chapter 4-wk 3 study questions amu course hero plants, fungi and bacteria all have what similarity?

by Derek Cruickshank Jr. 6 min read

Why do fungi come from mold?

Can B/C viruses be classified as living things?

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Why do fungi come from mold?

They come from mold - preexisting soil organisms to kill their neighbors to decrease the competition.

Can B/C viruses be classified as living things?

B/c viruses can carry out so few of life's basic process on their own, most scientists don't classify them as living things.

Why do organisms depend on cellular organisms?

depend on cellular organisms in order to replicate.

How many endospores can be produced by each parent cell?

a. More than one endospore can be produced by each parent cell.

What is an endospore?

e. An endospore is a reproductive structure.

Do fungi grow in eucalyptus?

Fungi grow in association with the roots of eucalyptus, providing the plants with more water.

What are the two parts of biology?

It serves as an introduction to biology and will include thefollowing specific modules: Part 1: the science of biology, the nature of molecules and the properties ofwater, and the chemical building blocks of life . Part II: cell structure, membranes, energy and metabolism,how cells harvest energy, cell communication and cell division. Part III: sexual reproduction and meiosis,patterns of inheritance, chromosomes, mapping and meiosis, DNA, genes and how they work, control ofgene expression, biotechnology and genomics. Part IV: genes within populations, the evidence for evolution,the origin of species, and systematic, phylogenies and comparative biology. Part V: the origin and diversityof life, viruses, prokaryotes and protists.

What is basic biology?

It is the first ina two-part biology series that is designed for students who intend to complete a degree that requires amajors-level biology course . Topics in in this course include an introduction to the molecular basis of life,biology of the cell, genetic and molecular biology, evolution and diversity of life on Earth. The laboratoryportion of this course will include hands-on as well as virtual laboratories that complement the topics andconcepts covered in the lecture component. Some of the laboratory activities require the use of glass orsharp laboratory instruments; therefore, students must have a safe work area available to perform laboratoryactivities. Students must also have room temperature storage available in order to maintain laboratorymaterials and specimens and access to very hot or boiling water. In addition, students must be able todocument their laboratory work using still pictures and/or video.