course description how to develop leaders

by Otha Kautzer PhD 5 min read

Leadership and management training courses are specialized programs designed to help you learn new leadership techniques and refine old skills to run your team, including assertive communication, motivation methods, and coaching.

Full Answer

What does it mean to develop leaders at all levels?

Developing leaders at all levels means approaching each leader level with respect to their current skills and the desired capabilities to ensure there are no gaps in development. Incorporating these key elements of leadership development programs for each level of leader can ensure development in targeted skills.

What is leadership development training?

The longest-running leadership development program in the world, our flagship training has been adapting to address the challenges facing today's leaders ever since.

How do you develop leadership skills in the workplace?

On-the-job training such as taking charge of a functional project to increase responsibility and accountability. Mentoring and coaching from experienced leaders to help the employee become familiar with the organizational management and leadership style.

Do you know your own leadership style and Development Goals?

As leaders balance demanding jobs and their lives outside of work, a clear understanding of one’s own leadership style and clarity around development goals is imperative for success.

How do you develop leadership skills courses?

Stay proactive by taking a closer look at five of the top leadership development courses.Discovering And Developing Core Values. ... Body Language For Authentic Leadership. ... 52 More Hours. ... Leading Without Authority Video Series. ... Leading With Emotional Courage.

What are the steps to developing leaders?

10 Steps to Developing Your LeadershipEngage Your Motivation to Develop. ... Assess Your Current Strengths and Developmental Needs. ... Know the Core Competencies Leaders Most Often Need. ... Develop Cognitive and Social Skills. ... Develop Emotional Skills. ... Develop Character. ... Set Good Developmental Goals. ... Get Feedback.More items...•

What are 6 ways to develop leadership skills?

If you are the leader of a team and you are trying to be a good one, here are six tips to help improve yourself.Understand Your Style of Leadership. ... Strengthen Your Weaknesses. ... Become a Better Communicator. ... Set Clear Goals and Work Towards Them. ... Get Better at Making Decisions. ... Accept Failures and Learn From Them.

What are the 4 fundamentals of leader development?

The fundamental 4 leadership skills everyone needs, no matter their role, are self-awareness, communication, influence, and learning agility.

How can you develop leadership within your team?

However, for those on your team who you think have the potential, here are our top 5 ways to develop leadership skills in your employees:Set by Example.Give Stretch Assignments to Learn New Skills.Delegate Authority.Encourage Continuing Education in Leadership Training.Provide a Mentor.

What are the 3 most important roles of a leader?

1) Leaders need to have clear goals and objectives; 2) They need to motivate their followers and provide them with direction; 3) They must support their team members in order for them to succeed.

What are the 7 leadership styles?

There are seven primary leadership styles.Autocratic. ... Authoritative. ... Pacesetting. ... Democratic. ... Coaching. ... Affiliative. ... Laissez-Faire.

What makes a good leader?

The most important qualities of a good leader include integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity. “Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.”

What are the fundamental concepts that will help you prepare to become a good leader who values and leverages coaching and the opportunities it provides?

Mastering The 4 Fundamentals Of Effective LeadershipHumility. When you're at the top and everyone is looking up to you for guidance it can be easy to think that leadership is about you. ... Communication. Good communication is central to every human relationship, and so to every business relationship. ... Trust. ... Innovation.

What are the fundamental Four leader competencies?

The “Fundamental 4” leadership skills are:Self-Awareness.Communication.Influence.Learning Agility.

How can organizations develop leadership potential?

These are just a few of the ways organizations can develop leadership potential in the workplace. By keeping communication open, incorporating leadership into regular professional development, and giving emerging leaders opportunities to grow, organizations can begin to build their leadership pipelines from within.

What are the qualities of a good leader?

The first step in identifying leaders is to understand what it means to be a good leader, and the qualities that a good leader should possess. These include, but are not limited to: 1 Communication 2 Accountability 3 Responsibility 4 Strategic thinking 5 Interpersonal skills

Why do organizations outsource leadership training?

Many organizations outsource their leadership training, thinking it's easier than investing time and money into build one of their own. However, creating internal programs dedicated to employee development can be an excellent strategy for organizations who are experiencing business growth or who often need to fill management-level roles. The benefit of creating such programs (whether they're completely internal, or built with the support and expertise of an external education partner) is that they'll reflect your organizational values and can be customized to highlight business goals, industry trends, and real-life situations, to help you produce leaders who are ready to step directly into a leadership position at your company.

What are the skills that managers should be trained to identify in their direct reports?

Communication. Accountability. Responsibility. Strategic thinking. Interpersonal skills. Managers should be trained to identify these skills in their direct reports, and should prioritize nurturing and developing these skills in employees over time, as a critical part of their ongoing professional development.

Course Description

This course will examine how to identify and equip key members of a church’s staff. Principles and methods will be analyzed and defined for foundational leadership skills.


The church needs pastoral leaders who can develop staff members to think strategically in leading ministries within the church. The successful implementation of a church’s strategic plan is in direct proportion to the leader’s skill and spiritual maturity.

Measurable Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Course Assignment

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

How to Develop Leaders at Your Organization

When we talk with senior leaders who want to develop leadership talent in their organization, we often ask them what success should look like and how will it be measured. The answer to this question is often along the lines of, “We aren’t sure.”

Ready to Take the Next Step?

After decades of experience pioneering the industry, we know how to develop leaders and can help you build critical leadership skills and competencies that are right for your organization’s unique context and culture.

What is leadership learned by doing?

Leadership is primarily learned by doing. In this article, adapted from Chapter 3 of Bridgespan's Nonprofit Leadership Development: What's Your "Plan A" for Growing Future Leaders?, we look at four steps you and your organization can take to help promising future leaders learn how to lead while on the job.

How does senior leadership help with development?

The senior leadership of your organization has a vital role to play in tracking the implementation of development plans and sharing their findings with the managers and staffers responsible for them. In organizations where development is ingrained in the culture, it's often enough for senior leaders to monitor progress informally, checking in with the people responsible and offering feedback and guidance on an ad-hoc basis. The check-ins help ensure that there are no surprises during annual performance evaluations, when managers review each staffer's progress in meeting development goals.

What is the first task of senior leaders?

So the first task of senior leaders is to develop line managers into "talent champions" – a term we borrowed from the Corporate Leadership Council that denotes managers who recognize the vital importance of developing a cadre of potential leaders and take responsibility for preparing them to lead.

What is a line manager?

Line managers are key players in the leadership development process. They work with high-potential leadership candidates every day and, assuming they follow the 70-20-10 model, oversee 90 percent of their development through on-the-job learning and individual coaching and mentoring. So the first task of senior leaders is to develop line managers into "talent champions" – a term we borrowed from the Corporate Leadership Council that denotes managers who recognize the vital importance of developing a cadre of potential leaders and take responsibility for preparing them to lead. The Corporate Leadership Council has found that in the corporate world, talent champions outperform their peers in meeting business goals, delivering an average of 6 percent higher revenue and 7 percent higher profits.¹ It's reasonable to think that talent champions can help nonprofits perform better, too.

What are the elements of leadership?

1. Emotionally proficient. Emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, and high self-awareness are necessary elements for effective leaders. As leaders clarify what they stand for, their values, and what matters most to them, they gain mastery of themselves.

How to be a good leader?

New leaders will benefit from a senior leader whose coaching and mentoring of the new leader exemplifies how they will need to coach and mentor their own teams .#N#While working with potential leaders from a different generation, bear in mind that the motivations are different. Even the definition of ‘leadership’ may differ. Ask open questions from your potential leader. Discuss what good leadership means and what behaviors point to that. Share your experiences and perspective to add color and depth to the discussion.#N#Link your discussions with the demands of the role, how leadership can show up as the potential leader carries out his day-to-day duties. This type of coaching will help the potential leader gain confidence and maturity and be ready for a bigger role when the time comes.

How to work with leaders from a different generation?

While working with leaders from a different generation, bear in mind that the motivations are different. Even the definition of leadership may differ. Ask open questions from your potential leader. Discuss what good leadership means and what behaviors point to that.

What is innovation leader?

More than having an innovative leader, that means having leaders who can draw out, support, and shape innovation from their teams. Leaders need to provide direction. They provide the clarity of a shared outcome that guides, motivates, and inspires. They also analyze and interpret reality.

What is a leader in business?

In short, a leader is the person who leads. How that works in your teams and departments might be tricky to figure out, but it is worth considering. Businesses are, in their own way, in the line of fire. Navigating it requires agility, and agility requires decentralized leadership .

What makes a leader better than others?

It comes from the coherence of the leader's actions and words with their own and the organization’s values. Talk about your own core work values and how you manifest them. Encourage the new leader to explore their values.

What are the qualities of a good leader?

In general, the qualities of good leadership include diligence, integrity, ethics, and empathy. Identifying high-potentials, and focusing on developing them, has been a trend in business for years. Yet most companies still need to do more to develop the underused leadership qualities in the rest of their workforce.

How to be a leader in a team?

Participants in our Leadership Development Program will: 1 Bridge the gap between senior management and the front lines 2 Lead across boundaries and recognize the impact power and authority have on shared direction, alignment, and commitment in systems 3 Learn the art of collaboration to accelerate team performance 4 Solve complicated problems and take wise action to lead in a complex and disruptive environment 5 Manage stress, build resiliency, and leverage multiple life roles 6 Build a network of supportive leaders to continue development

What is LDP in management?

The longest-running program of its kind in the world, our Leadership Development Program (LDP)® is designed for managers in the middle. LDP builds the skills and confidence leaders of managers need to build commitment and translate strategy into effective action. We understand the unique challenges of leading from the middle:

What Makes a Leadership Training Program Effective

When it comes to achieving the expected learning outcomes, leadership development programs are no different from other corporate training programs. You need to do the necessary groundwork to plan, execute, and track these programs.

Benefits of Leadership Training

Leadership training for managers brings several measurable benefits to a company. Some of the top ones that you’d be glad to know are:

Best Essential Skills of a Corporate Leader

Most companies are manned by a boss, not leaders. Leadership is altogether a different ball game that requires different skill sets, a different approach, and a different mindset. Here are some of the top skills that every corporate leader is expected to exhibit: 1.

How to Choose a Leadership Skills Training Course

Before you set out to choose the best program for leadership development, determine which specific leadership skills you want to develop.

What are the Traits of a Strong Leader?

There are a number of traits and competencies that strong leaders must have. Many, unfortunately, don’t come into leadership roles with these competencies already developed. You shouldn’t expect them to.

Why Should You Develop Leaders

When companies have strong leaders they pave the way for effectiveness and efficiency in achieving goals and objectives. Leaders are responsible for successfully working through others to accomplish positive outcomes. Good leadership drives motivation, employee engagement and productivity—directly contributing to a positive bottom line.

Targeting Your High-Potential Employees

Not all employees are interested in moving into leadership positions, of course. And even some of those who are may lack the potential to be successful in leadership roles.

Mentorship and Coaching Programs

The skilled leaders you have on your team can be a great source of seasoned mentors to help coach high potentials and new leaders. The discussions that take place during The Leadership Journey often accomplish this in a more relaxed setting than a formal mentorship program.

Communicating the Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Objectives

Effective leaders are appropriately aligned with the organization’s mission, vision, and values. They need to believe in and support these critical elements of the corporate culture.

Provide Leaders For Opportunities for Interaction and Support

One effective way to give leaders important exposure to the organization is through job rotation. But the use of job rotations is most common at the senior executive level. In most organizations, another way to provide similar benefits to new and emerging leaders is to offer opportunities for interaction and the sharing of best practices.

Begin Leadership Development Early

Early leadership development is effective leadership development. Rather than waiting for an employee to move into a leadership role—especially if they haven’t been in one previously—providing them with leadership experiences and training can help prepare them for future opportunities.

What does it mean to develop leaders at all levels?

Developing leaders at all levels means approaching each leader level with respect to their current skills and the desired capabilities to ensure there are no gaps in development. Incorporating these key elements of leadership development programs for each level of leader can ensure development in targeted skills.

How to identify emerging leaders?

Often, the first steps are to identify the emerging leaders, increase self-awareness, build relational skills, and focus on evidence-based leadership skills to prepare for the shift from managing self to managing others in the future. These early-level leaders are becoming acquainted to the organizational leadership style ...

What is the role of a coach in a business?

Individual mentoring and coaching relationships with higher-level or senior leaders to gain understanding of the business as a whole. Acting as a coach or mentor for emerging, high-potential leaders to develop or strengthen coaching and relational skills.

What is a C-suite leader?

C-suite leaders are expected to strategically manage the business as a whole and/or specific business units, no longer just manage groups of leaders. These leaders are expected to act as forward-looking visionaries, driving action through others. Senior leadership development programs can include elements such as the following:

How does technology impact leadership?

Part of the impact that technology has on leadership development includes the personalization of leadership plans and development programs, allowing employees to choose from on-demand resources and activities geared toward leaders’ learning style, pace, interests, and goals. Each level of leader will prefer different types of reinforcement, ...

What is a seasoned leader?

Seasoned leaders typically have different needs than emerging or senior-level leaders and developing middle managers has to take into special consideration their prior experience. These supervisor, manager, or director-level leaders need learning designed around deepening current skills, engaging and influencing others to amplify results, operating strategically, leading other leaders, and establishing teams.

What is group coaching?

Group coaching to allow emerging leaders to grow together, connect across organizational functions, consider future scenarios and roles, or develop a management mindset. Mentoring and coaching relationships to expose high-potential leaders to other parts of the business.
