asu what is a junior/ senior level course?

by Viva Dicki 5 min read

At ASU, the signal processing and communications curriculum (Fig. 1 – right hand side) includes four undergraduate courses, i.e., the required junior-level signals and systems (EEE 303) and random signal analysis (EEE 350), and the senior electives digital signal processing (EEE 407) and communication systems (EEE 455).

Full Answer

What is a junior/senior GPA?

Your junior/senior grade point average, or GPA, is the combined GPA of the last two years of your undergraduate studies — your junior and senior years. You can calculate your junior/senior GPA by using the last 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours prior to receiving your bachelor’s degree. If you hold two bachelor’s degrees, use the credit hours from your first degree to calculate your …

Can I Change my Major after I start classes at ASU?

Junior: 56 to 86 credit hours earned: Senior: 87 or more credit hours earned: Graduate: bachelor's degree from accredited institution

How do I select my Major or minor at ASU?

Junior/senior GPA refers to the last two years or 60 semester credit hours of your undergraduate work. If you have not yet finished your undergraduate degree, you can either estimate what your GPA will be in your final year if you are certain what your grades will be and calculate your junior/senior GPA that way, or you can use your last 60 semester credit hours of your …

How do you calculate Junior/Senior average with multiple degrees?

Create your future in analytics as a junior. Our analytics community will provide you with on-demand career support and direction at every stage of your career management journey. Bookmark this page and return throughout the year to see what you need to …

How many credits is considered a junior ASU?

Class standingStudentCredit Hours EarnedFreshman24 or fewer credit hours earnedSophomore25 to 55 credit hours earnedJunior56 to 86 credit hours earnedSenior87 or more credit hours earned1 more row

What is an O course at ASU?

An iCourse is an internet-based course that can be taken by on-ground students only. An oCourse is an internet-based course that can only be taken by students who belong to the ASU Online Campus.

What is considered upper-division courses ASU?

Upper-division courses, numbered from 300 to 499, are designed primarily for juniors and seniors. Prerequisites and other restrictions should be noted before registration. Courses at the 400 level apply to graduate degree requirements for some graduate programs when approved by the Graduate College.

How are college courses classified?

Student classification refers to the familiar names for the four undergraduate years: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Your classification is not determined by the number of years of college coursework you have taken but by the number of semester hours you have earned.

What classes are electives at ASU?

Art, dance, design, digital culture, film, music and theatre classes are available to all ASU students. Several courses fulfill CS, HU or L general studies designations and awareness area requirements for C, CS, H, HU, G, L or SB. Whatever your interests, the Herberger Institute has the classes that fit your needs!

What does upper division mean?

In contrast, 300- and 400-level classes are considered upper division. These courses are primarily for juniors and seniors. Courses numbered 500 or higher typically represent graduate-level classes.Oct 25, 2021

What is the minimum GPA required by WP Carey?

An overall, unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 in competency courses defined by ASU (4.0 = A)

What does no graduate credit mean ASU?

NC = no credit (for a non–letter–graded course equivalent to a “B” or less for graduate and less than “C–” for undergraduate) P = pass (passing grade equivalent to a “B” or 3.0 quality or better for graduate and “C–” or 1.7 for an undergraduate credit course taken on a Pass/No Pass basis)

What is the minimum GPA for ASU?

To be admitted to ASU, you will need one of the following: 3.00 GPA in competency courses (4.00 = "A") ACT: 22 (24 nonresidents) SAT: 1120 (1180 nonresidents)

How does Arizona State University rank compared to other universities?

Arizona State University ranks highly compared to other universities, and many ASU programs rank highly compared to other universities' programs. A...

What is the student-to-faculty ratio at ASU?

ASU strives to keep class sizes as small as possible. The student-to-faculty ratio at ASU is 18-to-1.

What is ASU’s total student population?

ASU’s four campuses in metropolitan Phoenix are home to 71,800+ students as of fall 2017.

Where is ASU located?

ASU is located in the metro Phoenix area of Arizona, in the southwest region of the United States. The university is about a six hour drive (or one...

What is the total cost of attending ASU?

Cost of attendance varies for in-state (resident), out-of-state (non resident), international and graduate students.

What are ASU’s SAT and ACT school codes?

SAT: 4007 ACT: 0088

What are Arizona’s residency requirements?

Being declared a resident by the state of Arizona differs from being considered a resident for tuition purposes by ASU. University Registrar Servic...

What are the ASU undergraduate admission application deadlines?

Each year, the deadline to apply for spring admission is Nov. 1 and for fall admission, the deadline is May 1. For summer admission, the deadline i...

How can I tell if my ASU admission application is complete?

Within a few days you will receive an email with instructions on how to log in to your My ASU. My ASU is where you can monitor the status of your a...

How long does it take to receive an undergraduate admission decision from ASU?

Once we have received a complete application, including paid application fee and official transcripts, undergraduate students should receive an adm...

What is the cumulative GPA for ASU?

Upon completion of the term, students with a combined semester cumulative GPA of 2.50 may continue regular enrollment at ASU. Parameters regarding the number of co-enrolled hours required are at the discretion of each college or school.

What is academic probation?

A student’s college assumes responsibility for enforcing academic standards and may place on university academic probation any student who has failed to maintain good standing as previously defined. For purposes of probation and retention, an individual college may set higher GPA standards. A student on academic probation is required to observe any rules or limitations the college may impose as a condition for retention, including college-established policies regarding continuing probation.

What happens if you are placed on probation?

A student who is placed on probation at the end of a semester is subject to disqualification by the college or school at the end of the following semester if the conditions imposed for retention are not met.

Can you re-enter ASU if you are not enrolled?

Students not eligible for Quick Re-entry (i.e., because they have not been enrolled at ASU for seven or more semesters, completed their academic program or were academically disqualified) must apply for readmission and submit applicable fees.

What is transfer student at ASU?

At ASU, a transfer student is anyone applying for admission who has attended another college or university and has completed 12 or more transferable credits post-high school, at the time of application. If you are completing college courses while in high school you are considered a freshman and not a transfer student.

How long does it take to get into ASU?

It may take approximately two to six weeks to receive an admission decision once all requested materials are received.

Where is ASU located?

ASU is located in the metro Phoenix area of Arizona, in the southwest region of the United States. The university is about a six hour drive (or one hour flight) from Los Angeles and five hour drive (or 50 minute flight) from Las Vegas.

Does ASU have housing?

Yes, ASU has housing devoted specifically to upper-division students and strongly encourages all students to live on campus during their first year at ASU. For more information, please refer to University Housing. There are also a variety of off-campus housing options in close proximity to ASU’s campuses.

Is Arizona State University a top university?

Arizona State University ranks highly compared to other universities, and many ASU programs rank highly compared to other universities' programs. ASU has been named #1 in the U.S. for innovation for the third consecutive year, ahead of Stanford and MIT, according to U.S. News & World Report. ASU is a top world university according to ...
