colorado shines what quality levels use a point system environmental rating scale e-learning course

by Sierra Wisoky 6 min read

Levels 3-5: Your program is licensed and in good standing, plus: has completed the Level 2 requirements has been assessed and rated by a Colorado Shines Quality Ratings Assessor* based on points in five categories (workforce qualifications, family partnerships, administration, learning environment, child health)

The Colorado Shines Points System
Level 3-5 Colorado Shines ratings are awarded based on a point system.

Full Answer

What is the Colorado shines rating system?

education providers in Colorado to be rated for quality, and provides incentives and supports to providers that wish to raise the level of quality care available at their facility. The structure is a block and point system. Colorado Shines Levels 1 and 2 are

What is Colorado shines (qris)?

has completed Colorado Shines Level 2 E-learning Courses; Levels 3-5: Your program is licensed and in good standing, plus: has completed the Level 2 requirements; has been assessed and rated by a Colorado Shines Quality Ratings Assessor* based on points in five categories (workforce qualifications, family partnerships, administration, learning environment, child health) Colorado …

What is a Level 1 program in Colorado shines?

Feb 08, 2022 · This is how the Colorado Shines quality rating scale works: Level 1: The program is licensed with the State of Colorado, is regularly monitored and follows the requirements of Colorado’s Early Learning & Development Guidelines ( Level 2: The program is meeting the requirements of Level 1 and is taking steps to improve ...

What is the Colorado Child Care Quality Rating System?

What are the 3 basic components of a quality rating and improvement system?

QRIS are composed of five common elements: (1) standards; (2) accountability measures; (3) program and practitioner outreach and support; (4) financial incentives; and (5) parent/consumer education efforts.

What is Colorado Shines program?

Colorado Shines is a quality rating and improvement system that monitors and supports early learning programs. Its primary functions are to help participating programs and professionals improve their quality through assessment, training and tools, and to connect Colorado families with quality child care.

What is a quality rating scale?

A Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) is a systemic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early and school-age care and education programs.Mar 16, 2022

What is a good QRIS score?

Across the tools, the average minimum score programs need to earn any points is 3.82, with a range from 3.0 to 5.0. The average maximum score a program can receive points for is 5.36, with a range from 3.0 to 6.0. This means For QRISs that have a points structure, points are awarded for meeting each quality indicator.

What are the 6 subscales of Ecers?

Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) The 6 (six) subscales are Space and Furnishings, Personal Care Routines, Language and Literacy, Learning Activities, Interaction and Program as well as Structure.

Why are many states implementing quality rating systems for their programs?

States may use these systems to help programs meet higher professional development standards and progress toward higher QRIS ratings. States also promote participation in QRIS for improved quality by providing technical assistance. A mentor or coach may be used with a program to facilitate the rating process.


Welcome to Colorado Shines!#N#This is a link to the public webpage where families, providers and professionals can find information about individual programs, access information and resources about Colorado Shines and more. This page also has the link to access the Provider Hub where programs can login to access both QRIS and PDIS.

Colorado Shines Program Supports

The Quality Improvement Journey Packet (QIJ)#N#Webinar Length: ~5 minutes#N#-This packet has many resources that will help you along your Colorado Shines journey: FY22 QIJ Rev 7-27-21#N#– For a brief recorded overview of the QIJ, click HERE …


Overview: Licensed programs participating in CSQI funding who are licensed to care for infants and toddlers, hold an active CCCAP agreement and have not received CSQI Capital Improvement funds during the previous fiscal year are eligible to apply.

Colorado Shines Spending

How to place a QI Request in EcConnect: Marketplace Vendor#N#How to Place a QI Request in EcConnect: Preferred Vendor

What is Colorado Shines?

Colorado Shines. Colorado Shines is the State of Colorado’s Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS). It assigns a quality rating to licensed early care and education programs caring for children 5 years of age and younger.

What is a level 1 program?

Level 1: Your program is currently licensed with the State of Colorado. Level 2: Your program is licensed and in good standing, plus: has a quality improvement plan in place. has conducted the L2 Quality Indicator Program Assessment.