canvas program how to change the name of a course in user view

by Luther Hyatt V 5 min read

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Click the Course Details tab. Edit the course name and code by typing in the name [1] and course code [2] fields. Both fields have a 255 character limit. Click the Update Course Details button. Your changes will be reflected in the course details.

Click on the "Course Details" tab across the top. Editing "Name" will edit the long name of the course. Editing the "Course Code" will edit the short name of the course that appears across to top of the course site. Click "Update Course Details" at the bottom to save the changes.Nov 18, 2021

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How do I manage the details in a canvas course?

Open Settings In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Open Sections Click the Sections tab. Edit Section Locate the section and click the Edit icon. Change Section Name You can change the section name by typing in the text box and selecting Return (on a MAC keyboard ) or Enter (on a PC keyboard) to save your changes. View Sections

How do I change the name of a section in canvas?

If you have permission from your admin, you can change your course name and course code in your course Settings in Canvas. The course code is a short name for the course and is displayed at the top of the Course Navigation menu and in course cards in the dashboard. Notes: Course names and codes may be generated by your institution's student information system (SIS). If …

How do I change a course name and course code?

To select a page from the Pages Index, click the View All Pages button. Open Page Click the name of the page you want to edit. Edit Page Click the Edit button. Rename Page Edit the title of the page. Save Page Click the Save button. View Page View the new page name at the top of the page. canvas instructor instructor guide pages 0 Kudos Share

How do I change a user's role in a course?

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Open Course Details Click the Course Details tab. View Course Identification The first section of Course Details shows you an overview of your course, including the course name [1] and course code [2]. Depending on your institution, you may not be able to change your course name and code.

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What is the course details page?

The Course Details page also shows the status of the course, published or unpublished [6].

What does the course details tab on a blueprint mean?

Your Course Details tab indicates whether the course has been enabled as a blueprint course and displays Yes or No [1].

What is grading scheme?

You can enable a grading scheme for your course. A grading scheme is a set of criteria that measures varying levels of achievement in a course. You can also view the current existing grading scheme, if any. This setting is disabled by default.

Can you lock a course in a blueprint?

Most commonly, your course will be associated with a blueprint course and you can only manage unlocked content in your course. If your course is a blueprint course, you can lock and sync course content to associated courses.

Can a course be assigned to a specific term?

Courses may be assigned to the Default Term or a specific term [1]. By default, your students will be able to participate in the course within the term dates [2].

Can you copy a course on Canvas?

Copied Canvas courses and course items do not count against course file storage quotas. You can copy existing Canvas courses and course items from the original course into your new course without impacting your course file storage quota.

Does Canvas count against course quotas?

Canvas course imports count against course quotas. If a course import fails, verify the size of the file against your course file storage quota. If necessary, contact your Canvas admin to request a larger course quota.

What happens when you add multiple roles to a course?

If a user was added to the course with multiple roles, selecting a new role overwrites all the user's current enrollments with the new edited role. If a user is enrolled in multiple sections, the edited role applies to all sections.

Can you edit a user role in a course?

Additionally, editing a user role is a course permission. If you cannot edit user roles in your course, your institution has restricted this feature.

Can you edit a course enrollment?

Once users have been added to your course, you may be able to edit the enrollment type for a user in the course through the People page. This feature allows you to make modifications to course enrollment types without having to delete the existing enrollment. Role edits do not require the user to accept a new course invitation.

Can you edit an observer role?

If an observer is linked to a student, you cannot edit an observer role. Learn how to manage linked students. Enrollments may be added by your institution's student information system (SIS). If an enrollment includes an SIS ID, you cannot edit an enrollment in the course. Additionally, editing a user role is a course permission.

What is Canvas Student View?

Once you have customized your course navigation menu to your liking, you can use Canvas’ Student View tool to look at your course site through the eyes of a student. This is an excellent way to make sure that your students will have access to the correct items in the course navigation menu. For more information, see Canvas Student View as a Tool for Faculty.

What is the navigation menu in Canvas?

For both you and your students, the course navigation menu is your means of finding your way around your Canvas course site. However, the menu may not look the same for you and your students. When you view the course navigation menu of a site in which you are an instructor, you will note that some links are black, while others are light gray. Links in black are visible to, and usable by, anyone enrolled in the course; links in light gray, on the other hand, are invisible to students, and cannot be used by them. (There are also certain links that are light gray until you add content to the corresponding content areas, at which point the links will become available to students; Modules and Assignments fall into this category.)
