change the course what is your footprint

by Dr. Roselyn Gusikowski 3 min read

How do you manage your digital footprint?

So how can you manage your digital footprint? Here are a few places to start: Google yourself: Take inventory of what’s out there. Search for your name every few months, so you’re cognizant of the information others have access to. Set up Google alerts: Hanif recommends setting up a Google alert for your name.

What is change the course?

Change the Course brings together corporations, conservation organizations, and the public to raise awareness about freshwater, reduce water footprints, and ensure clean and reliable water for rivers, commerce, and communities. It’s a virtuous cycle of education, conservation and restoration – and it’s working.

What is your digital footprint and why does it matter?

“Your digital footprint is data that’s created through your activities and communication online. This can include more passive activities, such as if a website collects your IP address, as well as more active digital activities, such as sharing images on social media,” says Natalie Athanasiadis,...

What’s Your Individual Carbon Footprint?

  • According to WHO, a carbon footprint is a measure of the impact your activities have on the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air. These CO2 emissions are through the burning of fossil fuels and are expressed in tons. They also include emissions including other GHGs like methaneand chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). But since CO2 is the major GHG...
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How to Measure Your Own Carbon Footprint

  • You can figure out how much your actions generate GHG by using a carbon footprint calculator. There are plenty of various tools created for calculating carbon footprints for individuals. But they’re different from the ones used to calculate carbon emissions by businesses and other entities. Emissions by companies are often measured using a more complicated, scientific appr…
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How to Reduce Carbon Footprint?

  • As we can suggest from the situation above, it’s not easy to get your exact emissions. But you need to make estimations to have something to base your reduction efforts on. Your car may pollute lessthan the average value used. Or perhaps the meat you buy is less polluting as it’s sourced from your locality. Yet, the fact remains that they’re major emission sources. Hence, it’s …
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Why Do Individual Efforts to Fight Climate Change Matter?

  • Many people want to know what they can do individually to help tackle climate issues. In such a case, they need to know how their actions can have the biggest possible impact. Climate change is a problem for the entire planet. In essence, climate science tells us that having a good future on Earth depends on reducing the total carbon footprint by about 90% by 2050. The best time to ac…
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