canvas the discussion post activity in this course is an example of which form of communication?

by Florida Heaney 4 min read

What are canvas discussions?

Discussions in Canvas. Canvas Discussions are a native tool in all Canvas courses. Instructors may create both focused and threaded Discussions. Discussions are often used to promote student interaction and exchange of ideas, in online and hybrid courses. Canvas Discussions can be ungraded, graded, assigned to groups, and even peer reviewed.

How do I record a class discussion in canvas?

Jul 20, 2020 · Create a graded discussion for everyone, individual students, course sections, or course groups. When a discussion is marked as a graded assignment, the Canvas SpeedGrader™ isolates each student’s comments from the thread and combines them into one easily readable view for grading. Subscribe to a discussion and be notified of replies.

How to use discussion for communication?

Jun 20, 2018 · Canvas Discussion can fulfill the Journal needs especially for group project and course-related materials discussion and analysis. For instance, instructor can assign topics for different groups to record their learning journey across learning units/modules, so that members of a group can view and comment on each other’s entries, where all ...

What types of discussions can an instructor create?

Nov 22, 2019 · When discussion moves to an online arena such as a Canvas discussion board, many of the same challenges can crop up, along with new ones unique to the digital medium. For example, an instructor may not be sure when and how he or she should intervene in order to guide the discussion in a productive direction.

What is a canvas discussion?

Canvas Discussions are a native tool in all Canvas courses. Instructors may create both focused and threaded Discussions. Discussions are often used to promote student interaction and exchange of ideas, in online and hybrid courses. Canvas Discussions can be ungraded, graded, assigned to groups, and even peer reviewed.

How do you post in a discussion on canvas?

Click the "+Discussion" button in the top-right corner.Name the discussion in the "Topic Title."Type your discussion details within the Rich Content Editor.If you would like to attach files, you can select the file from the Document icon to upload a file, or select one from your course files.Dec 6, 2021

What does a discussion look like in canvas?

2:324:44Discussions in Canvas - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipTo take a video of themselves and upload that into canvas. So depending on what type of discussionMoreTo take a video of themselves and upload that into canvas. So depending on what type of discussion you're looking for this could be a really cool and unique feature for what you're doing in canvas.

How does Canvas chat work?

Using the Chat tool in a Canvas course Open your course. Click on the Chat link in the left-hand navigation. Input your message in the text field at the bottom. Press Enter or click Send to submit the message.

How do you post a discussion?

Writing a Successful Discussion PostRead the discussion prompt carefully. Pay special attention to: ... Prepare adequately. Before beginning your post, make sure you have read all of the required readings with a critical eye. ... Construct a draft. ... Review and revise. ... Submit.

How do you respond to a discussion post example?

There are three main ways to respond constructively to a post: “No, because...” • “Yes, and…” • “Yes, but...” If you disagree with someone's post, show that you appreciate that your classmate has an opinion, even if it's different from your own.

How do I post a discussion on canvas as a student?

How do I create a course discussion as a student?Open Discussions. In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.Create Discussion. Enter a discussion title in the Topic Title field [1]. ... Set Discussion Options and Availability. ... Save Discussion.

How do I like a discussion post on canvas?

Learn how to like a discussion reply.Open Discussions. In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.Add Discussion. Click the Add Discussion button.Create Discussion. Create your discussion. ... Set Liking Options. In discussion options, click the Allow liking checkbox [1].

What is a course discussion?

Course discussions give you the opportunity to start conversations with other learners, ask questions that other learners or members of the course team can answer, and interact with other learners in the course.

How do groups work on canvas?

Working in Canvas groups Groups are like a smaller version of your course and are used as a collaborative tool where you can work with your classmates on group projects and assignments. Your instructor may create and add you to course groups or ask you to join a group on your own.

Is there a chat option for Canva?

Canvas Chat, a basic tool for real-time, text-based communication, is available in all Canvas courses and also in Canvas Groups. When enabled in the course Navigation menu, Chat is available for use by anyone in the class.

How does collaborations work in canvas?

Canvas leverages collaborative technology to allow multiple users to work together on the same document at the same time. Collaborative documents are saved in real-time, meaning a change made by any of its users will be immediately visible to everyone.

What is discussion board?

Typically, Discussion is used as discussion board or forum of sharing thoughts and communicating on questions. It can also be used for resources sharing, solution exploration, feedback collection, etc. In this post, the author is going to share five other ways that you may want to try with Discussion. Use Discussion as Communication Station.

What is reflection in online courses?

Reflection and self-reflection is considerable in online courses, especially for a course that requires critical thinking skill. After being presented rich course content, students need a moment to reflect their own learning journey, such as what has been learnt, what has been questioned, what could be improved, etc.

Can discussion be used as a mediation tool?

Use Discussion as a mediation tool might be limited to some subjects. For instance, social-work courses usually require the skills and techniques of mediation. Assignments in those courses are often designed to evaluate students’ mediation performance by role play.

Why is a discussion prompt important?

By providing a well-crafted prompt, you can excite students’ capacity for creative thinking and help them see the topic at hand in new and exciting ways.

Can students say "I agree with X"?

As noted above, in an online forum it can be particularly difficult to elicit substantive comments from your students. Students may sometimes say little more than “I agree with X” in an attempt to participate in the discussion without expending too much effort.

Post Reply

Add your reply, links, files, and other media in the Rich Content Editor [1]. If allowed in your course, you may also attach files [2].

View Your Reply

Your reply will be posted at the bottom of the discussion reply thread. The border of your post will flash indicating it has been newly posted. The unread icon next to your post will immediately change to the read icon if Canvas automatically marks your posts as read.

View Reply

Your reply displays at the bottom of the discussion thread. If your discussion replies are automatically marked as read, your new reply displays a Read icon [1]. If you have selected to manually mark read discussion posts, your post displays an Unread icon [2] until you manually mark it as read.

What is a syllabus in Canvas?

The Syllabus is a piece of content that outlines activities in a course. The Syllabus is a link in Course Navigation. Term. A term is a period of time assigned to academic instruction. In Canvas, course dates generally align with term dates, though course dates can extend beyond or be shorter than default term dates.

What is Canvas admin?

Canvas admins can manage all accounts and subaccounts for their institutions. Account also refers to a user account, which houses a user's profile, notifications, files, settings, and ePortfolios. Activity Stream. An Activity Stream displays all recent activity in Canvas.

What is collaboration in a course?

Collaborations is a tool that allows students and instructors to create and edit documents that can be edited by the entire course or any subset of the course roster. Collaborations is a link in Course Navigation. Conferences.

What is a rubric in a course?

Rubrics are typically comprised of rows and columns. Rows are used to define the various criteria being used to assess an assignment. Columns are used to define levels of performance for each criterion. Sections. Sections are divisions of students within a course. All course sections view the same course content.


These settings are applied to all courses and organizations across Canvas; you cannot adjust notification settings for an individual course or organization.


The settings you choose may vary depending on how actively you participate in Canvas organization sites and how "plugged in" to your Canvas course sites you want to be. We recognize that everyone will have different preferences.

What is the instructor in charge of a discussion post?

The instructor in charge of your discussion post usually outlines the expectations of using the forum in the syllabus. It’s vital that you read all of the rules laid out with regard to your posts before posting any conversation. For instance, your instructor may require you to use a specific writing format or stay within a specific word count. These are just some of the few instructions that you must adhere to if you don’t want to end up losing points unnecessarily.

What is discussion board?

An online discussion board is a space for you, your peers, and your instructor to exchange information. You must, therefore, be well-equipped to write Discussion Board Responses Examples to share your ideas with your classmates. The tips mentioned above can help you to create more meaningful conversations. Above all, always remember to post your conversations on time.

How to know what your instructor wants you to respond to?

Spending an hour to carefully read and understand the prompt also helps a great deal. This way, you will know the purpose of the discussion and what your instructor wants you to respond to. Additionally, you will know the particulars of the discussion, such as the word limit and the formatting style. You get to know how your instructor will assess your paper. Your course materials are what will guide you through all of this.

Should I post my discussion threads before the deadline?

As with all other assignments, it’s always important that you post your discussion threads before the deadline. Don’t be one of those students who post their conversations at the last minute. The chances are that your paper won’t likely be well-researched and thought out. Remember, your instructor will only award you points if he believes that you put effort into your contributions. Therefore, posting your conversations at the last minute may only end up hurting your final grade.

Should I post only relevant content?

Inasmuch as it’s advisable that you contribute to the conversation, you must also remember to post only relevant content. This may be an online discussion forum, but it’s still academic-based. So, try to be as formal and respectful as possible when posting your conversations. Above all else, ensure that all your posts are relevant to the topic being discussed.

Is it normal to get confused at some point?

That’s really quite normal. However, not everyone will reach out to the instructor or other members of the discussion for clarification. This can hinder your learning process significantly. Instructors always encourage their students to ask questions. Ensure, therefore, that you don’t let any issues pass if you aren’t entirely sure about how a member of the group arrived at the solution.
