college in indiana where speech is not a required course

by Brooke Hahn 6 min read

What is the best college for speech therapy in Indiana?

2022 Best Colleges with Speech Language Pathology Degrees in Indiana. 1 Purdue University. 4 Year WEST LAFAYETTE, IN Rating 3.78 out of 5 4,770 reviews. 2 Indiana University - Bloomington. 3 Ball State University. 4 Purdue University Fort Wayne. 5 Indiana State University. More items

Is the Core 40 diploma required for high school graduation in Indiana?

The Core 40 diploma has been required for high school graduation in Indiana since 2007. To graduate with less than Core 40, a student must complete a formal opt-out process involving parental consent.

What are the prerequisites for Speech Language Pathology programs?

The prerequisites and qualifications required by these programs vary. Indiana University's Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences requires that students have a minimum 3.0 GPA to apply for the master's program in Speech Language Pathology as well as the Au.D. and Ph.D. programs. The IU College of Arts and Sciences organizes Alumni events.

What types of degrees does the Department of speech therapy offer?

The department offers two undergraduate degrees, a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.). The Bachelor of Science degree is designed to provide a stronger scientific and mathematical background, preparing students for both clinical work and research in speech, language and hearing sciences, and communication disorders.

Can public colleges restrict free speech?

Public colleges and universities cannot restrict free speech rights. However, many institutions do place limits on offensive speech, in spite of the First Amendment. The First Amendment also protects the right to protest. Public colleges cannot overly limit the spaces on campus where students can protest.

Can private colleges restrict free speech?

Because private universities are not government entities, they are not required to uphold First Amendment protections in the same manner as public universities. In other words, private institutions may impose stricter limitations on free speech. Still, most adhere to free speech principles and support academic freedom.

What is free speech in college?

Free speech on a college campus means that any opinion can be voiced and evaluated on its own merits. The most important function of free speech is to protect the voices of those with unpopular opinions, or those with opinions disliked by people with power.

Do campus speech codes still exist?

Speech codes at public U.S. colleges and universities remain common features on campus despite federal courts having consistently ruled that they violate students' First Amendment speech rights.

Does school limit freedom?

The Supreme Court ruled in 1969 that students do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." This is true for other fundamental rights, as well.

Are colleges state actors?

The right to due process is grounded in the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provides (among other things) that no one may “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Because this “Due Process Clause” constrains government actors, and state colleges and universities are ...

Does freedom of speech apply everywhere?

It applies to federal, state, and local government actors. This is a broad category that includes not only lawmakers and elected officials, but also public schools and universities, courts, and police officers. It does not include private citizens, businesses, and organizations.

What are free speech zones on college campuses?

Free speech zones (also known as First Amendment zones, free speech cages, and protest zones) are areas set aside in public places for the purpose of political protesting.

Why do students need free speech?

Freedom of speech lies at the core of democracy. It is a right so crucial to freedom and the function of our government that it was the first right listed on our Bill of Rights. Free speech creates an environment for people to freely discuss their ideas and develop them with the input of others.

How many colleges have speech codes?

Sixty-eight university administrations or faculty bodies have now adopted policy statements in support of free speech modeled after the “Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression” at the University of Chicago (the “Chicago Statement”), released in January 2015.

What is hate speech on campus?

Arguments Against Campus Hate Speech Codes Libel or shouting "Fire!" in a movie theater, for example, can cause serious harm and, therefore, are legitimately banned. In contrast, what campuses prohibit as "hate speech" is primarily opinion that, while often offensive and unpopular, does not cause serious harm.

What is a college speech code?

A speech code is any rule or regulation that limits, restricts, or bans speech beyond the strict legal limitations upon freedom of speech or press found in the legal definitions of harassment, slander, libel, and fighting words. Such codes are common in the workplace, in universities, and in private organizations.

Introduction to Phonetics for SPHS

This course focuses on the scientific study of speech production, based on the International Phonetic Alphabet. We also conduct exercises in transcriptions.

Cognition and Communication in Aging

In this course, we review cognitive and communicative changes associated with normal aging as well as with diseases and conditions that are prevalent in the aging population. We discuss methodological issues in research on aging as well as principles for maximizing communication with the elderly population.

Childhood Language

Develop your knowledge of how language is acquired by young children. In this course, we examine the major theories and research that are fundamental to answering the question of what infants and young children know about language at different ages.

Deaf Culture

Students will learn historical and contemporary perspectives of American Deaf culture using a socio-cultural model. Includes cultural identity, values, group norms, communication, language, and significant contributions made by deaf people to the world.

Our programs

Undergraduate students can pursue a B.A., B.S., or minor in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. Graduate students can obtain a master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology, including a bilingual training track, a clinical doctorate in Audiology, or a research focused Ph.D. The Ph.D. can be combined with an Au.D.

A breadth of training

Our courses provide a foundation in the field, with courses in hearing, speech, and language science, hearing and speech anatomy and physiology, aspects of cognitive and communication across the lifespan, audiology, and speech language pathology.

A top-ranked program

Our faculty’s research addresses the fundamental aspects of communication—speech, language, and hearing. Our department is highly regarded for its research profile and consistently places in the top 20 of its kind nationally among various evaluations. We also have an excellent student job placement record.

Clinics & Services

Our department is home to the Hearing Clinic, Speech-Language Clinic, evaluation clinics, a Language Based Preschool program, Bilingual Services and several support groups. Evaluation and treatment is available to people of all ages throughout south-central Indiana.

Notice to patients

The department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences will be moving to our new location as of January 1, 2021. We will be located next to the new IU Health Bloomington Hospital in the Academic Building located next to the IU Pfau Golf course. Our phone numbers will remain the same, but the fax numbers have changed.

See for yourself

Kate Danker, a graduate student in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, worked in the department’s preschool program for language development. This program brings campus and community together, offering students a place to employ the skills they’ve learned in the classroom and change the world one child at a time.

Language Disorders in Children

The focus of this course is on the identification, etiology, and clinical treatment of children who are classified having disorders related to language development, such as autism spectrum disorder and specific language impairment.


In-depth study of diagnosis and management of adult aphasia and related disorders.

Hearing aids

Types and components of electroacoustic hearing aids, earmold acoustics, and procedures for the selection, evaluation, and fitting of hearing aids.

Research and Ethics in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Focuses on research ethics and preparation of grant propos­als, within speech, language and hearing sciences.

Speech, Language and Hearing Science Seminar

This course will rotate topics through speech, language, and hearing. You are required to take one course on each topic. Recent offerings have focused on lexical processing in language production, pitch perception and neural encoding, and the cognitive organization of language.

Purdue University

Senior: I have been at Purdue University since April 2021 and it has been the best decision I made all year! The Professors are great, academic department library, and all around university. I have been loyal to Purdue when they were named Kaplan.

Indiana University - Bloomington

Junior: Awesome school overall! Great social life for anyone because there are so many different types of people and things to do. Whether you like to go out all the time or do something more chill, there's something for you. Basketball games have THE best atmosphere in the country - Hoosier fans go crazy.

Ball State University

Alum: I loved the people I there and the majority of the professors. However, there are a few bad apples. The students however are amazing! EVERYONE is so friendly. I off-campus housing is cheap. Love the people I met there and learned a lot.

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Junior: Very opening and welcoming. People are always there to help and many sources are readily available. Whether you need printing services or someone to speak to, sources are always available when needed.

Indiana State University

Freshman: My experience at Indiana State University was amazing. From the day I had my first visit I knew it was where I needed to be. The atmosphere is so warm and welcoming from the moment you walk in. Coming into college as a freshman is nerve racking enough, but adding a pandemic is just the cherry on top.

Hofstra University

Sophomore: The food options at Hofstra is amazing! You can tell they care about your allergies and health with the options they provide. They recently updated the student center with a larger Starbucks for students to sit down at. It is very well kept up in appearance, you'll always see someone cleaning, the grass, and trees being taken care of.

What is a speech pathology doctorate?

Speech Language Pathology Doctorate Programs may offer a wide variety of speech pathology degrees. Your professional goal could have an impact on the type of SLP doctoral program you choose to attend. Generally, PhD in speech pathology programs are research-oriented or academic. They involve a dissertation and may prepare students for academic roles. However a variety of clinical doctorates may also be available. This could include AuD (Doctor of Audiology) and Doctor of Clinical Science (CScD) degrees, among others. Contact speech pathology schools to learn more.

What is a masters in speech pathology?

Many Speech Pathology Masters programs build their curricula to help students become credentialed to practice as a speech language pathologist. That’s because a masters degree is often a prerequisite for obtaining those credentials. However, different types of speech language pathology roles may have different professional requirements. This could impact the courses offered. For example, a masters program focused on speech language pathology in an educational setting might be somewhat different from one that is more clinically focused. If you’re looking for a speech language pathology master program to work toward licensure, make sure you review the specific requirements in your state.

What is the job of a speech pathologist?

Speech pathologists are generally responsible for diagnosing and treating communication and swallowing disorders. The typical entry-level education for speech-language pathologists is a masters in speech pathology degree. That makes graduate education an important aspect of achieving career goals in this area. Speech language pathologists also might need certification or licensure, though the specific credential needed might vary by work area, discipline, and even location. In 2019, the median annual salary for speech-language pathologists was $80,480. This could vary by state and level of advancement. The job outlook is also much faster than average, predicted to grow by 25% between 2019 and 2029.

Is speech pathology a broad discipline?

Speech language pathology is a broad discipline in itself. So it’s no wonder that graduate speech pathology programs could be equally diverse. Many programs may survey speech language pathology as a whole, building a generalized expertise. Others may instead focus primarily on one area of responsibility. It is also important to note that speech pathologists are often referred to as speech therapists. That is why sometimes you may hear the term speech therapist degree. Here are some other important terms you might come across when you’re reading about these programs. This may help you better understand what each program and course might entail, and choose one that works for you.

What is an international baccalaureate in Indiana?

This diploma is designed to prepare you intellectually, personally, emotionally and socially to live in a rapidly globalizing world. You can choose courses in languages, business, and more. General Diploma.

What is a core 40 diploma?

The Core 40 diploma is designed to prepare you for many college programs and careers.

How many credits do you need for the 40 degree?

For the Core 40 with Technical Honors diploma, students must: Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following: State approved, industry recognized certification or credential, or.

What is the opt out process for a general diploma?

To graduate with a General Diploma, the following formal opt-out process must be completed: The student, the student’s parent/guardian, and the student’s counselor (or another staff member who assists students in course selection) must meet to discuss the student’s progress.

Does Indiana have a GED test?

Indiana has a new high school equivalency exam that replaces the traditional GED® tests. There are special programs for adults, set up to teach math, reading and writing skills for free. These are designed to help you earn a high school equivalency degree, or enter an entry-level occupational certification program.
