May 29, 2015 · SchoolName is your own school's URL to Canvas. After your course number, add "/undelete" so your course URL looks something like: You should be able to restore the quiz from that screen.
Sep 24, 2020 · Hold Alt (or Option+Fn for Mac users) and press F9, then the toolbar will show up on top of the editing area. Click “ Edit ” and you’ll see the Undo option. Situation 2: Restore a previous version of a page What if you have already saved the unwanted edits and you would like to restore to a previous version of your page, assignment, or quiz?
Jan 21, 2018 · Navigate to the home page of the Canvas course in question. Note the link of the course: Add /undelete to the link and press enter (Navigating to that link). You will see a list of Canvas content that can be restored. If an item is not on this list, it cannot be restored. Click the restore button for the content you wish to restore.
Navigate to your course and add the " /undelete " phrase to the end of the URL in the address bar as demonstrated above. This will take you the " Restore Deleted Items " page. Click " restore " next to the items you want to restore. For more help, please contact [email protected]. Prev: Setting Your Favorite Courses.
When course content is deleted in Canvas, it is possible to restore select content after it has been deleted. The following steps can be taken to restore content:
If a Canvas course page has not been deleted, but has been changed significantly, instructors and admins may restore it from Page History.
In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
In the Course ID field [1], enter the Course ID of the course you want to restore. Click the Find button [2].
Canvas Resource Center BEGIN HERE FAQs for Using Canvas Using Canvas Tools How do I undelete or restore an activity, like a quiz or an assignment?
You will learn how to undelete or restore an activity or other Canvas course item that you accidentally deleted.