Now, with expert-verified solutions from Core Connections Course 2 , you’ll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Core Connections Course 2 includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step.
96 Core Connections, Course 2 Answers 1. 16 cm 2. 27 inches 3. 183 4 feet 4. $13.00 5. 80 6. 105 7. 662 3 8. !21 4 9. $47.40 10. $31.86 11. $31.60 12. $157,500 Parent Guide with Extra Practice 97 EQUATIONS WITH FRACTIONAL COEFFICIENTS
Mat A Mat B = +1 = –1 84 Core Connections, Course 2 Example 2 Use legal moves so that all the x-variables are on one side and all the unit tiles are on the other. Step 1 Add balanced set
78 Core Connections, Course 2 Answers 1. The lengths of the boards are 37 cm and 63 cm. 2. Thu is 28 years old and her brother is 23 years old. 3. Tomas is thinking of the number 106. 4. The two consecutive numbers are 61 and 62. 5. The two consecutive numbers are 142 and 144.