproduce by the asexual process of vegetative propagation.Aug 21, 2019

Which organisms reproduce asexually?

The organisms that reproduce through asexual means are bacteria, archaea, many plants, fungi, and certain animals.

What is source of variation in asexual reproduction?

The only source of variations in asexually reproducing organisms is the mutation. Mutation refers to the sudden change in dna.hence variations eill occur with changes in dna.Feb 15, 2018

What is a source of variation in asexual reproduction quizlet?

Asexual reproduction does not have variation from sperm and egg because the offspring is an exact copy of a single parent. In sexual reproduction, crossing over in meiosis shuffles the genes to produce genetic diversity. This is where homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange parts with another.

What is variation class 10?

- Variations are the differences present between the individuals of the same species or different species. - The variation between different species is greater than that of the variation between the individuals of the same species.