college courses a lab is what part of the course

by Lauretta Schaefer DVM 4 min read

Full Answer

What are Lablab courses?

Lab courses generally involve students working hands-on in a Harvard-affiliated research lab, and they follow a different format than typical classroom-based courses.

What is the difference between lab classes and lectures?

Usually lab classes are scheduled at a separate time from the lecture period. During lab courses, students get a hands-on experience of the subject being taught during the lecture. College labs are most often attached to science and pre-med classes.

What is the difference between a lab and a discussion class?

Discussion classes (sometimes called sections) are often a required part of lecture classes. Discussions are usually smaller groups of students led by a graduate student. You’ll do additional work, talk about the lecture and have a chance to ask questions. Labs are usually part of a science lecture class.

What are the different types of labs in college?

College labs are most often attached to science and pre-med classes. Lab classes vary according to whether they are for a major or to fulfill general-ed requirements. Common science classes with labs include biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy. The biggest difference between high school labs and college labs tends to be writing lab reports.

What is a lab in a college course?

A lab course is a smaller, individual course component that supplements larger lectures. Labs allow for hands-on, practical exposure to subject matter. For instance, a biology lab may require students to dissect a frog and record the results in a journal.

Do college classes count as lab experience?

I would say they don't count. I would definitely include them on your application, and emphasize any techniques you learnt, but in general when jobs say they require lab experience they mean experiences outside of classes.

What is a chemistry lab in college?

Chemistry laboratory is a place where students either are extremely playful or very scared of using chemicals. Prakash College has state-of-the-art Chemistry lab that lets you sat it your curiosity by moving the students in the correct direction. The equipments are all calibrated for zero error.

Why do college classes have labs?

The purpose of students coming to a three-hour lab period (in person) is to perform physical experiments, collect, and analyze results that support material that is presented in the lecture portion of the course.

How do I list my lab experience on my resume?

How to list lab skills on a resumeFirstly, research the company to learn its values and culture. ... Secondly, focus on skills the employer would want to see on your resume. ... Thirdly, describe your professional skills with your achievements. ... Next, add other skills if they may be relevant to the position you're applying for.More items...•

What is the difference between lab and lecture?

The lecture format can be viewed as a more traditional and somewhat passive way in which to impart knowledge to students. Laboratories, in contrast, are much more active, as students must engage the material to successfully conduct an experiment.

Are college chemistry labs hard?

Labs are up about 4 hours a piece for each report per week, plus lab time, when I was taking them. They weren't hard so much as tedious- you have to be thorough in your reports if you expect As. The classes themselves weren't so bad, but the homework could also be time consuming.

How long are labs in college?

Lab typically is held once a week for 2-4 hours depending on the class, so it definitely cuts into your free time, but that's about it. It offers time to do practically what you've been learning about in lecture and I have found is usually fun anyway, even if you do have to spend more time "in class".

What is General Chemistry with lab?

Introduces fundamental principles of chemistry including atomic theory, periodic properties, energy, stoichiometry, nomenclature, bonding, Lewis structures, and aqueous solution chemistry.

Why are lab courses important?

Laboratory and practical classes are an important opportunity for many students to actively test experimentally the concepts and methods introduced in lectures and tutorials. You may be asked to work on your own, in pairs or small groups. This is so you learn how to work both independently and collaboratively.

What is a lab section?

Courses with Lecture and Non-Lecture credits need to have a section open for both components, otherwise the students will receive an error when registering. These are typically referred to as Lecture/Lab Sections.

What do college biology labs do?

General Biology LabApply the scientific method, including drawing testable hypotheses from observations and data.Examine abiotic influences on enzymatic activity.Examine cellular respiration, photosynthesis, mitosis, and meiosis.Predict patterns of inheritance according to Mendelian genetics.More items...

How do I prepare for a chem lab?

Review these pre-lab tips before starting an experiment.Complete any pre-lab assignments or homework. ... Know the location of the lab safety equipment and understand how to use it. ... Read through the experiment before going to the lab. ... Start filling out your lab notebook with information about the experiment.More items...•

How do you do well in a chem lab?

5 Ways to Survive Intro Chemistry Labs and Even Enjoy ItPre-read the lab before going to class.Take advantage of the people around you.Keep a Clean Notebook.Wear Proper Lab Clothes.Most importantly, HAVE FUN.

What are college biology labs like?

It looks like you are in intro bio. Its going to be fairly general and easy stuff. As for lab, most gen bio lab will focus on alot of microscope work, drawings, maybe basic dissection (although I doubt it) (frogs, worms, crickets, rats). Bio labs tend to be pretty easy compared to say chem lab or physics lab.

How do you do well in a lab?

How to be More Productive in the LabPlan your day.Track time spent on tasks.Put spare time to good use.Know when you are at your best.Maintain a Clutter-Free Environment.Keep an accounting system for all supplies and materials.Keep your data organized.Divide and Conquer.More items...

Finding a Research Lab | Psychology Undergraduate Program

"When I joined a lab, I watched firsthand as graduate students navigated through different phases of the research process - designing a study, collecting data, analyzing that data - and was even able to participate in that process myself. No amount of classwork or reading can match that direct experience." - Micaela Rodriguez, Class of 2020 Concentrator

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College labs can be an important part of your academic life. Find out which classes have labs, what those labs are like, and how to prepare for lab reports

In addition to lectures, some college classes also have labs. College labs are usually attached to specific majors like Biology and Pre-med, but may play a role in fulfilling general education credit requirements as well.

What Are College Labs?

College laboratory classes may or may not differ from high school Advanced Placement class labs, depending on the school you attend. Community college labs are likely more similar to high school class labs than lab classes at large universities. Not all science classes have labs; some are just lecture courses.

Writing College Lab Reports

While high school lab reports are often simply brief summaries of the science experiments being performed, college lab reports are much more involved.

College Lab Protocol

Depending on your institution, lab protocol will vary. In high school, science labs often have strict safety requirements about clothing and footwear as well as requirements about wearing gloves and goggles.

Why Take a Lab Class?

Students take classes with labs for many different reasons. Freshmen taking lab classes are usually fulfilling general-education requirements, while many science majors require various lab classes. Still others simply enjoy the sciences, or are testing the waters to see if they would like to pursue a science or pre-med major.


This is a large class held in a lecture hall, a theater-like room that may seat hundreds of students. The professor talks for the entire class while students take notes. Lecture classes are common in first-year courses. Students in these classes may also attend a related discussion class.


Discussion classes (sometimes called sections) are often a required part of lecture classes. Discussions are usually smaller groups of students led by a graduate student. You’ll do additional work, talk about the lecture and have a chance to ask questions.


Labs are usually part of a science lecture class. Students use what they’ve learned in class to complete an assignment, such as creating a computer program or doing a physics experiment.


Students who take hands-on classes such as art, theater, music, design or photography will find themselves in a class environment in which they do what they are studying. A drawing class, for example, may be divided into two parts: a lesson class and a drawing studio.

Independent Study

For an independent-study class, a student and a professor design a study program for the student that is separate from regular courses. Independent study often requires a research project or a lot of reading on a central theme as well as a series of papers or one major paper.

How many credits does a B in a lab with a lab affect your GPA?

Regardless of whether you end up with 7 grades or 4, the semester will only affect your GPA by 15 credits-worth. Getting a B in a class with a lab worth 5 credits is the same as getting a B in a 2 credit lab and a B in a 3 credit lecture--because the lab+lecture is worth the same number of credits.</p>. <p>It really depends on how many hours you're ...

Can you register for a lab class?

Generally, when the labs are a part of the course, they're linked for the purposes of registration, which means that when you put in your numbers for class registration, you can't register for the class unless you put the lecture code and a lab code in at the same time.

What subjects can you do in a science lab?

But technology advancements and innovative instructional strategies now allow students to successfully complete lab assignments at home in subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and anatomy/physiology.

What do you need for a physics lab?

The exact equipment you need will depend on the science classes you take. Online physics labs typically require different items than do online biology labs. For example, basic biology kits often include things like graduated cylinders, beakers, pipettes, test tubes, and a thermometer.

How much does a lab kit cost?

The cost of a starter lab kit ranges from $30 to more than $200. These costs vary by company, with starter kits ranging from approximately $30 to more than $200.

What are the drawbacks of lab kits?

One drawback of at-home lab kits is often the price. Depending on the number of experiments you do and the types of topics you cover, a basic kit with supplementary experiment packages can really start to add up.

What are some examples of virtual labs?

Labster, Visible Body, and CloudLabs are three examples of virtual lab tools focused on science and math topics. According to Labster, virtual labs "allow students to work through real-life case stories, interact with lab equipment, perform experiments, and learn with theory and quiz questions.".

How much does a starter lab cost?

The cost of a starter lab kit ranges from $30 to more than $200.

What is simulation in science?

In the context of an online science lab, simulations are digital presentations used to show you how something works. Examples of simulations include demonstrating a law of physics, illustrating a chemical reaction, or exploring the effects of gravity. Simulations typically use graphics and animations to present specific topics.

What is lecture course?

A lecture course consists of classes that meet weekly for a specified number of hours; instruction is delivered in a lecture setting. Brings together a group of students to discuss topics of interest under the direction of a instructor or discussion leader. Often used interchangeably with workshop, institute, or study group.

What is an act in college?

ACT. Activity. Activity during which the student learns a sport, trade, hobby, or other skill through hands-on practice.

What is a condensed workshop?

Condensed workshops designed to immerse students in practical situations using simulations and case analysis.

What is a lab tech?

A Lab Technician is a person who is skilled in working with complex medical machinery and performing various tests. He/she also assists in various lab-related processes. A lab technician has a huge demand in the public as well private sector in various institutes across the globe. In this blog, we will be exploring all the information about a Lab Technician course including diploma and undergraduate programs available for this field, syllabus of this course and its job prospects.

How long does it take to become a lab tech?

If you wish to learn more about this area, you may enrol in Lab Technician PG courses after your graduation. The programme lasts a minimum of two years, and you must graduate with a grade point average of 50% to 60%. The following are some of the lab technician PG courses that aspirants can pursue after their undergraduation:

What is a DMLT diploma?

The Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) is a paramedical science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of illnesses. It’s the study of human fluids such as pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, urine, blood samples, and other samples. DMLT is an entry-level curriculum that teaches students how to inspect, test and detect various illnesses. It is a two-year curriculum in which students learn biochemistry, pathology, blood banking, and microbiology in depth. Students are also taught how to operate laboratory equipment and technology. You may use a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology to perform all of the tests needed to diagnose an illness. The programme is primarily intended to fill the void left by laboratory personnel. A typical Lab Technician diploma programme lasts 1-2 years. The following are some of the diploma-level courses for Lab Technicians:

How long does a lab technician certificate last?

You can take a certificate course to improve your skills if you already have a degree. These Lab Technician certification courses can last anywhere from 6 months to a year. Some of the most popular Lab Technician certificate courses are:

What is a medical laboratory technician degree?

A bachelor’s degree in Medical Laborator y Technology is a full-time programme in health care. To be admitted, you must have a minimum of 50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in your 12th grade. This course is also known as a job-oriented course since it is in charge of securing speedy and appealing job placements. In the near future, Medical Laboratory Technicians will be in high demand. As the number of illnesses and unfavourable lifestyles rises, so does the demand for specialists to aid doctors by preparing pre-medical reports.

What is a BSc in X-ray technology?

The BSc in X-Ray Technology will teach you how to use radiation to perform diagnostic testing. You’ll learn how to do ultrasounds, X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, among other procedures. Because the method they utilise to make diagnostic images is also known as Sonography, radiographers are also known as Sonographers. After finishing this course, you will be qualified to work as a radiographer in hospitals, diagnostic centres, and super-speciality hospitals, among other settings.

How long is a BSc in clinical laboratory technology?

The BSc Clinical Laboratory Technology programme is a three-year undergraduate programme in which you will learn how to test, identify, and diagnose many illnesses. Medical Record Technicians, Resident Medical Officers, Lab Assistants, Associate Lecturers, and other positions for skilled graduates of this programme are common. Even though you may make a respectable wage following this study, there are also fruitful opportunities for undertaking master’s level studies after this programme.

What is a course in college?

A course is a series of classes. These classes are all in one area of study. Therefore, when choosing a major, you will take courses geared towards that major. Courses are assigned credits. Colleges dictate how many credits you need to take to graduate.

What is a Class?

The word class is often misused as a synonym for a course, but it is different. In college, the word “class” is used to describe a particular instance of a course. For example, a student may say, “I have to go to my Algebra II class now.”

What is a Major?

Most college degrees entail choosing a major. A major is your specialized area of study. Another word for a major is a concentration. This subject makes up a student’s core curriculum, or the bulk of the courses taken.

What is elective course?

Elective courses are outside of one’s major, but help contribute to a well-rounded education.

Why are online colleges different from traditional colleges?

This is because classes are all digital. While online institutions are less conventional than in-person campuses, they offer many benefits.

What is lower division college?

In general, lower division courses focus on general education and occur in the beginning of college. Once students earn enough course credits, they move up into upper division courses. These courses are major-specific. Therefore, they may be more in-depth and often provide more of a challenge because they are specialized.

What is lecture in a classroom?

A lecture generally takes place in a large room with theatre-like seating. A professor stands in the front and talks for most of the time. During this time, students take notes. A lecturer may use a PowerPoint presentation, whiteboard, handouts, etc.

What are the duties of a lab technician?

Lab technician duties typically involve: Performing laboratory tests in order to produce reliable and precise data. Carrying out routine tasks accurately and following strict methodologies to carry out analyses. Preparing specimens and samples. Constructing, maintaining and operating standard laboratory equipment.

What is the role of a laboratory technician?

A laboratory technician has an important role assisting medical, scientific and technical staff with duties such as research, testing and conducting experiments.

What is the level of a pharmaceutical science degree?

Graduates will have strong analytical science skills and will be suitable for progression onto ordinary degree (level 7) and honours degree (level 8) courses in pharmaceutical science, medical biotechnology, environmental science, occupational safety and health.

What courses does Biologiq offer?

For those who have a relevant science degree and are interested in becoming skilled as a laboratory technician, course providers such as Biologiq offer laboratory courses such as “Laboratory Management Systems” and “Good Laboratory Practice” courses. These courses will also be of interest to those already working in the field to upgrade existing skills and learn some new ones. These courses can be seen at

What is a BSc in biomedical science?

Biomedical Science is a continually changing dynamic profession and involves study of the diverse areas of medical science including Biochemistry, Microbiology , Cellular Pathology , Haematology and Transfusion Science .
