attp 5-0.1, which is true regarding course of action development?

by Orpha Lindgren 9 min read

What is Step 6 of the course of action approval process?

*attp 5-0.1 Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. *This manual supersedes selected Appendices A through J …

What is Chapter 3 of the attP about?

ATP 5-0.1 is not the proponent publication (the authority) for any terms. ATP 5-0.1 applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the United States Army Reserve unless otherwise stated. The proponent of ATP 5-0.1 is Headquarters, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. The preparing agency

Which attP chapter discusses the military decisionmaking process?

17 May 2012 ADP 5-0 1 . ADP 5-0 staff’s role is to assist commanders with understanding situations, making and ... (ATTP 5-0.1 discusses the duties and responsibilities of the staff in detail.) ... course of action development. During execution, commanders describe …

What is the role of ADP 5-0 staff?

Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures ATTP 5-0.1 Commander and Staff Officer Guide September 2011: Author: United States Government US Army: Publisher: ISBN: 1300870877, 9781300870876 : Export Citation: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan

What are the five screening criteria which course of actions must meet?

There are five fundamental issues that must be considered when developing COAs. A valid COA should be suitable, feasible, acceptable, distinguishable and complete [1]. A COA is suitable if it is in alignment with commander's intent and will accomplish the mission when carried out successfully.

What is the purpose of the course of action approval or training brief to the next higher commander?

Training Briefing. Commanders brief the unit training plan to the next higher commander. This briefing formalizes the plan and the resources required to support it.

What are the 4 steps of IPB?

The IPB process consists of four steps:STEP 1: Define the battlefield environment.STEP 2: Describe the battlefield's effects.STEP 3: Evaluate the threat.STEP 4: Determine threat COAs. ... STEP 1: DEFINE THE BATTLEFIELD ENVIRONMENT. ... STEP 2: DESCRIBE THE BATTLEFIELD'S EFFECTS. ... STEP 3: EVALUATE THE THREAT.

What are the 5 paragraphs of an Opord Army?

An OPORD is formatted to organize an operation into five easily understood paragraphs: Situation, Mission, Execution, Sustainment (formerly Service and Support, currently referred to as Admin & Logistics by the US Marine Corps), and Command and Control. Higher echelon's OPORDs often contain extensive details.

What is the first step in course of action development?


What is a key purpose of a training meeting?

Training meetings are periodic meetings conducted by leaders to review past training, plan and prepare fu- ture training, and exchange timely training information between participants.

What are the five military aspects of weather?

(1) The five military aspects of the weather that concern intelligence support to operation planning are: temperature and humidity, precipitation, winds, clouds, and visibility.

What are the 8 forms of contact Army?

The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as “DINOCAVE” within the intelligence community).Apr 15, 2021

What is the 3 types of military intelligence?

A generic term including communication intelligence (COMINT), electronic intelligence (ELINT), and foreign instrumentation signals intelligence (FISINT).

What is the purpose of a 5 paragraph order?

FIVE PARAGRAPH ORDER FORMAT The purpose of the five-paragraph order is to issue an order in a clear and concise manner by a thorough orientation of the area of operations. A five-paragraph order gives subordinates the essential information needed to carry out the operation.

What is the 5 paragraph essay format?

The five-paragraph essay is a format of essay having five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with support and development, and one concluding paragraph. Because of this structure, it is also known as a hamburger essay, one three one, or a three-tier essay.

How do you write a 5 paragraph order?

The five paragraphs are: Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration and Logistics, and Command and Signal. Again, this format is commonly referred to and remembered by the acronym SMEAC. c.

What is the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state?

clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff , and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commander’s desire result withou furthor order, even when the operation does not unfold as planned. (JP 3-0)

What is the purpose of planning in the Army?

Planning is the art and science of understanding a situation, envisioning a desired future, and laying out effective ways of bringing that future about. Army leaders plan to create a common vision among subordinate commanders, staffs, and unified action partners for the successful execution of operations. Planning results in a plan or order that communicates this vision and directs actions to synchronize forces in time, space, and purpose for achieving objectives and accomplishing missions.

Why is time management important in planning?

Therefore, time management is important in planning. Whether done deliberately or rapidly, all planning requires the skillful use of available time to optimize planning and preparation throughout the unit. Taking more time to plan often results in greater synchronization; however, any delay in execution risks yielding the initiative—with more time to prepare and act—to the enemy. When allocating planning time to the staff, commanders must ensure subordinates have enough time to plan and prepare their own actions prior to execution. Commanders follow the “one-third—two-thirds rule” as a guide to allocate time available. They use one-third of the time available before execution for their planning and allocate the remaining two-thirds of the time available before execution to their subordinates for planning and preparation.

What is the commander's visualization?

Collectively, this is known as commander's visualization—themental process of developing situational understanding, determining a desired end state, and envisioning an operational approach by which the force will achieve that end state.

What is critical thinking in the military?

Critical thinking is purposeful and reflective judgment about what to believe or what to do in response to observations, experience, verbal or written expressions, or arguments. Creative thinking involves creating something new or original. Creative thinking leads to new insights, novel approaches, fresh perspectives, and new ways of understanding and conceiving things.

What is operational art?

26. Operational art is the cognitive approach by commanders and staffs—supported by their skill, knowledge, experience, creativity, and judgment— to develop strategies, campaigns, and operations to organize and employ military forces by integrating ends, ways, and means (JP 3-0). Operational art guides the conceptual and detailed aspects of planning to produce executable plans and orders. Operational art applies to all aspects of operations and integrates ends, ways, and means, while accounting for risk and opportunities, across the levels of war.

What is the military decision making process?

The military decisionmaking process is an iterative planning methodology to understand the situation and mission, develop a course of action, and produce an operation plan or order. The MDMP combines the conceptual and detailed aspects of planning and integrates the activities of the commander, staff, subordinate headquarters, and other partners throughout the planning process. The MDMP helps leaders apply thoroughness, clarity, sound judgment, logic, and professional knowledge to understand situations, develop options to solve problems, and reach decisions. The MDMP results in an improved understanding of the situation and a plan or order that guides the force through preparation and execution.

What are the outputs of Army design methodology?

Key outputs of Army design methodology conveyed in text and graphics include the problem statement, initial commander’s intent, and planning guidance to include an operational approach.

When the rehearsal director determines that a particular enemy movement or reaction is complete, what is the commander's role

When the rehearsal director determines that a particular enemy movement or reaction is complete, the commander assesses the situation to determine if a decision point has been reached. Decision points are taken directly from the decision support template.

Why is trust important in operations?

Gaining and maintaining the trust of key actors are an important aspect of operations. Faced with the many different actors (individuals, organizations, and the public) connected with the operation, commanders identify and engage those actors who matter to operational success. These actors’ behaviors can help solve or complicate the friendly forces’ challenges as commanders strive to accomplish missions .

What is the success of a unit?

Historically, a unit’s success is directly related to the ability of the staff to execute the military decisionmaking process (MDMP). Given the increased complexity of today’s operational environment and the vast array of mission command systems and processes, integration and synchronization of all activities associated with operations are increasingly difficult.

How do planners create a task organization?

After determining the broad concept, planners create a task organization by assigning headquarters to groupings of forces. They consider the types of units for assignment to a headquarters and the ability of that headquarters to control those units. Generally, a headquarters controls at least two subordinate maneuver units (but not more than five) for fast-paced offensive or defensive operations. The number and type of units assigned to a headquarters for stability operations will vary based on factors of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations. If planners need additional headquarters, they note the shortage and resolve it later.

Why is comparison of COAs important?

The staff may use any technique that facilitates developing those key outputs and recommendations and helping the commander make the best decision. A common technique is the decision matrix.

What is the purpose of framing an operational environment?

This framing facilitates hypothesizing, or modeling, that focuses on the part of the operational environment under consideration . Framing provides a perspective from which commanders can understand and act on a problem.