course hero chapter 1 achieving high customer satisfaction which is true

by Olga Trantow 3 min read

What is customer satisfaction survey?

Customer satisfaction surveys are a series of questions that ask customers to provide their perception of the support services being offered.

When hiring people for front line positions, companies look for people with positive attitudes?

When hiring people for front-line positions, companies look for people with positive, can do attitudes who genuinely enjoy helping other people and solving problems.

What is the goal of a multi level support model?

The goal of a multi-level support model is to have the service desk resolve as many incidents as possible at level one.

What is the best practice for service desks?

A common best practice for service desks is to discourage complaints as complaints are typically biased customer opinions and are not useful in helping service desks improve.

How many levels of support should an IT service desk have?

To be successful, IT service desks should have three levels of support.

What is a caring attitude?

A caring attitude refers to the service desk's ability to be available when customers need help and make it easy for customers to obtain help.

What does "follow the sun support" mean?

Follow the sun support means that when an analyst owns an incident, he follows that incident to its resolution, even if this requires that he work overtime.

What is known error?

A known error is a problem that has a documented root cause and a workaround.

Why is technical support decreasing?

Due to increasingly better technology, the need for technical support has decreased.

What is the best practice for service desks?

A common best practice for service desks is to discourage complaints as complaints are typically biased customer opinions and are not useful in helping service desks improve.

What are the challenges facing service desks today?

One of the challenges facing today's service desks is integrating the various tools, such as automatic call distributors, e-mail response systems and Web-based systems, needed to capture data.

What is a skill in a service desk?

Skill refers to the service desk's ability to quickly and correctly resolve customer incidents and service requests.