berkeley what does w mean in course number

by Garnet Nikolaus 4 min read

The ‘W’ indicates that a course has been dropped between the 2nd and 10th week of a semester. A course that has been dropped with a ‘W’ does not impact your GPA calculation, and it is not uncommon for students to graduate with 1 or 2 W grades on their transcript.

R prefix designates courses that meet the Reading and Composition Requirement. W prefix designates courses that are offered online. (

Full Answer

What is Plus and minus grade UC Berkeley?

UC Berkeley Grade Definitions. Plus and minus grading: Only the grades of A, B, C and D may be modified by a plus (+) or minus (-) suffix. The grade of A+, when awarded, represents extraordinary achievement but does not receive grade point credit beyond that received for the grade of A.

What are the grades at UC Berkeley?

UC Berkeley Grade Definitions The work of all students on the Berkeley campus is reported in terms of the following grades: Plus and minus grading: Only the grades of A, B, C and D may be modified by a plus (+) or minus (-) suffix.

Can I register at Berkeley if I have incomplete grades?

If you have 12 units or more of outstanding incompletes on your record, you will not be allowed to register at Berkeley unless granted permission to do so by the College of Letters and Science. L&S may require that you complete some or all of your Incomplete grades before registering for another term.

How many units can you take at UC Berkeley in summer?

UC Berkeley Summer Sessions highly recommends a maximum of 10 units per session during the summer term. UC Berkeley students are encouraged to consult with their college or major advisers before exceeding the unit recommendation. Each letter grade you get for completing a course is equivalent to a certain number of grade points.

What is the AC suffix?

Why do we use prefixes?

What does C mean in a course?

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What does C mean in Berkeley classes?

cross-listed courseUse of prefixes for other purposes is not acceptable without special justification. COCI has assigned the following prefixes: C designates a cross-listed course.

What do the numbers mean on courses?

The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course. Courses numbered 0-99 are primarily designed for freshman and sophomore students.

What are course threads Berkeley?

A Course Thread is a series of three courses offered through multiple departments and disciplines. The classes in each series are related to one another by an intellectual theme. Any UC Berkeley undergraduate can complete a Course Thread and be eligible to receive a certificate.

What numbers are upper division courses UC Berkeley?

Upper division courses are numbered 100-199 and ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the given subject, or six terms of college work. Special study courses for undergraduates are numbered 199.

How do you read a course number?

Courses are designated by two numbers, separated by a colon. The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course.

What is the course code?

COURSE CODE: These identifiers are fairly general but provide enough specificity to identify the course's topic and to distinguish it from other courses in that Course Subject Area. Course Subject Area – the intended major subject category of the course. Each Course Subject Area is represented by a two-digit code.

How do you get course thread in V rising?

Coarse Thread is not a tailoring component that you can craft in your castle. You will need to seek this component out. Bandit Camps, Bandit Logging Camps, and Bandit Trapper Camps are the best places to find Coarse Thread. These will drop from enemies as well as be inside barrels and crates that you can destroy.

How do you know if a class is upper division Berkeley?

Upper-Division Undergraduate Courses (X100–X199) Extension course titles that include X100 through X199 signify upper-division instruction, which corresponds to third- and fourth-year college-level instruction.

What percentage is an A at UC Berkeley?

90-100%GRADING SYSTEMGradeGrade Point EquivalentPercentage EquivalentA4.0090-100%B+3.5085-89%B3.0080-84%C+2.5075-79%9 more rows

What is a passing grade at UC Berkeley?

When taken with the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading option, a student must earn a grade of B- or better to be considered passing. No more than one-third of your total course work prior to advancement to candidacy can be taken with the S/U grading option.

What is the difference between 200 and 300 level courses?

Lower-level courses are those at the 100-level and 200-level. Upper-level courses are those at the 300-level and 400-level. In addition, a 200-level course may be proposed to count as an upper-level course, particularly if it has a university-level prerequisite.

What is the difference between 300 and 400-level classes?

400-level classes often have a more focused thematic emphasis or chronological scope than 300-level courses. 400-level courses tend to have smaller enrollments. If cross-listed as 500-level courses, they will include graduate students who must do additional work to earn graduate credit.

What does a 400-level course mean?

400-level course designation Students have completed a substantial amount of work on the 300 level. 2. Students have the capacity to work independently under the guidance or supervision of an instructor.

What are 700 level courses?

700—900 or 7000—9000 level : This classes with this numbering correspond to Graduate level classes for MS, MBA or PhD. Masters classes are ideally in the range of 700 to 800. 900 level classes correspond to PhD and Thesis or research level classes and much advanced.

What is plus minus grading?

Plus and minus grading: Only the grades of A, B, C and D may be modified by a plus (+) or minus (-) suffix. The grade of A+, when awarded , represents extraordinary achievement but does not receive grade point credit beyond that received for the grade of A.

What is work in progress grade?

Work in progress; final grade to be assigned upon completion of entire course.

Can units be used to calculate GPA?

Failed, units will be included in computing your GPA, but will not be used toward satisfaction of unit requirements for the degree.

How long do you have to submit coursework to your instructor?

If your instructor has not provided you with a submission deadline, you must submit your work to your instructor at least 30 days prior to the instructor's grade replacement deadline. Instructors must submit the final grade by the deadline (above). Review the Office of the Registrar's information about Incomplete grades (link is external).

How to retain an I grade?

To retain an I grade permanently, submit a Petition to Retain an Incomplete Grade Permanently on Record within the deadline for completing the course. No approval is necessary, but consider carefully before choosing this course of action; it is irreversible, and courses with a permanently retained I grade cannot be taken again while at Cal.

How many incomplete grades can you keep on your record?

Retain/Freeze an Incomplete Grade. Up to two Incomplete grades can be retained permanently on the record (this is often called "freezing an incomplete"). This means instead of a final grade, or the Incomplete lapsing to an F, you will have a grade of “I” on your record.

What is an incomplete grade?

An Incomplete or I grade is meant to act as a placeholder grade. Once you finish your missing work, the instructor can assign you a final grade, which replaces the I grade in your record. Your grade will match the grading option you chose in the semester you started the course. Incomplete grades are opportunities to complete missing work for a course, not to re-do assignments that were already completed. Because of this, it is important to assess whether you feel you can finish a course with a grade you want before deciding on an Incomplete grade.

What happens if a semester does not yield grade points?

A semester that does not yield grade points will lead to academic probation. For example, if a student takes all courses on a pass/no pass basis, receives all incomplete grades, earns all IPs or NRs, or a combination of the above will fail to achieve a GPA and will be placed on probation.

What does "incomplete" mean on a transcript?

A grade of Incomplete (noted "I" on the transcript) may be assigned when a student in good standing in a course has completed and passed a majority of the work required for a course but, for reasons beyond the student's control, cannot complete the entire course.

Can an instructor give an incomplete grade?

Incomplete grades can only be granted by instructors and instructors are under no obligation to grant students an incomplete grade. In cases where an instructor agrees to assign an I grade, it is important to arrive at an agreement about exactly what is required in order to finish the course with the instructor.

How many units are required for summer sessions at UC Berkeley?

UC Berkeley Summer Sessions highly recommends a maximum of 10 units per session during the summer term. UC Berkeley students are encouraged to consult with their college or major advisers before exceeding the unit recommendation.

What is unit of credit in UC Berkeley?

Units of Credit. Most University courses are assigned a unit value. One unit represents three hours of work per week by the student, including both class attendance and preparation. Laboratory, discussion, quiz, or review sessions may or may not be given unit value. UC Berkeley is on the semester unit system; this means the main part ...

What is quarter unit?

Many other schools use the quarter unit system; this means the main part of the school year calendar (not including the summer session) is broken up into three parts called “quarters”. If you should ever need to convert semester units to quarter units, refer to this chart: Unit Conversion Chart. Semester. Quarter. 10.

Is I grade removed from GPA?

The I grade is not physically replaced or removed from the academic record. Completion of the work is reflected as a subsequent line entry on the record, and the units and grade points earned will be included in subsequent GPA computations.

Can you change the grading option on most letter graded courses?

You can change the grading option on most letter-graded courses. See this page on changing grading options.

Is IP considered final?

All grade s except I (Incomplete) and IP (In Progress) are considered final. Only courses with a passing grade will count toward degree requirements, unless otherwise specified. A course with an I or IP is not counted toward degree requirements until the I or IP is replaced by a passing grade.

What does "two semesters of probation" mean?

Two semesters of Progress Probation means the student will lose early priority to register at Cuesta College. Three semesters of Progress Probation means the student will be placed on dismissal (the Student will need to sit out the next term or attend a Dismissal Reinstatement Workshop).

What does it mean when a student drops a class?

Dropping a class means a student has chosen to unenroll in a course and no longer have to attend it. When a student drops from a course, they do not need to notify the instructor.

Why is dropping a class with a W good?

Why might dropping a class with a W be good? Dropping a class with a W will not affect a students GPA. If a student misses a deadline to drop with a W they will have to receive a grade, in most cases an F, which will affect their overall GPA. When students receive a C in a class and pass, they will be unable to repeat the course to get ...

How to drop a course on mycuesta?

To drop a course online, log in to myCuesta, click on the Student tab, then click on ‘Register Add/Drop Classes’ under Direct Links to Registration Services. Select the correct term (current term), then click ‘Submit.’. Once selected, one should be able to view their schedule. For the courses wanted to drop from, select ...

What is the EW symbol?

Title 5, section 55024 regulations allow for an Excused Withdrawal (EW) grading symbol. The purpose of the EW non-evaluative symbol is to permit a student to withdraw from a course for reasons beyond their control.

What does it mean to drop a course with a W?

Illustration by Guadalupe Angeles. Students may drop or withdraw from a course through the end of the twelfth week for a full-term course, or within 60% of a short term or Summer course and receive a “W for withdrawal symbol on their academic record.

How many units do you need to pass to get financial aid?

Students with financial aid must pass 67% of units attempted each term and cumulatively to maintain eligibility for federal student aid. All W’s will be included in the calculation under Financial Aid’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

What is the AC suffix?

The AC suffix has campus-wide significance. COCI has stipulated that, as of spring 1996, all courses meeting the American Cultures requirement are to be identified with the AC suffix. For new courses, use of the AC suffix supersedes the use of any other prefix or suffix.

Why do we use prefixes?

In general, the use of prefixes is reserved for the identification of courses that meet specific requirements or have characteristics that are of campus-wide significance to students and advisers. Use of prefixes for other purposes is not acceptable without special justification. COCI has assigned the following prefixes:

What does C mean in a course?

C designates a cross-listed course. See section 2.2.7 on Cross -Listed Courses.
