based on the relationship between drownings and ice cream sales, what can we conclude? course hero

by Mariane Ryan 8 min read

Married men live longer than single men

Statistics show that this is true, including in data from Harvard Health Publications. But it’s quite possible that the causal relationship is the other way around. Men who are healthy, rich and well educated and with a higher life expectancy may be more likely to find a wife (perhaps?).

Young children who sleep with the lights on are more likely to become short sighted

A study published in the May 13, 1999 edition of Nature found that babies younger than two years old who slept with the light on were at increased risk of developing myopia later in childhood. There was a clear correlation identified, and advice was given to parents to turn the lights off at night.

A child with higher self esteem will do better at school

In the 1970s researchers found a link between children who did well at school and those who have high self esteem. This research was presented to parents in a way that suggested to them that if they nurtured high self esteem in their children, good results would follow.

Why are scientific studies used?

Amid the national debate over how best to improve our nation’s public schools, data from scientific studies often are used (and misused) to bolster one argument or discredit another – about the effectiveness of charter schools, say, or the value of standardized testing.

Does ice cream cause drowning?

Ice cream doesn’t cause drowning and other warnings about interpreting data. Originally published December 4, 2013 at 6:00 am. By. John Higgins. Special to The Times. Amid the national debate over how best to improve our nation’s public schools, data from scientific studies often are used (and misused) to bolster one argument or discredit another – ...