business is bad, it’s murderous. but not for me, of course. where was this quote found

by Zaria Langworth 9 min read

What are some of the most famous quotations about murder?

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” “I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for.” “The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.”

Does Bad Company ruin good morals?

Bad company can lead you to do things that are not suitable for Christians. It can be an unbelieving boyfriend or girlfriend, it can be an ungodly family member, etc. Never forget peer pressure comes from bad and fake friends. It’s true and it will always be true “bad company ruins good morals.”

What does the Bible say about Bad Company?

Proverbs 16:29 A violent person entices his neighbor, and leads him down a path that is terrible. Bad company can also be listening to devilish music and watching things inappropriate for a Christian like pornography.

What does the title Death of Salesman mean to you?

The title also refers to the death of Willy's salesman dream—the dream to be financially successful and a father to hotshot sons. By the end of the play, Willy is flat broke and without a job. It's pretty clear that his dream of being a big-time salesman is already dead.

Who wrote Death of a Salesman?

Arthur MillerDeath of a Salesman / PlaywrightArthur Asher Miller was an American playwright, essayist and screenwriter in the 20th-century American theater. Among his most popular plays are All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, and A View from the Bridge. He wrote several screenplays and was most noted for his work on The Misfits. Wikipedia

What was Biff doing in the West before the play begins?

What was Biff doing in the West before the play begins? He was doing farm work out West.

What happens in Act 1 of Death of a Salesman?

Death of a Salesman begins in the home of Willy Loman. Willy returns home exhausted from his latest sales excursion. He worries because he is having difficulty remembering events, as well as staying focused on the present. His wife, Linda, reassures him that he is only suffering from mental fatigue.

What does the red 1928 Chevy represent in Death of a Salesman?

The car symbolizes Willy's struggle and eventual failure to achieve the American Dream. Nothing was ever as good as the dream of what it should have been. Chevrolet is an American car brand and was the kind of car that the character Willy Loman owned in the play Death of a Salesman.

What is the moral lesson of Death of a Salesman?

The play demonstrates how a person's self-perpetual denial can impact those around him, and include them. Ultimately, Willy's tragic end is the failure to realize the American dream (and a really bad case of sales burnout).

What is the Loman line?

When I was down in Florida last time, I thought of a great idea to sell sporting goods. It just came back to me. You and, Biff—we have a line, the Loman Line. We train a couple of weeks, and put on a couple of exhibitions, see? WILLY: That's an idea!

When did Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman?

1949Even though Death of a Salesman was written in 1949, it still speaks powerfully to audiences today. So there's a lot of information out there about the play.

What subject did Biff fail in high school Death of a Salesman?

Willy asks Bernard how he managed to succeed so well, while Biff did so poorly. According to Willy, Biff's life took a turn for the worse after the Ebbet's Field game. Bernard reminds Willy that Biff failed math, and as a result, he did not graduate. Bernard questions why Biff did not attend summer school.

What is the significance of the flute in Death of a Salesman?

The flute represents Willy, the protagonist's, memories of his father. As the play begins, flute music plays symbolizing Willy's overwhelming life as well as his abandonment issues. The flute appears again and portrays Willy's father's haunting him.

What is the point of view of the story The Death of a Salesman?

As such, at that moment, the point of view is external, and we are seeing things as they really are. It is only later, when the memories haunting Willy become physical characters on the stage, that we start seeing things from Willy's perspective.

What are 3 themes in Death of a Salesman?

Denial, contradiction, and the quest for order versus disorder comprise the three major themes of Death of a Salesman. All three themes work together to create a dreamlike atmosphere in which the audience watches a man's identity and mental stability slip away.

What are the issues with micromanagement?

One of the biggest issues with micromanagement is that it’s one-sided. Everything has to be done the manager’s way, which is probably why the aforementioned SHRM survey found that only 37 percent of employees participating said they were very satisfied with the respect and consideration their managers gave their ideas.

Is micromanagement bad for you?

The less control employees have, the lower the chances for unwanted surprises. But in reality, micromanaging is bad for employees and bad for company productivity.

What does Cardan say about murder?

Cardan gives us all a stern look, holding up a long-fingered hand with my stolen ruby ring still on one finger. “Someone tries to betray the High King, murder. Someone gives you a harsh look, murder. Someone disrespects you, murder. Someone ruins your laundry, murder. ”.

What is the conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud?

The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma. People who have survived atrocities often tell their stories in a highly emotional, contradictory, and fragmented manner that undermines their credibility and thereby serves the twin imperatives of truth-telling and secrecy. When the truth is finally recognized, survivors can begin their recovery. But far too often secrecy prevails, and the story of the traumatic event surfaces not as a verbal narrative but as a symptom.

Do atrocities have to be buried?

Atrocities, however, refuse to be buried. Equally as powerful as the desire to deny atrocities is the conviction that denial does not work. Folk wisdom is filled with ghosts who refuse to rest in their graves until their stories are told. Murder will out. Remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites both for the restoration of the social order and for the healing of individual victims.

What does Proverbs say about stealing?

9. Proverbs 1:11-16 They will say, “Come with us. Let’s ambush and kill someone; let’s attack some innocent people just for fun. Let’s swallow them alive, as death does; let’s swallow them whole, as the grave does. We will take all kinds of valuable things and fill our houses with stolen goods. Come join us, and we will share with you stolen goods.” My child, do not go along with them; do not do what they do. They are eager to do evil and are quick to kill.

Do Christians make friends with bad people?

Christians are to try to help others get saved, but if someone refuses to listen and continues in their evil ways watch out. It would be very wise not to make friends with bad people. Bad company can lead you to do things that are not suitable for Christians.

Is it true that bad company ruins good morals?

Never forget peer pressure comes from bad and fake friends. It’s true and it will always be true “ bad company ruins good morals.”.

Why is Biff angry?

Biff is angry not at having deceived others, but at having deceived himself. The humiliation at Oliver's office is a breaking point for him. After this experience, he seems determined to not deceive himself again.

What is Biff's struggle?

Biff desperately struggles to demand truth amid the chronic deception that his family maintains. He takes a stand against all the lies, leading to tragic consequences.

Did BIFF give me a couple of no's?

BIFF: Yeah, he gave me a couple of—no, no!
