canvas how to edit course tile information

by Gilbert Crooks 5 min read

Part of a video titled How to Change Course Tile Image on Canvas (Instructors)
There's two ways you can change it the first way is to just simply change the color filter. And youMoreThere's two ways you can change it the first way is to just simply change the color filter. And you just click on these three dots here to change it to whatever you want this is very personalized.

Can I edit a page in my Canvas course?

This setting specifies the intended format of the course. To change the course format, click the format drop-down menu. You can also allow users to download your course for offline viewing using one of two options. If ePub Exporting is enabled in your course, you can view the ePub Export check box [2] and change the ePub format.

How do I edit a quiz question in canvas?

Add or edit the content using the Rich Content Editor [1] or switch to the HTML Editor [2]. To change the editing permissions for the page, click the …

How do I manage the details in a canvas course?

Apr 02, 2020 · Are you referring to the image in the course card on your dashboard? If you are the instructor and your institution allows teachers to change course tiles you can follow these directions: How do I add an image to a course card in the Dashboard? View solution in …

How do I add a course abbreviation to a canvas title?

The default setting in Canvas is to restrict editing of pages to instructors only. However, your instructor may allow you to edit a page in your course and contribute content to the page. If you can edit a page, you can also view the history of a course page.

How do you edit tiles on canvas?

0:053:13Change a Canvas Tile's Color, Picture, and Nickname - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe course is assigned a color and a name those are very easy to change. If you click on theseMoreThe course is assigned a color and a name those are very easy to change. If you click on these square with a pencil. The menu will come up you will have the option to give your course a new nickname.

How do I change course details in canvas?

Click on the "Course Details" tab across the top. Editing "Name" will edit the long name of the course. Editing the "Course Code" will edit the short name of the course that appears across to top of the course site. Click "Update Course Details" at the bottom to save the changes.Nov 18, 2021

How do I change the course tile image in canvas?

Customize Course ImageTo change the image, select the course you would like to customize. ... Scroll down and select “Settings” from the menu on the left.On the top of the Course Details page, click the “Choose Image” box.More items...•Jan 12, 2018

How do I edit my dashboard on canvas?

To change your Dashboard view, click the Options menu and select your preferred viewing option.

How do you change the name of a course in canvas?

Click Dashboard in the Global Navigation Menu.Click the More Options icon on the course card of the course that you would like to change the nickname of.Enter the nickname in the Nickname field, and click Apply.The nickname will now appear on your course card. Previous Article. Next Article.Jun 10, 2021

Where is course details in canvas?

In the Course Details tab, you can view the details of your course including its name, what your quota is, and what license that you've attached to this content inside of your course. You can also view the course status. If the course cannot be unpublished, the hover text will notify you accordingly.

How do I change a picture on tile?

You can change your Tile's name, photo, or category.In the Tile app, tap the Tile you wish to edit.Scroll down to and select More Options.To change the name of the Tile: Tap Name. Enter the new name. ... To change the photo: Tap Change Photo. ... To change the category: Tap Category.

How do I remove a course from canvas dashboard?

From your course home page, click the settings tab at the bottom of the course menu. Once in settings, there will be options for both deleting or ending the course on the menu on the right side of the page. Click whichever one to end or delete your course.

How do I customize my canvas dashboard as a student?

0:003:09Customize your Canvas Dashboard - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAs you need to move a course higher in your list or further down this is accomplished by clickingMoreAs you need to move a course higher in your list or further down this is accomplished by clicking holding and dragging the course card to where you would like it to show up.

How do I organize my canvas dashboard?

How do I organize my Canvas Dashboard?Go to Courses, then select All Courses. This displays all of the courses on which you have an account.Click on the Star icon for each couse you want to display on your Dashboard. ... Go to your Dashboard.

How do I customize my canvas homepage?

How do I change the Course Home Page?Open Course. In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].Choose Home Page. In the Home Page sidebar, click the Choose Home Page button.Save Home Page Layout. Click the Save button.

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The Canvas Course Navigation Menu: A Brief Introduction

For both you and your students, the course navigation menu is your means of finding your way around your Canvas course site. However, the menu may not look the same for you and your students. When you view the course navigation menu of a site in which you are an instructor, you will note that some links are black, while others are light gray.

How to Customize Your Course Navigation Menu

1. To begin adjusting your course navigation menu, click on Settings in the course navigation menu, and choose the Navigation tab at the top.

Using Student View to Check Your Course Navigation Menu Organization

Once you have customized your course navigation menu to your liking, you can use Canvas’ Student View tool to look at your course site through the eyes of a student. This is an excellent way to make sure that your students will have access to the correct items in the course navigation menu.

More Information and Getting Help

If you need further assistance with customizing your course menu, or if you have any other questions, Academic Technology Solutions is happy to help. You can attend one of our walk-in sessions held in the TechBar of the Regenstein Library (see our workshop schedule for upcoming sessions), or contact us to schedule a consultation.

View Pages

Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course, if there is a front page selected. Click the View All Pages button to select a page from the Pages Index.

Edit Content

Edit the content on the page using the Rich Content Editor [1] or switch to HTML view to edit [2].

Save Changes

You can notify users that content has changed by selecting the Notify users that this content has changed checkbox [1]. Click the Save button [2].

How to customize navigation blocks?

Customize the icons used in the navigation blocks: Click on the icon next to the Navigation titles. A Custom Icons box will slide out on the left side of the DT menu. Use the search box in the Custom Icons box to find an icon that you want to use. Click on the icon you want to use to select it.

What is a design tool?

The Design Tools template comes with a few pre-labeled navigational links to various content in a course, such as a Syllabus link, Modules link, and a Start Here link. You can customize these navigational link titles to fit your own course needs. You can also add more or delete navigational links that you will not use.

Editing a Quiz Question in a Quiz

Go to your Canvas course, then select Quizzes in the course navigation.

Editing a Quiz Question in a Question Bank

Go to your Canvas course, then select Quizzes in the course navigation.
