canvas what is a publish course

by Matt Barrows 6 min read

In Canvas, publishing refers to making an item available, or visible, to students. Instructors will need to publish their course and content items within the course to ensure students can see what they need to complete course work. Publishing a Course Publishing a course in Canvas is similar to making a course available to students in Blackboard.

Canvas courses are not available for students to see or access until they are published by the Instructor. Instructors need to publish each of their courses when they are ready for it to be accessed. Only users who have the “Teacher” role in the Canvas course will be able to see the Publish Course button.Mar 26, 2021

Full Answer

How do I publish a course?

How do I publish a course? If you have permission to publish your course, you can publish your course from the Dashboard, the Course Home Page sidebar, the Course Settings sidebar, or the Course Setup Checklist. You must publish a course before students can access it and its contents.

Why can't I publish my course on free-for-teacher?

If you are using a Free-for-Teacher account, you cannot publish a course until you have verified your email address. If your course has been published and includes grades, you cannot modify the course's published status. Locate the Unpublished Courses section in the Dashboard [1].

How do I Unpublish a course that contains a graded submission?

Note: Once your course contains a graded submission, you can no longer unpublish your course. Under the " Course Status ", click " Unpublish " to make the course unavailable to students. For more help, please contact

Can I change the status of my course once it's published?

If you are using a Free-for-Teacher account, you cannot publish a course until you have verified your email address. If your course has been published and includes grades, you cannot modify the course's published status.

What does publishing a course in Canvas mean?

A common feature in Canvas is the gray/green icon that indicates whether or not an item is published and thereby visible to students. Most items an instructor creates in their Canvas course (files, assignments, pages, modules, etc.)

What does published course mean?

Unpublished (default) - The course is inactive and students will not be able to view it. Published – Your course is available for students to view. Concluded - We do not recommend that you conclude your course.

When a course is published in Canvas?

When you first view a Canvas course the course status will appear in upper right column. On the course home click the Publish button. Once the course is published the publish button will turn green and word publish will change to published.

What happens when you publish on Canvas?

Once you publish your Canvas course site, you do not have to republish it again if you add new content. You only have to publish the site once. You can unpublish the course by going to the Home page and clicking the Unpublish button. This will turn off student access to the course site.

Can you unpublish assignments in Canvas?

To unpublish an assignment, hover over the published button for the assignment and view its status. If the assignment can be unpublished, the hover text will confirm you want to unpublish the assignment, and the button will change from green to red. Click the button to confirm.

How do I publish content on Canvas?

To publish a module, click the module's unpublished icon. The hover text will confirm you want to publish the module. Note: Publishing a module will automatically publish any unpublished content items within the module.

How do I make my Canvas course active?

Unlock a course To unlock a Canvas course after the term has ended: Navigate to the course you want to unlock, and from the course navigation menu, select Settings. After the page automatically refreshes, your course will be unlocked, and the course end date will be set to one month from the current date.

How do I unpublish all content in Canvas?

Within the content item, unpublished content is indicated by a gray circle icon with slash through it. You can easily switch between the two statuses by clicking on the publish or unpublish button.

How do I delete a published course on Canvas?

From your course home page, click the settings tab at the bottom of the course menu. Once in settings, there will be options for both deleting or ending the course on the menu on the right side of the page. Click whichever one to end or delete your course.

Can students see Canvas course before published?

You must publish a course before students can access it and its contents. Students cannot see unpublished courses and content. Publishing a course is a course permission. If you cannot publish your course, your institution has restricted this feature.

Why are my announcements not visible to students in Canvas?

You're in the right place! If students can't see your Announcements, it's likely the menu item has been disabled. In Settings, click on the Navigation tab at the top. This is where you control the order and accessibility of menu items.

What happens when you conclude a course in Canvas?

What happens at the end of the semester? Your course will be "concluded" 2-3 weeks after the end of finals period. This means the content will be in an archival state. You will maintain full read/edit access to the site and students will also have access to your course content for up to 5 years.

Publishing a Course

Publishing a course in Canvas is similar to making a course available to students in Blackboard. A course must be published before students are able to see the course in Canvas. Please review the Canvas Instructor Guide to learn how to publish your course. Please note that there are a couple of differences from Blackboard.

Publishing Course Content

It is also important to publish content so that students are able to view the content in the course. This is similar to making content areas, folders or content available to students in Blackboard. Within Modules, you can publish an entire module, or specific items within the module.

How to Publish Your Course in Canvas

If you are an instructor for a course, you can publish your course in the Course Home Page sidebar or from the Course Setup Checklist.

Step 1: Open Course

In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].

Step 3: View Confirmation

A message will appear at the top of your screen confirming the publishing of your course.

Note on How to Unpublish Your Course

If you need to unpublish your course, click the Unpublish button in the sidebar.


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Course status notification on home page

If a course is unpublished you’ll see a pink notification message on the homepage. You can click the “Publish Course” button to immediately publish your course and make it available to students. We recommend waiting until your course is set up and ready to be released.

Select home page

The Syllabus replaced Modules as the default home page for all new Canvas courses.

Home page Options

Home page options include Course Activity Stream, Pages Front Page, Course Modules, Assignment List or Syllabus. Once you have selected an option, click Save. Please note that if you don’t select an option, the home page will remain as the Syllabus.

Publish a Course

To publish a course, click the Publish button from the right-hand sidebar from the home page. The course is published and available to students once the button appears green.

What is an unpublished course?

While a course is unpublished, students cannot access or participate in the course.

What is a concluded course?

Concluded courses are courses that are completed according to the SIS information or term dates, or courses that have been manually marked complete by an instructor or administrator. In a concluded course, instructors and students can no longer participate in the course and the course is archived in a read-only state.
